Tre Ryan


Adão Negro
Mercenary (uncredited)
Quase 5.000 anos depois de ter sido concedido com os poderes onipotentes dos deuses egípcios - e de ter sido preso, - Adão Negro se ergue de seu túmulo, pronto para trazer sua justiça ao mundo moderno.
Twenty Somethings
Real life comes to the big screen and is expressed through a close-knit group of 5 friends who begin to experience the rollercoaster that life becomes in their 20s. They try to navigate everything from crescendos of happiness to unexpected turmoil that makes them tackle issues such as purpose, identity, relationships with family, friends, and of
Six ghost stories told around a campfire.
A State of Mind
Darius Thomas' family history is filled with tragedy. Three generations of Thomas men have all taken their own lives, all struggling with mental illness. A promising writing career threatens to be side lined as mental illness once again rears its ugly head, this time taking aim directly at Darius. Struggling to deal with his new reality and surrounded by pressure from all sides, Darius must decide if he will face the beast head on.....or crash right into his family's history.