Ava van Heerden


Shadow Government
John Wilson wakes up, gets ready for his day and heads to work. He has no idea that he's being watched, tracked and studied. Is he a threat to national security? Is he a terrorist or a criminal? No, he's an ordinary American citizen. Like everyone else, John's rights and freedoms have been systematically destroyed - all in the name of security and convenience. Is it about peace and unity? Or is it about ultimate global power? What if there were hidden forces with no ties to democracy or constitutional rights in power? What if new laws, media propaganda and Secret Societies labeled John a danger to society? And what if all this set the stage for a Biblically prophesied global government run by the Antichrist?
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Very Attractive Baby
Em um voo internacional rumo a Londres, o jornalista Buck Williams e o piloto Rayford Steele se veem no meio do mais incrível acontecimento da história. De repente, sem qualquer tipo de alerta, dúzias de passageiros simplesmente desaparecem no ar. Mas isso não é tudo. Logo fica claro que milhões de pessoas estão desaparecendo. E a medida que o caos e a anarquia tomam conta do mundo, esses dois homens partem em rumos diferentes numa busca desesperada por respostas.