Key Animation
Dai Miyamoto's life is turned upside down the day he discovers jazz. A former high school basketball player, Dai picks up a saxophone and begins practicing day and night, determined to become one of the greatest of all time. He leaves his sleepy hometown for the bustling nightclubs of Tokyo, but soon finds the life of a professional musician is not for the faint of heart. His passion eventually wins over the cocky but talented pianist Yukinori, and after Dai convinces his friend Shunji to learn the drums, they launch a new jazz trio whose rough sound contains a raw energy that quickly wins attention from local audiences. But what does it take to truly be great?
Key Animation
Yamada é uma tímida colegial do segundo ano que é membro do clube de hortaliças. Kase da classe ao lado dela é uma linda garota que é a ás da equipe de atletismo da escola. Graças às Glórias da Manhã plantadas por Yamada, a distância entre duas pessoas que nunca trocaram palavras encolhe pouco a pouco.
Key Animation
Conan tenta encontrar Kaito Kid, que supostamente roubou uma réplica de uma pintura de Van Gogh durante um leilão.
Key Animation
Alguém que porta uma foice ataca Mayuri, que estava em seu laboratório. Mayuri subitamente fica fora de controle e acaba acertando o painel de controle de seu laboratório. Com isso, toda a Seireitei fica coberta por uma nuvem de partículas espirituais, aprisionando todos os Shinigamis dentro de um casulo.
Key Animation
The Sanzo party has always been haunted by the past. And they've always been able to deal with their ghosts. But when they enter the House Of Dougan, they may have met their match. Lured to the mysterious shrine by a beautiful girl, Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo, and Hakkai become ensnared in a trap of dangerous shikigami, murderous doppelgangers, and a malevolent monster who has destroyed his own soul for a demented purpose. Don't miss this stunningly animated full-length motion picture, starring the coolest cast of demon hunters in the history of anime!