Salomé Diénis Meulien


After the attacks that bloodied Paris, everyone is worried about terrorist acts. A man is running in the middle of the night. He has blood on his face. He arrives at the radio station and explains to his colleagues that he was investigating a cell of terrorists but that one of them has just committed suicide in front of him. Just before he told her that a bomb was on the 11 p.m. Paris-New York flight. It's scheduled for four in the morning: in one hour. Should they disseminate the information?
July Tales
Paris e seus subúrbios. Duas histórias, quatro mulheres e quatro homens em um dia de verão que os mudará para sempre. Enquanto as colegas de trabalho Milena e Lucie aproveitam um domingo de sol para nadar em um centro recreativo, Hanne, uma estudante norueguesa, precisa lidar com três homens.
Friday Night
While visiting her daughter who is studying abroad in France, Claire is thrown into the midst of a city-wide attack. In a place where she doesn't speak the language or know her way around, she's forced to navigate this French metropolis in the dark of night in a desperate search to find her daughter and ensure her safety.