Nick Pinkerton


The Sweet East
A high school senior from South Carolina gets her first glimpse of the wider world, picturesque cities, and woods of the Eastern seaboard on a class trip to Washington, D.C.
Automatic Everything
Automatic Everything
The Scary of Sixty-First
Enquanto procuram apartamento, as colegas de faculdade Noelle e Addie esbarram com a oportunidade das suas vidas: um sumptuoso duplex no Upper East Side de Manhattan. Mas logo após a mudança, emerge uma faceta mais sinistra do apartamento, quando chega uma misteriosa mulher que afirma que a propriedade pertenceu ao infame e recentemente falecido Jeffrey Epstein. Noelle torna-se obcecada pela mulher a ponto de se apaixonar e, à medida que a dupla mergulha nas conspirações do caso Epstein, Addie mergulha ela mesma num estado bizarro: uma pseudo-possessão acrescida de inexplicáveis acessos ​​de furor sexual regressivo.
The Rifleman
An all-archival excavation of the links between gun culture, the National Rifle Association, and the U.S. Border Patrol across five decades.
Alan, a balding film director, loses his fiancé's dog at a gender reveal party on the morning of an important shoot. A critic named Nick gives candid observations on a series of incomplete shorts that Alan has spent his own money making. As the pursuit of the lost dog and the chaos of the short films begin to blend, Alan grows desperate for the day to be over.