Basilio lives in an abandoned villa in Sicily with his mysterious elderly mentor Casimir who is to help him find true poetry. In this villa, he tries to translate the symbols of his inner world into music. One day, Basilio meets equally strange Karla whose life already seems mysteriously intertwined with his. The symbolism of the world around them leads to an unexpected discovery.
Affected by a neurodegenerative disease, Guillaume will finish losing his memory in a specialized center. In the hope of leaving him a happy memory, his childhood friends organize a last weekend of festivities, under the sign of good wine. But if Guillaume can place the same order at the bar three times, some wounds from his past are still open. Accompanied by his friends, he decides to embark on a road trip that will perhaps allow him to solve his problems before he forgets them...
An animated adaptation from Misérable Miracle by Henri Michaux (1956), on his experiences with mescaline.
Ida lives on a sailing yacht with a crew of five men. While on shore leave in Marseilles, she becomes fascinated with the French Foreign Legion and decides to sail to Sidi Bel Abbès, the Legion's former headquarters in Algeria.
Commandant de Royer
The journey of Christian Lafayette, a French soldier who, in the aftermath of a murderous ambush in Afghanistan, has returned to France. Soon mixed up in trafficking opium with Mounir, his brother-in-arms who was wounded in the ambush, Lafayette, a foster child, and tormented war hero, chooses a new family and life – a criminal’s life. To escape this vicious circle of violence, Christian has to learn how to love.
Tralala, a 48-year-old singer-composer, is an homeless in Paris. One evening, he believes he's meeting the Blessed Virgin who says to him before disappearing : "Above all, do not be yourself".
Maurice Sanders
Maurice Sanders has a gift. He's a nipple whisperer. Once he was known as "Magic Sandy". But that was years ago, before Doris, a famous model and Sander's muse, fell ill. Now, after more than a decade, Doris wants to meet Maurice again.
Um jovem é enviado para "La Maca", uma prisão da Costa do Marfim no meio de uma floresta governada por seus prisioneiros. Com a lua vermelha nascendo, ele é designado pelo chefe para ser o novo "romano" e deve contar uma história aos outros prisioneiros.
Le politicien
Na gelada São Petersburgo, um ladrãozinho barato conquista o coração da filha de um aristocrata, mas esse romance não vai ser nada fácil.
Yuri, 16, viveu toda a sua vida em Gagarin Towers, um vasto projeto habitacional de tijolos vermelhos nos arredores de Paris. Ele sonha em se tornar um astronauta. Quando os planos de demolir as Torres Gagarin vazam, Yuri se junta à resistência. Com seus amigos Diana e Houssam, ele embarca em uma missão para salvar sua casa, que se tornou sua “nave estelar”.
Le Narrateur
It all happened on a dark night. The Man was tired of being a stranger, tired of being insulted by others simply because he speaks Arabic to a wife who speaks French with their beloved mixed race son. He looked at the sky and shouted. But that night, far in the cosmos, a voice answered.
The story revolves around the characters of Tess and Anatole. Barely of age, but not exactly adults, they still know nothing of love. Anatole sleeps wherever he is able while waiting for a stable job to come along, whereas Tess is about to start preparatory classes in Paris. They first meet in the surroundings of a port in decline, like a symbol of a country that is suffocating but which still has something to say. He has a tent, she has a car: together they will criss-cross the country’s roads and draw out the summer, to ensure they never forget.
A man follows a group of workers coming for daywork in an industrial area. Soon, he’s stripped from his clothes and identity, dressed in a military uniform and armed. His determination not to fall behind the others is then tested by a series of unsettling events.
Psychedelic punk drama about one city, one man and his madness.
Monsieur Loyal
Motorista do trem, Nurlan está indo para Baku pela última vez antes da aposentadoria. A caminho dos bairros da cidade, o veículo sem querer pega um sutiã azul em um varal. Nurlan então embarca em uma jornada: encontrar a dona dessa peça de roupa.
Todas as garotas do time de vôlei Os Falcões acabam encalhados no meio do nada depois que sua mini-van quebra. Mal sabem eles que desembarcaram em território de caçadores degenerados e a caça continua. Assim começa uma noite muito longa, onde eles devem correr por suas vidas e testar seu espírito de equipe. Mas as meninas são mais engenhosas do que parecem. No coração da floresta, as mesas estão prestes a se alternar entre caçadores e caçadores...
1950s America. Since his mother‘s confinement to an institution, Andy has lived in the shadow of his stoic father. A family acquaintance, Dr. Wallace Fiennes, employs the introverted young man as a photographer to document an asylum tour advocating for his increasingly controversial lobotomy procedure.
Women and men are lost in their thoughts at random hours of the day and streets of the city. From this sudden intimacy, the murmurs of their little inner voice let us hear the anxieties of love.
Sob o reinado de Napoleão, François Vidocq, o único homem que escapou da maior colônia penal do país, é uma lenda do fundo parisiense. Deixado para morrer depois de sua última fuga espetacular, o ex-prisioneiro da colônia penal tenta fazê-lo esquecer sob as características de um único operador.
Ophélie, a very imaginative girl, lives with her father in a mobile home. One day, she is haunted by a terrifying imaginary friend, Scaramouche.
Em 1789, sob o reinado de Luís XVI, o povo francês rebela-se contra a monarquia e exige uma transformação na sociedade baseada nos princípios de liberdade, igualdade e fraternidade. A Revolução em Paris, cruza os destinos de homens e de mulheres comuns com figuras históricas. No coração da história, há o destino do rei e o surgimento da República.
Doctor de Chomo
An isolated village welcomes a new miller with open arms. Problem is, the man howls at the moon every night. His integration is starting well… French comedy at its best.
Fisherman Poet
1981, Quiberon, uma pequena cidade na costa de Bretanha, na França. Hilde Fritsch chega para visitar a uma velha amiga, que foi morar em um hotel com spa para fugir das pressões diárias da sua vida.
Depois de acordar para se encontrar sozinho em um apartamento onde uma grande festa estava sendo realizada na noite anterior, Sam é imediatamente forçado a enfrentar uma realidade aterradora: os mortos vivos invadiram as ruas de Paris.
Damien Nadeau-Daneau, a young filmaker, is unable to finish a movie he started with french actor Denis Lavant. Indebted, he’s working at a post-production company, far from his artistic ideals. On the eve of his 33rd birthday, he is self-centered, unsatisfied, and lost in his own life. With no drama of his own, he is confronted with that of others who he meets over the course of his life. He will discover that reality is way more interesting than fiction.
A silent fisherman in Texas, a blazing oil field in North Dakota, a mysterious community in Virginia, a women’s prison in Oregon, and a modernist home in California are the ostensible subjects of Austin Lynch and Matthew Booth’s new feature, GRAY HOUSE. But as meditations upon nature, isolation, decadence, and destitution, they are flawless conduits for seamless blends of documentary and narrative form, and stunning explorations of sound, image, and cinematic time. Mysterious and elusive, yet possessing an aesthetic and sensory unity (appearances by Denis Lavant, Aurore Clément, and Dianna Molzan mix with direct addresses from real-life laborers and inmates), GRAY HOUSE quietly recalibrates one’s sense of the world and our place within it.
Chiron, le centaure
A woman of Turkish ascent, following ancient Anatolian healing rites, dreams her way through fragments of memory, both personal and collective. Guided by a mythological character, Kheiron the Centaur, she travels freely between the ruins of an ancient Roman hospital and the streets of a mountain village, high above the river Euphrates. Time and space become dislocated, opening up passages between worlds. An inner experience translated into a film poem, KAZARKEN explores memory as a place of struggle against oblivion and the violence of hidden history.
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
1948 - Louis-Ferdinand Céline in Denmark, in exile, accused of collaboration with the Nazis during the occupation of the France. He is accompanied by Lucette, his wife and his cat Bebert.
Living somewhere in present-day Quebec, Boris Malinowski has achieved all his goals. A freethinker, open-minded and proud, he also displays a certain arrogance when it comes to his successes. For some time now, his wife Béatrice, a Canadian government minister, has been bedridden, suffering from a mysterious depression. To escape from his wife’s agony, Boris begins a relationship with a colleague, Helga, and gets close to Klara, a young woman who works as a maid in Boris’s home. The sudden appearance of a stranger in his life forces Boris to come face-to-face with the world, with everything he takes for granted, with all his certainties.
Lottery Ticket Seller
Losing his memory after a mugging, a man known only as 'MP' (Missing Person) leaves his home and sets out on a journey - in search not only for his memory but perhaps also for a new identity. MP finds himself confronted by a world in which there are no longer any certainties; an era of crisis on many levels. On his travels from country to country, portrayed via an associative image montage and through a series of strange, illuminating, sometimes comic encounters, MP attempts to gain insight into the complexity of life in the 21st-century West - into what commentators have called an age of 'rolling catastrophe'.
During the height of summer, Caroline, a forty-year-old Parisian and mother, arrives in a small village in the south of France. She must hastily organize the funeral of her mother, a flighty lawyer, whom she barely used to see. Caroline is welcomed by Pattie, who likes to talk about her love affairs with the local men to anyone who'll listen. Then, while the whole valley gets ready for the traditional mid-summer dance, Caroline's mother's corpse mysteriously disappears...
Em 1952, Evita Péron, a Primeira Dama da Argentina, morre de câncer, aos 33 anos de idade e seu corpo é embalsamado. Três anos depois, o presidente Juan Perón sofre um golpe de estado e o corpo de Evita é enviado para a Europa, com o intuito de apagar o legado dela da memória popular. Seu corpo então vira o centro de um confronto de poder que dura vinte e cinco anos.
O jovem jornalista Sebastian Zöllner está escrevendo um artigo sobre o biografia do pintor Manuel Kaminski, um artista esquecido que vive sozinho nos Alpes. Para levantar sua carreira, Zöllner tem o plano de publicar o livro, mas apenas quando Kaminski falecer, a fim de lucrar com as vendas.
A soulful examination of two defeated middle-aged characters who aren't sure that life holds the possibility of a second act.
Jacques Austerlitz
“You buy a book. You don’t really know why. It lies around, and then one day you open it, almost absentmindedly. And there you are, facing your own innermost secrets.” So begins Stan Neumann’s cinematic adaptation of W.G. Sebald’s award-winning novel, Austerlitz. The vaulted and majestic space of the railway station in Antwerp is where our journey really starts with actor Denis Lavant (Holy Motors) addressing the camera directly, and musing on the curious nature of railway stations. This bravura opening is startling, charming, and like the unnamed narrator of the book, you surrender to the proceedings and perambulate alongside Lavant, as he journeys through the great buildings of Europe, faded and shuttered hotels and grand colonnades with broken windows.
At the end of the road lies a track, the very last, a track swamped with the mud of a Siberian autumn, and at the end of this track lies a vast, dark forest which secretes those who have made this their final refuge, in hamlets that fray a little more with every passing day, sapped by misery and alcohol. We have to travel as far as we can, and be prepared to fall into the ditch, to see what makes us human.
Pierre Schulmann
Julien Schulmann is a comedian. He has just lost his father, a Polish Jew and extermination camp survivor. Before he died, his father left a "will" in which he requested that his other son, Pierre, who hasn't been heard from for two years, spread his ashes in Poland. His father's preference comes as a rude shock for Julien, and it opens a chasm inside him, slowly bringing to light an unspeakable secret.
The director of a department store is murdered. He is discovered in a park, a bunch of daffodils on his chest.
He was called the Champion of Champions. The strength and strong-willed character Poddubniy composed legends. And 50 great fighter effortlessly overcame young athletes, and questions of honor and justice did not know compromises. And only love could put Russian Heroes on both blades
Em um bairro pobre de Taipei, mora um homem na faixa dos quarenta anos, desempregado, com seus dois filhos. Sem emprego e abandonado pela esposa, ele enfrenta grandes dificuldades para satisfazer as necessidades de seus filhos. Um dia, ao levar seus filhos para passearem no shopping, ele conhece Xiao Lu por quem se envolve. No entanto, as lembranças da sua ex-mulher podem afetar seu novo relacionamento.
The image of a mysterious, solitary filmmaker - a cineaste maudit - who flees from both the media and the public, is unrelentingly bound to the figure of Leos Carax, in France. Elsewhere, the real focus is on his films and he is considered to be an icon of world cinema. Mr.X dives into the poetic and visionary world of an artist who was already a cult figure from his very first film. Punctuated by interviews and unseen footage, this documentary is most of all a fine-tuned exploration of the poetic and visionary world of Leos Carax, alias "Mr.X".
Otto Hoffmann
In the near future, most people get a "cricket" implanted in their brains : an electronic chip which allows them to switch to an "automatic mode" whenever they wish to.
The Theologist
No século 16, um vendedor de cavalos vive uma vida tranquila e próspera, até ser maltratado por um nobre poderoso. Decidido a reconquistar sua honra e seus direitos, ele monta um exército de plebeus e declara guerra contra o injusto soberano.
Documentary about the the film critic and filmmaker Jean-Claude Biette.
Denis Lavant reads long passages from Luis Buñuel's semi-autobiographical "My Last Sigh". From this text, without film excerpts, Laurence Garret travels in the footsteps of Buñuel, from Calanda to Zaragoza, Madrid to Toledo, Spain to Mexico.
In cities like Paris there are countless people from Eastern Europe who have forsaken their homelands because they can see no future there. Lucia and her little daughter Marussia are two such people. They have been thrown out by the Russian acquaintances they were staying with and must tramp the streets with their trolley suitcases searching for somewhere else to live. A Russian Orthodox priest offers them their first night's shelter. They spend the second night in a homeless hostel and party through the third with a chance acquaintance. On the fourth night they sleep clandestinely in a cinema and on the fifth with a Russian artist in a hotel … Lucia is good-looking, dresses elegantly and is certainly not shy of men. This serves the mother and her daughter well. In spite of all the uncertainties in their lives, the two frequently share tender moments.
Marcel Dassault
Late 1950s, the CIA Office in New York after viewing the footage shot by their agent, investigators are puzzled how Marcel Dassault, the French engineer, he managed to build better than their planes? Order of the White House, four officers flew to Paris. Their mission: to solve the mystery Dassault. This man has a unique course because besides being a genius of aviation, it is also patron of the press, arms dealer, MP ...
A making-of documentary of Leos Carax's Holy Motors. Present during the shoot, Salomé catches exacting and inspiring moments of the production and adds interviews with its main participants (the actors Denis Lavant, Edith Scob, and Kylie Minogue, and the cinematographer, Caroline Champetier).
A small circus arrives in a coastal area of the North Sea: the place looks rather eerie and the audience is quite scarce. But despite all of this, the life of the performers is animated by feelings born under the circus tent, and which are often lived out in the secret of their trailers. The ballerina Angèle has an affair with Elliot, the company's clown who is tormented by his conscience; but she is also courted by Heroy, the circus director; he is a cruel and potentially dangerous man who is willing to win her over by resorting to the powers of the magician Zephyr.
Mr. Oscar / Banker / Beggar / Father / Accordionist / Killer
O senhor Oscar parece um importante executivo indo para o escritório ao entrar em sua limusine, mas seu "trabalho" real é um pouco mais complexo: ele tem uma série de compromissos durante o dia, onde encarna personagens, desde uma idosa pedinte, um milionário em estado terminal, até um assassino frio. O objetivo e a motivação de Oscar, no entanto, são misteriosos.
Jean Kepler
During the summer of the year 1610 one of the first telescopes made by Galileo ends up in the hands of Jean Kepler in Prague who at the time was the astronomer of Emperor Rudolp II. Kepler observes the night-sky as nobody has seen it before him. His observation platform becomes the meeting place of Prague's imperial court. In this entourage Kepler separates science from superstition, freedom from intolerance.
Two cowboys look for a bullet in the desert.
The ogre
Children encounter a kid-eating ogre.
Young Violetta and her mother Hannah are a peculiar couple. Ten-year-old Violetta lives a quiet life with her grandmother, while her mother Hannah is an unpredictable photographer who lives off of the generosity of others. When Hannah forces her daughter to pose as a model, Violetta finds her life with her loving grandmother turned upside down.The resulting pictures quickly become a sensation for the trendy 70's Paris art scene, and Violetta finds herself caught in between her new stature as an art muse and her dull childhood.
On April 15, 1912, Jack L., radio operator on a military vessel, reported an SOS signal from the Titanic. He was ordered by command control not to reveal this information. Later in classified military archives Jack L. found information that radio messages from the Titanic appeared on the airwaves every 6 years in 1918, 1924, 1930, 1942... 1996, and 2002. Ever since Jack L. went on air for radio contact with the Titanic every 6 years. Saving the Titanic became the purpose and the goal of his life.
Separated at the birth of his mother who has only time to entrust to a member of his family, Guillaume de Villon, when he should have been killed, François will as well go to the ill-known taverns of the Latin Quarter that the Court of the Duke of Orleans, passing by the benches of the university. This marvelous poet at the same time as a scoundrel of morality will have a life where fights, robberies, imprisonments and final banishment will be linked. Leaving Paris, Villon will disappear.
Count Dionysos Korzybski
A mid-level manager who develops an aversion to being a good person questions his morality as he faces the challenges of middle age and loses control of his life.
A clip by Leos Carax, inspired by his film "Merde" (part of the feature film "Tokyo!'), with Denis Lavant singing in Merdogon.
A documentary portrait of the filmmaker Harmony Korine during the production of his third feature film, Mister Lonely (2007). Shot on location in Scotland, Paris, and Panama, each chapter presents the production process and the causal, day-to-day absurdities of the actor/impersonators featured in Mister Lonely. Throughout the process, as Harmony reveals his thoughts on the film he also reveals a part of himself.
Cowboys aren't afraid to die. Their death, always spectacular, is the grand finale of a tragic destiny. But when a cowboy messes up his exit, when he seems to hesitate awkwardly between life and death, the Western turns to the absurd.
Charlie Chaplin
Em Paris, jovem americano (Luna) que trabalha como sósia de Michael Jackson conhece uma garota (Morton) que imita Marilyn Monroe. Entre eles nasce uma grande atração e logo ela o convida para se juntar ao grupo dela, do qual fazem parte Charlie Chaplin (Lavant) e Shirley Temple.
Merde' (segment "Merde")
Os diretores Michel Gondry, Bong Joon-ho e Leos Carax dirigem, cada um, um segmento deste tríptico sobre a vida em Tóquio do século XXI.
Capitaine Achab
When Ahab's mother dies in childbirth, the infant's gruff father places his son in the care of his pious aunt. It is Rose who sparks the imagination of the young boy by teaching him to read the Bible, though when Ahab is reclaimed by his father a decade later the growing boy strives to become a hunter like his old man. Later, after Ahab warms to his father's lover Louise, the old man dies and the boy is sent back to his God-fearing aunt. Rejecting Rose and her abusive husband Henry's unforginv brand of discipline and infuriated that his aunt confiscated the locket given to him by Louise, young Ahab boldly stages his own kidnapping as an ingenious escape plan.
What if the unexpected becomes your faith? Would you lay claim to it and stay or would you run away? International Performer Yasar Nur has arrived in London the night before her concert and a few days away from the New Year. A formidable destination for Yasar, and one that will resurface a history best left forgotten, on a night that can change it all. Pain, responsibility, decision and courage get Yasar through the night in her hotel room where communication becomes hope for everyone involved. What will happen when an old friend is forced to give Yasar a great responsibility she may be unable to handle, or when a disturbed and powerful fan decides to change his life by meeting his obsession face to face, or when a disheartened husband makes a drastic decision to end his pain and set his wife free? The actions of one young man will bring these characters together and force them to communicate firstly with themselves, and then with each other, and only some will survive
A tranquil campground in rural France is the backdrop for this erotic sizzler between beautiful teenager Camille and down on his luck ex con, Blaise. Fresh out of prison, Blaise accepts a job as sailing instructor at the camp. Haunted by violent nightmares and reminded daily of his estranged wife and children, Blaise tries mightily to resist Camille’s charms. But the girl’s spontaneity and nubile sexuality awaken Blaise’s own repressed capacity for life.
Narrator (voice)
Victor Klemperer (1881-1960), a professor of literature in Dresden, was Jewish; through the efforts of his wife, he survived the war. From 1933 when Hitler came to power to the war's end, he kept a journal paying attention to the Nazis' use of words. This film takes the end of 1945 as its vantage point, with a narrator looking back as if Klemperer reads from his journal. He examines the use of simple words like "folk," "eternal," and "to live." Interspersed are personal photographs, newsreel footage of Reich leaders and of life in Germany then, and a few other narrative devices. Although he's dispassionate, Klemperer's fear and dread resonate
Mathilde (Audrey Tautou) e Manech (Gaspard Ulliel) cresceram juntos e descobriram o amor. A 1ª Guerra Mundial os separa. Ao fim da guerra Mathilde faz uma incansável busca para encontrar Manech.
This program of short films by Vincent Ravalec (Never twice, Le Masseur and Les Mots de l'amour) deals with themes such as desire and death through the journey of a group of characters.
Obsession and doubt control four friends' relationship.
Le joker
Désirée, a black girl, is nicknamed "The Shark" by her friends. This nickname comes from her strong rebellion and her ability to win in the suburban city, dominated by the power of boys.
Uma trupe de jovens e belos atores segue pela estrada. Logo chegarão num enorme e assombroso castelo, onde vão encenar uma peça para um garoto solitário e seu avô, um homem sinistro, que parece devorar as pessoas com os olhos.
A noite segue calma nesse ambiente arrepiante, mas aos poucos uma onde de terror se espalha. alguém vestido com a fantasia de lobo usada na peça começa a atacar um a um.
Set in a dilapidated indoor swimming pool (the Central Baths in Sofia), the film details the efforts of Anton, a clueless dreamer who yearns to sail the world, and Martha, the button obsessed cashier, to maintain the illusion for Anton's blind father that business is thriving. Working to sabotage their efforts is Gregor - Anton's brother - an amoral developer who is determined to raze the entire town and construct a sprawling condominium complex. Gregor engineers an accident that seems certain to doom the business and in the process steals away Eva, the beautiful woman of Anton's dreams. Will Gregor's dastardly plan succeed?
Em um campo de treinamento da Legião Francesa, no nordeste da costa africana, vemos a história de devoção do sargento Galoup ao enigmático comandante Bruno. Enquanto tentar entender seus conflituosos sentimentos, Galoup tem sua vida virada de cabeça para baixo com a chegada do novo recruta Guilles Sentain.
French novelist Vincent Ravalec made his directorial debut with this French drama about small-time crook Gaston (Yvan Attal) who poses as a millionaire after he picks up hitchhiking 16-year-old Marie-Pierre (Virginie Lanoue). Actually living in a seedy apartment, Gaston deals in stolen goods, but he soon climbs to bigger heists, including car thefts. Concealing his illegal activities, Gaston operates his company, Extramill, out of upscale, posh offices, while he and Marie-Pierre move into a sedate upper-middle-class neighborhood. Life is sweet, but the onset of paranoia, kinky sex activities, and police probes eventually culminate in violence.
Yann Kerebel
Rolando Colla made his directorial debut with this Swiss-French-Italian period drama about a Breton woman who disguises herself as a man to join a ship's crew during the 18th century. Rebellious 24-year-old Anne Bruneau is abandoned at the altar by her fiancé Yann. Unaware that Yann was drunk and fell down a well, Anne reacts to his absence by cutting her hair, dressing like a man, and signing on with a ship captained by a dwarf. When Yann learns what happened, he begins running south to Marseilles to rejoin her. Aboard the ship, Anne's disguise is discovered by the captain and the ship's doctor. With an Arab, she jumps ship, hiding with hookers in Marseilles while still maintaining her disguise.
Espanha, século XVII. O país está assolado por uma série de guerras sangrentas. Neste tráfico cenário de perdas e mortes, um personagem clássico ressurge das cinzas: Don Juan ( Jacques Weber), depois de seduzir e prometer casamento à bela Elvira (Emmanuelle Béart), a abandona foge. Atrás dele vão os dois irmãos da donzela, prontos para lavar a honra da família. Na fuga, don Juan e seu criado acabam vitimas de uma tempestade, indo parar numa ilha desconhecida. É ali que o incorrigível conquistador se envolve com mais duas beldades: as donzelas Mathurine ( Penélope Cruz) e Charlotte ( Ariadna Gil). O incorrigível conquistador ganha uma versão atualizada. Mas ágil, mais moderna, com mais bom humor…e com as mais belas atrizes do cinema.
Dois expatriados coreanos em Paris são recrutados por um mafioso francês. A dupla encontra-se em guerra com os recrutadores e entre si mesmos.
A misanthropic Parisian street punk learns some difficult lessons after being captured for assaulting and robbing a man in this interesting French drama. This has not been the first time young Denis Lavant has been in trouble, and this time the judge sentences him to the Coral, an experimental open community founded in 1975 by Claude Sigala, in the wilderness of the Camargue. There he encounters a group of inmates just as neurotic and messed up as he is.
In 19th century, a disillusioned priest helps a young boy drifter who's a chess wunderkind to move on up in life and social structures using his talent. Years later, he's a success, but game of life and love has higher stakes than chess.
Actor and singer on the decline, Sergio, alcoholic, goes adrift. His son, Simon, undertakes to make a film with and on him, to try to bring him back to life, "by force with others"
Situado na ponte mais antiga de Paris, a Pont Neuf, enquanto estava fechada para reparos, este filme é uma história de amor entre dois jovens vagabundos: Alex, um artista de circo viciado em álcool e sedativos e Michele, uma pintora que viveu uma vida nas ruas por causa de um relacionamento fracassado e uma aflição que lentamente a cega. O filme retrata a dura existência dos sem-teto como Alex, Michele e Hans, um vagabundo mais velho sobrevive nas ruas com inteligência. Como os dois lentamente recuperam suas vidas, Michele se torna cada vez mais dependente de Alex, enquanto sua visão se deteriora ainda mais. Temendo que Michele o deixe se receber um novo tratamento médico, Alex tenta manter Michele praticamente como uma prisioneira. As ruas, os céus e os canais de Paris são usados como pano de fundo para a história em uma série de visuais impressionantes que dominam o filme. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Mona is the girlfriend of Pierre, who is a member of a rather pathetic rock band in France. Their hero is the singer "Johnny Valentine " who, seeing that Mona is being neglected, decides to make her his own.
Al and Elsa have been a couple for some time, but the chances that their relationship will be long-lived are few. For one thing, Al is appallingly dependent on Elsa for his every emotional need. For another, Elsa is an incredibly elusive person, extremely difficult to pin down about anything - especially whatever is bothering her. How they have managed to survive this long is a cause for wonder. When Al gets an opportunity to be cast in a movie role, complete with no-cost occupancy in the casting agent's ugly but fashionable apartment, he jumps at the chance to provide a little material satisfaction for his beloved Elsa. But what exactly does she want?
Paris, num futuro próximo. Marc e Hans são dois ladrões que devem dinheiro a uma mulher americana implacável. Tendo duas semanas para pagar a dívida, planeiam roubar e vender o antídoto de um novo vírus chamado STBO, que está a matar os que fazem sexo sem amor. Para os ajudar contratam Alex, um rapaz rebelde que acabou de terminar a relação com a namorada. Mas quando Alex conhece Anna, a jovem amante de Marc, fica perdidamente apaixonado.
Le patient de Simon Lerner
Salomé Lerner just finished writing an autobiography. She goes to a TV show called "Apostrophes", hosted by French TV showman Bernard Pivot. Pivot then imagines a film that could be created from her gripping story. A film entirely made of music because after seeing the young pianist Erik Berchot, Salomé believes seeing her long lost brother, who was a musician as well. A brother she had lost along with her parents in 1943. However, the Lerners did in fact escape the gestapo and might have based themselves in Paris...
Primeiro longa metragem de Leos Carax, o filme trata das relações amorosas de um aspirante a cineasta que acabou de ser abandonado pela namorada e uma jovem suicida que também enfrenta o fim de um relacionamento.
Caviar delivery man
The movie starts with an interview with director Claude Lelouch. He pleads viewers not to disclose the plot of the movie after leaving the projection room. Even the movie's trailer shows only a long sequence of faces gazing speechlessly in space. "Like all my movies, this one is about a man and a woman", says Lelouch in the interview.
Henri is a lonely, isolated young man who lets no one get close to him. He meets a street hustler and comes out of his shell, going 180 degrees into gay obsession. Though he has yet to physically approach the object of his affection, Henri builds up so much unrequited lust that it explodes with horrible results.
Un militaire
In 1942 in occupied France, a Jewish refugee marries a soldier to escape deportation to Germany. Meanwhile a wealthy art student loses her first husband to a stray Resistance bullet; at the Liberation she meets an actor, gets pregnant, and marries him. Lena and Madeleine meet at their children's school in Lyon in 1952 and the intensity of their relationship strains both their marriages to the breaking point.
The story of Jean Valjean, a Frenchman convicted of minor crimes, who is hounded for years by an unforgiving and unrelenting police inspector, Javert.
Experience heartbreak, horror and mayhem with Aymeline Valade Once one of the most beloved film stars in the world, Aymeline now avoids the spotlight; recovering from the trauma of an abusive relationship and spending her time locked in a mansion in the hills of the Côte d'Azur with her cat. When her obsessive agent, Franco, abruptly shows up, he warns her of her impending irrelevance-- resulting in heartbreak, horror and mayhem.
Set in that environment that Popkhadze knows like the back of his hand, the action in “Blood Burn” kicks off when a pillar of the local Georgian community is murdered. His son Tristan, who aspires to become an orthodox priest, finds himself alone with his grieving mother. Then Gabriel, his older brother with a troubled past, returns from a long exile to try and make amends by washing away his family’s honor.
Once again. You cannot escape.
You cannot escape the rhythm of the night