Mim Weger


Pelotão de Elite
Extras Casting
A extraordinária história real de Oliver Woodward. É 1916 e Woodward deve rasgar-se de seu novo amor jovem para ir para a lama e carnificina da Frente Ocidental. Nas profundezas das linhas alemãs. Woodward e seu pelotão segredo de Scaleface australiano luta para defender um vazamento, o sistema de túnel labirinto repleto de explosivos suficientes para mudar o curso da guerra.
A Face Oculta do Mal
Extras Casting
Sob o ardente céu da Austrália, três jovens rumam a uma viagem ao inferno. Quando o jovem casal britânico, Sophie e Alex chegam à Austrália e fazem amizade com o carismático e enigmático americano, Taylor, eles decidem abandonar a trilha habitual de turismo e seguir pelas famosos outbacks. Mas quando o sol se põe, Alex começa a duvidar se viajar com Taylor foi realmente uma boa ideia.
Soft Fruit
Extras Casting
For the first time in 15 years, all four siblings in a family show up to care for their dying mother, who is only given a couple of weeks to live. One comes from America with her two children. A divorced sister also comes with her child and sneaks off regularly to meet a mystery man who may be her ex-husband. The third & youngest daughter is an unmarried nurse aware of her ticking biological clock. The only son chases after his grumpy father who seems to not care a whit about his wife's circumstances. The four are also faced my their mother's dreams to accomplish a few things before she dies - to visit a beach she had visited in the past, to see her youngest married, and to visit Paris. She also wants to be embalmed and be honored with a 21 gun salute. Thus the whole group has to set off in the quest to fulfill their mother's wishes.