Mara Fazio


A conclusion and recapitulation of the Eryngium cycle, Coda deals directly with the theme of self-portraiture. The first shot alludes to the end of Erichvon Stroheim's Foolish Wives, where the corpse of the hero-director is dispatched in a man-hole. Other dramatic self-portraits follow: Caravaggio's Goliath, Dante's Sestina (read by the film-maker), and Dürer's Self-portrait with Eryngium. The abandoned villa of Migrazione is revisited. But the finale is hopeful.
Ariel loquitur
Material shot between 1961 and 1967 ,including bad takes for Quasi una tangente, is reorganized following the five acts of Shakespeare's The Tempest. Thus Ariel loquitur ("Ariel speaks") has five numbered sections, and a Prospero-like figure of old philosopher appears repeatedly. The wedding ceremony of Miranda and Ferdinand in Act IV of the play is performed in section IV, an unedited night-film in which one catches glimpses of a match being lit. The last section introduces color and sound, the latter through the Beatles' A Day in the Life (from Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band).
Quasi una tangente
A day in the life of a young student, Paul, who commits suicide with his girl friend. We follow him in theschoolroom, where he fantasizes about space travel while the instructor goes over the dates of WW2 and his companions read "Playboy". He walks in a city covered with postcards for coming elections. Discusses life and death with a friend, Harald, meets a pretty acquaintance, Mara, with whom he makes love, and finally turns on the gas in his study.