Zhao Fei


Ten Years of Loving You
Ten years ago, Wen Heng, who was fostered in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, was taken back to Wen's northern house for the first time. There she met Yanxi. Their life is entangled together, life path taking them separate ways and together again.
Where It Begins
The 90s, a small town high school somewhere in China. An athletics competition and a lost Walkman set in motion a chain of events that will mark the lives of a group of friends, rivals and enemies forever. Shy, wealthy Qian, extrovert Cheng, troubled Su, academically gifted Wang, charismatic athlete Teng Xiao and student president Yang are all linked in a web of friendships and hatreds, secrets, violent conflicts and passionate attachments. None emerges unscarred, and some of the wounds run deep. Years later, a series of encounters draw them back together, but the shadow of the past hangs heavy. Can they redeem themselves – and exorcise the ghosts of their youth – or is tragedy inevitable?
The Crossing II
Director of Photography
A story of three couples and their intertwining love stories set in 1940s Taiwan and Shanghai, centered around the 1949 sinking of Taiping.
The Left Ear
Director of Photography
Li Er, a 17 year old girl who has great difficulty hearing out of her left ear, is rejected after confessing her love to a boy, Xu yi. Instead the boy is in love with Li Bala, a girl who is in fact in love with Zhang Yang. Li Er befriends Li Bala, who dies due to an accident. As the movie progresses, Li Er overcomes her hatred of Zhang Yang, whom she blamed for Li Bala's death.
The Crossing
Director of Photography
During the Chinese Revolution in 1949, three couples flee from China to an island of Taiwan.
Guns N'Roses
Director of Photography
The film tells the story of a group of Chinese youths who robbed a bank of the “Manchuguo”, a puppet regime formed in China’s northeastern provinces by Japanese invaders in the 1930s and ’40s.
Single No More
Chinese movie
Balas em Fúria
Director of Photography
Situado na China durante a guerra de 1920, o notório chefe dos bandidos Zhang desce sobre uma remota cidade da província se passando por seu novo prefeito, uma identidade que ele havia sequestrado de Old Tang, ele próprio um impostor de pequeno porte. Determinado a ganhar dinheiro rápido, Zhang logo encontra seu par na tirânica nobreza local Huang, enquanto uma batalha mortal de inteligência e brutalidade se inicia.
Director of Photography
Driverless is about three love stories that are intertwined by a car accident. It deals with several relationship issues, including the infamous seven year itch, reuniting with a first love, one night stands, an old husband with a young wife, and extramarital affairs.
The Sun Also Rises
Director of Photography
A polyptych of interconnected stories in different time-zones, shifting between a Yunnan village, a campus, and the Gobi Desert.
Cell Phone
Director of Photography
Written by Liu Zhenyun, based on his own novel of the same title, the film revolves around two successful men whose marriages were wrecked when their wives uncovered their extramarital affairs through traces left in their cellphones. More broadly, the film explores the role of cellphones in interpersonal relationships in modern China, where the rapid development in information technology is having huge impacts on the way people communicate.
Guerreiros do Céu e da Terra
Director of Photography
Guerreiros do Céu e da Terra é um retrato de guerra, camaradagem e honra. Rodado no terrível deserto Gobi, conta a história do Tenente Li (Jiang Wen) e do emissário Japonês Lai Xi (Nakai Kiichi), ambos, guerreiros de elite e mestres da espada. Depois de três décadas ao serviço do Imperador da China, Lai Xi, anseia voltar ao Japão, mas em vez disso é enviado para o oeste para perseguir uns criminosos. O seu único passaporte para voltar ao Japão é executar o Tenente Li, um desertor que é procurado por liderar um motim quando se negou a matar mulheres e crianças feitas prisioneiras.
O Escorpião de Jade
Director of Photography
C.W. Briggs (Woody Allen) é, segundo ele mesmo, o melhor investigador de seguros dos anos 40. Briggs se orgulha de conseguir capturar qualquer trapaceiro entrando em sua mente e desvendando seus mistérios. Entretanto, desta vez Briggs tem um desafio diferente: precisa capturar um ladrão que utiliza poderes hipnóticos oriundos do Escorpião de Jade. Sabendo que está sendo perseguido pelo investigador, o ladrão utiliza seus poderes para entrar na mente de Briggs e envolvê-lo em um roubo de jóias.
Director of Photography
Ray (Woody Allen) é um lavador de pratos que tem um grande plano: alugar uma loja ao lado do banco e utilizá-la como fachada para construir um túnel subterrâneo para assaltá-lo. Para tanto Ray logo consegue a ajuda de seus companheiros Danny (Michael Rapaport) e Tommy (Tony Darrow), que aceitam dividir os gastos com o aluguel da loja, mas enfrenta a resistência de Frenchy (Tracey Ullman), sua esposa, que se recusa a ajudá-lo em mais um plano. Após muita insistência Frenchy é convencida e passa a cuidar do funcionamento normal da loja, preparando biscoitos e os vendendo ao público enquanto Ray, Tommy, Danny e ainda Benny, um antigo companheiro de Ray que coincidentemente alugara a loja pouco antes do trio, se dedicam à construção do túnel. Entretanto, as vendas dos biscoitos vão de vento em popa, atraindo a atenção do público e da mídia ao mais novo fenômeno da culinária novaiorquina.
Poucas e Boas
Director of Photography
Na década de 1930, o guitarrista de jazz Emmet Ray idolatra Django Reinhardt, enfrenta gângsteres e se apaixona por uma mulher muda. Um cômico 'filme biográfico' focando a vida do imaginário violonista Emmett Ray. Ray era um ser humano irresponsável, esbanjador, arrogante, desagradável, beberrão, miserável, mas que também era indiscutivelmente o melhor guitarrista do mundo. Veremos a vida do Ray com sua insistência em ficar bêbado, o hobby de tiro-ao-rato e apreciar trens passando, seus sonhos de fama e fortuna, sua estranha obsessão pelo mais conhecido guitarrista Django Reinhardt e, claro, sua maravilhosa performance na guitarra.
The Emperor and the Assassin
Director of Photography
In pre-unified China, the King of Qin sends his concubine to a rival kingdom to produce an assassin for a political plot, but as the king's cruelty mounts she finds her loyalty faltering.
Be There or Be Square
Director of Photography
The story of two Chinese immigrants' struggles in America. Yuan Liu has lived in LA for years. He has no stable job, no family and lives in a wagon. He seems content with his life until the day he meets Qing Li, a woman with the big "American dream".
Dragon Town Story
Director of Photography
A woman works with an assassin to get revenge upon the man who murdered her family nine years earlier.
The Sun Has Ears
Director of Photography
When impoverished young bride Youyou (Zhang) collapses from hunger at the door of handsome buccaneer Pan Hao (You Yong), he immediately decides to have her, much to the chagrin of his current squeeze, Widow Ma (Jiang Yanqiang).
The Assassin
Director of Photography
A poor farmer who loves a woman he is forbidden to associate with becomes a hardened mercenary, and is hired by a local warlord as a professional assassin. Years later, he runs into his old love and begins to question his violent past
Lanternas Vermelhas
Director of Photography
Song-lian perde o pai e as dificuldades financeiras a obrigam a abandonar os estudos e a se tornar concubina de um homem rico. Ao mudar-se para sua mansão ela descobre que o senhor já possui outras três esposas, e que escolhe todos os dias uma delas para passar a noite, colocando lanternas vermelhas na porta de seu quarto. Aos poucos Song-lian vai começar a entender as intrigas e sabotagens, o jogo que acontece entre as mulheres que competem pela atenção do marido.
Li Lianying, the Imperial Eunuch
Director of Photography
Set against the backdrop of the Boxer Rebellion and the takeover of the Forbidden City by foreign powers, the empress-dowager Cixi and her notorious chief eunuch fight a losing battle to preserve their corrupt and autocratic regime.
Unforgettable Life
Director of Photography
After getting an abortion at a local clinic, unwed Beijing TV anchor Lu Yun decides to focus her next special report on women's reproductive issues, working at that clinic to research her topic.
Director of Photography
After Shi Ba -- a privileged youth turned con artist -- meets a fetching dancer named Yu Jing, he decides to go straight and leave his life of crime behind him. But his checkered past will come back to haunt Shi Ba when a blackmailer comes calling.
A Dead Man Visits the Living
Director of Photography
A man is murdered on a bus for trying to stop a pickpocket; no one lifts a finger to help him. He returns as a ghost and questions the empathy of the onlookers.
O Ladrão de Cavalos
Director of Photography
A história de Norbu, um ladrão de cavalos, que é expulso de sua tribo em um esforço para limpá-lo do mal. Norbu se arrepende após o nascimento de seu filho, mas ele é forçado a roubar novamente após o nascimento de um segundo filho.