Ai Mochida


Black Clover: A Espada do Rei Mago
Key Animation
Um garoto destemido e sem poderes mágicos luta pelo título de Rei Mago – enfrentando quatro rivais que foram banidos e agora ameaçam destruir o Reino Clover.
Naruto 20th Anniversary - Road of Naruto
Key Animation
Promotional video celebrating 20 years of the Naruto animation project.
Mr. Osomatsu the Movie
Key Animation
The sextuplets attend a high school class reunion. There, they see all their former classmates who have become "proper" adults with company jobs. The sextuplets sulk about this and go home and drink until they fall asleep. But when they wake up, a certain scene awaits them.
Majestic Prince: Genetic Awakening
Key Animation
The alien Wulgaru's last assault against humanity was foiled by the heroic actions of the genetically enhanced humans known as the Evolved Children in their advanced AHSMB battle armor, but now a new attack has been launched against Earth under an even deadlier champion, Diorna, created from the fusion of DNA from two Wulgaru Royals. Unfortunately, Izuru Hitachi, the leader of Team Rabbits who defeated the Wulgaru Royal Jiart, is still out of action and recovering, so the task of marshalling the Majestic Princes and stopping Diorna falls upon the unready shoulders of Toshikazu Asagi. Together with the remaining members of Team Rabbits and the recently created Team Fawn, it's up to Asagi to hold the line against the most ruthless adversary yet!
Key Animation
Ryo mostra a história do filho de um samurai que perdeu seus pais durante o ataque de navios Ingleses a uma cidade japonesa. Posteriormente, no local onde estava sendo treinado, esse garoto recebe o nome de “Ryo” e se torna o guarda-costas de Ryoma Sakamoto, um homem que tem seu próprio plano para lutar pelo país.