Gena tried all his life to be the support of the family. For this, he even abandoned his stormy youth and dreams of becoming a KVN star. And when, 25 years later, his wife called him boring and offered to divorce, Gena decides to make up for lost time - fill his life with adventure and go to the KVN festival in Sochi. And a new acquaintance pushes him to this journey - a beautiful girl of very easy virtue. She is sure that the talented Gena will quickly become a star of humor with her help. If it doesn't disappear even faster, along with a decent amount from Genya's card.
Ao ser transferido para outra prisão, Igor Sokolovskiy consegue fugir. Sendo caçado tanto pela polícia quanto por Valera, rival de longa data no departamento onde trabalhavam, Igor é forçado a agir de forma rápida, dura e implacável.
“Great Poetry” is about two guys who live on the outskirts of Moscow and work as cash collectors. They’re young, lonely, and all they have in the world is each other. They spend their lives moving money for other people. They attend a poetry class at the local cultural center and watch cockfights at a dorm for migrant workers. Their attempts at finding poetry in the prosaic world around lead them to the conclusion that the only poetic move they can make is to rob a bank. The film isn’t about words or rhymes. It’s about friendship and betrayal, and about our vicious and alien world in which anyone who tries to be honest and consistent ends up looking naïve and cruel. It’s about the everpresent and incomprehensible force that — in spite of everything — makes our life so frantic, strange, and lonely
The beginning musician Kostya Potekhin, in order to win the favor of a beautiful girl, agrees to participate in a musical television contest. But you only need to participate with your musical group, which he does not have. Within a few days, he will have to assemble his group, find reliable friends and meet real love.
A Zarezin (Sergei Shnurov) é confiada uma tarefa incomum no circo onde ele trabalha. Ele terá de levar a estrela do circo, Bodhi o elefante, para um matadouro. Na viagem, Zarezin tenta salvar o elefante, e, no processo, salva-se a si mesmo.