Jürg Löw

Jürg Löw

Nascimento : 1946-01-27, Basel, Switzerland


Jürg Löw


Pohlmann und die Zeit der Wünsche
Arthur Johansen
Der Weg nach Padulim
Elmar Banthin
Bernd Meitner
Toni Erdmann
Winfried (Peter Simonischek) é um senhor que gosta de levar a vida com bom humor, fazendo brincadeiras que proporcionem o riso nas pessoas. Seu jeito extrovertido fez com que se afastasse de sua filha, Ines (Sandra Hüller), sempre sisuda e extremamente dedicada ao trabalho. Percebendo o afastameto, Winfried decide visitar a filha na cidade em que ela mora, Budapeste. A iniciativa não dá certo, resultando em vários enfrentamentos entre pai e filha, o que faz com que ele volte para casa. Tempos depois, Winfried ressurge na vida de Ines sob o alter-ego de Toni Erdmann, especialista em contar mentiras bem-intencionadas a todos que ela conhece.
Vatta Wegmann
ABSEITSFALLE is the story of Karin and Mike. They work at Perla, a washing machine manufacturer. She is a career woman, he is on the assembly line and plays for the factory soccer team. The company is owned by an American corporation. Until now it has been business as usual, but all of a sudden comes the news that 400 redundancies are needed if Perla is to survive. Suddenly, there is everything to play for. Written by Anonymous
Adieu Paris
Vorstand von Franks Band
Bank manager Frank and writer Patrizia meet by coincidence again and again at the airport. They commute between Dusseldorf and Paris, but behind their travels are two fateful stories. Frank wants to complete the business of his life, Patrizia visits her lover, who is in a coma since a car accident. For both life comes out of joint and they each suffer heavy losses. What connects them is the search for hold, a listener, the need to be needed and the hope that there is a beginning in each end.
Prometendo A Lua
Redaktionsleiter Hans
Marga nunca foi muito carinhosa com sua filha, Sofia. Ela tem medos, ressentimentos e não superou a morte do marido, Juris. Depois de anos sem quase nenhum contato com a mãe, Sofia agora tem que tomar conta dela. Marga começa a relatar coisas que aconteceram há muitos anos, coisas que Sofia nunca ouviu falar. Provocada pela suspeita de que os segredos do passado de Marga são importantes para entender o seu próprio, Sofia parte para Riga com sua mãe. Foi lá que Marga cresceu e se casou com Juris. Mas quanto mais Sofia aprende sobre sua mãe, menos ela tem certeza sobre sua própria identidade.
Silberkiesel - Hunkeler tritt ab
Staatsanwalt Suter
Hunkeler und der Fall Livius
Staatsanwalt Suter
Von Müttern und Töchtern
Felix Heilmann
Just when Lena, a single parent in her thirties, finally decided to move in with her new boyfriend Felix, Lena's mother Elisabeth turns up in surprise. She lodges with her daughter and whirls their lives together. The film tells a story of generational conflicts and love concerns, of the search for security and the normal, wonderful madness, which one calls "family", in a pointed mixture of turbulent love romance and smart mother-daughter duel.
Rascals on the Road
Vater Bäschteli
Four kids - Eugen, Wrigley, Bäschteli and Eduard - leave for an adventure around Switzerland, searching for the fabulous treasure of Titicaca Lake, discovered by Fritzli Bühler.
Sommer mit Hausfreund
Carlo Dalcura
Ernstfall in Havanna
Ernst O. Müller
Stefan Balsiger is a congenial, average councillor to the Swiss embassy in Havanna. While accompanying an US senator on his mission in Cuba, he makes a botch of so many things, that a minor blunder by the Senator turns into a serious incident, which intensifies into a second Cuban crisis - thanks to further entanglements by the media, police, and diplomats who represent the arch-enemies USA and Cuba. Only one person can eventually solve the crisis: Stefan Balsiger himself.
Der letzte Sommer
German Fried Movie
A series of comedic sketches.