Juli Poggi


Totò contro Maciste
Script Supervisor
Totokamen is an entertainer and an illusionist who performs in various Egyptian nightclubs assisted by his manager, Tarantenkamen. Taking advantage of cheesy tricks, Totokamen pretends to be the son of the god Amun.
The Queen of the Pirates
Script Supervisor
In 16th century Italy, on the Adriatic coast, the duchy of Doruzza is governed by a tyrannical duke, Zulian, and his haughty daughter, Isabella. When they commit a great injustice, a ship's captain and his daughter turn pirate to fight back for the people.
Script Supervisor
A Carthaginian general attempts to cross the Alps with an army of elephants in order to conquer Rome.
A Cruz e a Espada
Script Supervisor
Gaius Marcellus é enviado à Judéia para contrlar o comportamente do governador Poncius Pilatus contra os Maria Madalena. Eles logo se apaixonam, mas Madalena pertence à Anan, sobrinho do sacerdote Caiphas, que vive para proteger o ladrão Barrabás.Gaius e Anan competem pelo amor de Madalena, e enquanto isso, ela toma cada vez mais conhecimentos. A sua fé no Messias aumenta ainda mais quando ele traz seu irmão Lázaro de volta à vida.Gaius não consegue entender a mudança no comportamento da moça, que passa a dedicar seu tempo aos ensinamentos de Jesus. Tomado pelo ciúme, ele o apriosiona, e Madalena fica devastada. A emoçõa de todos culminará na morte do Messias, onde se arrependerão de seus pecados e chorarão aos pés da cruz...
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Luciano, who studies at the university, falls in love with Sandra, a high school student, who returns his love. If her family is very rich, his family is of modest extraction; however, the difference in condition does not seem to be a problem, and Luciano's degree increases the hope of a happy future. However, following a sudden financial collapse, Sandra's family business failed: so, to help her parents, the girl accepted the kindness of a very rich childhood friend, deciding to marry him.