Stilian Keli


Dealer #1
Nicky, a young ambitious and confident pure blooded motorcyclist. He always puts his life on the line while racing, not for the money but for kicks, respect and fame. When he gets into an accident, his world crumbles apart, not sure whether he’ll ever be able to race again. He has trouble accepting this new life and turns to his sister-in-law Vero and her son Charlie to start over. But the adrenaline junkie inside him rears his ugly head and Nicky tries relive his dream by coaching his nephew Charlie. It quickly becomes clear though, that they’re not cut from the same cloth.
Torpedo: U-235
German Navy Soldier
Uma equipe de combatentes da resistência belga sequestra um submarino alemão durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial para trazer urânio, do então Congo Belga até Nova York, necessário para o Projeto Manhattan.
Aranha na Teia
A história segue um agente secreto, uma vez elogiado, mas muito velho, Adereth (Ben Kingsley), que é considerado passado por seus superiores. As estrelas de Itay Tiran (“Líbano”), uma jovem operadora enviada para rastrear o personagem enigmático de Adereth e Bellucci, encobre as linhas, como quem está caçando, quem se torna a questão em um mundo de intriga e decepção.
The Albanian Aleksander decides to go to the harbor together with his brother, they are going to Rotterdam to work there. But what if they didn't got the same destination.