John Martin


Chasing Wonders
First Assistant Director
A coming-of-age story set across the lush wine country of both Australia and Spain, a young man explores the nature of father-son relationships and the pathway toward understanding and forgiveness.
O Caçador
First Assistant Director
Martin é um mercenário enviado à Austrália por uma empresa internacional de biotecnologia para caçar um animal considerado extinto: o tigre da Tasmânia. Ele se instala na casa de Lucy, mãe de Sass e Bike, mulher de um zoólogo que desapareceu na floresta também em busca do animal. Mantendo sua missão em segredo, ele começa a procura pelo tigre. A sua relação com a família e a força da natureza ao seu redor vão fazer com que Martin comece a questionar as consequências de sua missão.
Sob o Efeito da Água
First Assistant Director
Tracy (Cate Blanchet) é uma mulher de 32 anos que se recupera de um vício em drogas. Morando com a mãe em um subúrbio australiano, passa os dias entre sua casa e o trabalho, com os únicos momentos de prazer dedicados à natação. Com uma vida familiar conturbada, vê a volta de um ex-namorado alterar a retomada de sua vida.
First Assistant Director
Australian teenager Heidi is left with little choice but to leave home after she's caught red-handed with her mother's boyfriend. With few options, Heidi ends up in Jindabyne, a tourist community. Upon meeting Joe at a bar, she pursues a relationship with him and tries to find something resembling a normal home life. Heidi makes small strides by getting a job and finding a place to stay, but her relationship with Joe must overcome more than its share of hurdles.
Dias de Ensaio
First Assistant Director
Uma banda de garagem australiana tenta alcançar a fama enquanto seus membros lidam com assuntos interpessoais que ameaçam a unidade do grupo.
Yolngu Boy
First Assistant Director
After committing a crime for which he is likely to be jailed, a Yolngu teenager convinces two of his childhood friends to join him on a journey from North East Arnhem Land to Darwin to seek help from a tribal leader.
Strange Planet
First Assistant Director
Alice, Judy and Sally are three Australian roommates who are unlucky in love. Over the course of a year, they endure numerous personal ups and downs. Meanwhile, Ewan, Joel and Neil are friends and coworkers with similar problems, and gradually their lives intersect with the trio of women to varying degrees. Will any of these young people finally find a satisfying relationship?
Thank God He Met Lizzie
Second Assistant Director
The romantic myth is exposed for Guy when he is plagued by memories of an old girlfriend on his wedding day.
O Anti-Herói
Second Assistant Director
Um homem (Richard Roxburgh) que o governo australiano culpa pelas desgraças políticas dos anos 1990, culpa sua mãe (Judy Davis), uma comunista que Stalin seduziu em 1951.
Billy's Holiday
Second Assistant Director
This movie is all about a normal guy called Billy Apples. He is a social drinker and sometimes lead singer of a band. While he is doing all of this, he still manages to bring up his teenage daughter. One night while sitting at home Billy finds that he has a talent! He finds that he is able to sing like his idol, 50's singer Billie Holiday. From there he is going places, from huge live performances to even cutting a hit record, but in the end he must make a choice between the life he has, and the life he once knew. Written by Graham Wilson Jr
Hotel Sorrento
Second Assistant Director
Meg, Pippa, and Hillary are sisters who grew up in Sorrento, a small seaside town in Australia. Meg, who has lived in England for 10 years has just written a criticially acclaimed novel which she claims is entirely fictional. The book causes a stir in Sorrento and in her family when it is supected that the book is not as fictional as she claims.
O Casamento de Muriel
Second Assistant Director
Porpoise Spit, Austrália. Muriel Heslop (Toni Collette) tem 22 anos e nunca teve muitos amigos, já que as roupas que usa são fora de moda e, ainda por cima, vive ouvindo as canções do ABBA. Além disto, está acima do peso e nunca demonstrou muitos talentos. Sua vida muda ao conhecer Rhonda Epinstalk (Rachel Griffiths), que também é excluída do meio social. Sonhando com uma vida livre, elas fogem para Sydney. Apesar das críticas de seu pai, Muriel acredita que possa enfim encontrar a felicidade e coloca como primeira meta se casar. É quando ela conhece e se apaixona por um famoso nadador.
Second Assistant Director
In 1930s Australia, Anglican clergyman Anthony Campion and his prim wife, Estella, are asked to visit noted painter Norman Lindsay, whose planned contribution to an international art exhibit is considered blasphemous. While Campion and Lindsay debate, Estella finds herself drawn to the three beautiful models sitting for the painter's current work, freethinking Sheela, sensual Pru and virginal Giddy.
Second Assistant Director
The film is a story of the ways in which insurance investigator Roland Copping interferes in and manipulates the lives of others with outrageous games and gimmicks. Eventually he becomes involved in an escalating vendetta with a couple who make an unusual insurance claim.
Os Últimos Dias em Que Ficamos Juntos
Third Assistant Director
The story of sisters Vicki and Beth, when Vicki begins an affair with Beth's intriguing French husband.
Vem Dançar Comigo
Third Assistant Director
Scott Hastings é um dançarino de salão de baile com calibre de campeão, mas para grande desgosto da comunidade de dança de salão australiana, Scott acredita na dança com "seus próprios passos". Fran é uma dançarina iniciante e um pouco "patinho feio" que tem a audácia de pedir para ser parceira de Scott depois que seu estilo pouco ortodoxo faz com que sua parceira regular vá dançar fora de sua vida. Juntos, esses dois desajustados tentam ganhar o Campeonato Pan-Pacífico Australianos e mostrar à Confederação Ballroom que eles estão errados quando dizem, "não há novos passos!".