Michael Degen

Michael Degen

Nascimento : 1932-01-31, Chemnitz, Germany

Morte : 2022-04-09


Michael Degen


Winter Hunt
Anselm Rossberg
On a cold, wintry night, Lena shows up on the doorstep of the Rossberg family mansion. She claims her car has broken down, but her arrival is intentional. Lena is in pursuit of Anselm Rossberg, an aged Auschwitz guard who lives with his daughter, Maria. Anselm and Maria both deny Anselm's past, but Lena is determined to get him to confess, even as her own weapon is turned on her and she is forced into a moral dilemma.
The Last Supper
Jacob Glickstein
On the day Hitler assumes power, the German-Jewish Glickstein family come together for dinner. Most of them—like many Germans at the time—do not take the Nazis seriously. When Leah announces her plans to emigrate to Palestine, her family talks her down. But when Michael indicates he’s actually an admirer of the National Socialist Movement, the family is on the brink of being torn apart.
Bergman - 100 Anos
Durante um período de 6 anos, no meio do século 20, algo insuperável aconteceu. Um sueco magro, por volta dos 40 anos, entra em um período de produção cinematográfica sem precedentes. Entre 1957 e 1963 ele dirigiu alguns dos maiores clássicos da história do cinema, produziu uma série de espetáculos para teatro e rádio, e dirigiu 6 filmes de TV. Em termos de cineastas contemporâneos, Ingmar Bergman permanece em grande parte inigualável, e sua vida está prestes a se revelada nesse documentário que celebra o seu centenário.
Hannah Arendt
Kurt Blumenfeld
A filósofa Hannah Arendt e o marido fogem de campo de concentração nazista e se refugiam na América. Anos mais tarde, ela é convidada para cobrir o julgamento de Adolf Eichmann e escreve reportagens sobre o envolvimento de alemães e judeus na guerra.
Lost in Siberia
Director Fengler
Matthias Bleuel, a logistician of a german mail order company is send to Kemorovo in Siberia to teach some russian subsidiary company the german work flow system. But soon this land changes him and everything for him.
Die Seele eines Mörders
Mr. Rosenstein
Rosamunde Pilcher: Entscheidung des Herzens
George Winston
Paixão Por Acidente
Vanessa é uma jovem de 30 anos que está eufórica com os preparativos de seu casamento. Quando seu noivo Tim viaja para a Grécia a trabalho, ele parece estar cada vez mais desanimado com o fato de se tornar um homem casado e encontra um belo motivo para se sentir dessa forma. Então Vanessa faz suas malas e vai ao encontro de seu grande amor. No vôo ela conhece um atraente e jovem sedutor chamado Janis que irá ajudá-la a aprontar com o seu próprio noivo, colocando-o em uma situação extremamente embaraçosa, a qual ela mesma irá salvá-lo. Tim reconhece todo o amor e esforço de sua noiva e implora pelo seu perdão, a pedindo novamente em casamento. Mas será que ela irá aceitar?
Vater aus Liebe
Dr. Peter Arnold
The single Christine Arnold, who works with great success as a commercial lawyer in a Cologne law firm, is on her way to her old friend Judith, who is going through a very difficult phase of her life: recently she has parted company with her longtime friend Felix. They have a son, Marco, who is very attached to his loving father. Whenever possible, the boy spends time with his dad. However, Judith would like to see that Marco also develops a friendly relationship with her new life partner Georg.
Georg Schubert
Zwei Bräute und eine Affäre
Albert Keller
Unser Kindermädchen ist ein Millionär
Manfred Helmer
Max Helmer, son of Paul Helmer, a great businessman, must now work for a while as domestic help to know better what is work and the value of money.He will help Elena and her children.
Nicht alle waren Mörder
Based on the childhood memories of actor Michael Degen, the movie deals with the everyday struggle to survive as a Jewish boy in Nazi Germany. As his father had died in 1940 after being released from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Michael and his mother fear to be deported themselves. They manage to live in Berlin with false names and faked papers, hidden by several, often broken, people...
Die Sturmflut
Karl Abt
Susanne, a meteorologist Hamburg, has detected signs of an incipient sea storm that could devastate the city. Although given the alarm, local authorities do not listen to their warnings. To ensure the magnitude of the tsunami, Susanne decided to move to an oil platform located offshore, which verifies that their dire predictions are to become reality, as the storm will soon reach the coast, threatening the lives of thousands of people.
Charlotte Link - Der Vater meines Sohnes
Ricardos Vater
Rosamunde Pilcher: Gewissheit des Herzens
Bill Chapman
Babiy Yar
Genadij Lerner
Autumn 1941. The Russian army flees Kiev, chaos reigns, soldiers attempt to trade their uniforms for civilian clothes in order to escape unnoticed. The war and pending capture of Kiev by the Germans is the only topic of discussion. Everyone has heard of the horrible things that have happened in other areas, where Jews were brutally and inhumanely murdered. Indecision and despair spread like wildfire among the population. As the German army marches in, fear and horror take over.
In der Mitte eines Lebens
Karlheinz Legler
Der zweite Frühling
Georg Prokop
Hanne and Barbara, girlfriends in their prime, go to Bad Elster for a cure, where they really let it crack - much to the delight of entrepreneur Edzard and globetrotter Georg. But the way to the second spring is not without thorns: The strict head nurse displeases the behavior of Hanne and Barbara very much. In addition, the two girlfriends dizzy their new admirers to secure their chances in the opposite sex. Unfortunately, these lies have short legs and the new love luck has to pass so much more than a test.
After suffering heavy losses of aircraft during attacks on German factories, Winston Churchill orders cities to be targeted in order to smash German morale and reduce the number of workers available for the Nazi war machine. Hundreds of thousands of German civilians are killed as incendiary bombs turn the center of cities like Hamburg and Dresden into tornados of fire. Sixty years later, a new debate is underway over the reasons for this lethal bombing campaign. Were these relentless aerial attacks on German cities, which killed so many and destroyed so much, a necessary tactic in the war against Hitler? Or was it an act of revenge by the British and Americans? Using rare film footage (much of it in color) and stirring interviews with historians, former bomber pilots and survivors of the destruction, this extraordinary film brings to light the devastating allied air campaign against Nazi Germany.
Liebe unter Verdacht
Anton Wassermann
Leo & Claire
Leo Katzenberger
In 1933 Nuremberg, successful Jewish businessman Leo Katzenberger owns an apartment building and runs a shoe store. A devoted family man, he has a good relationship with his loving wife Claire. As the climate in Germany grows increasingly dangerous, bombshell Irene moves to the neighborhood. After forming an unlikely friendship, his relationship with Irene is immediately regarded with suspicion.
Nachts im Park
Vera Brühne
Ernst Virno
Due to a delayed flight a group of German flight passengers have to wait in the hall of the airport of Manila. The crowd is quite mixed, ranging from an cultivated east German teacher couple up to sleazy sex tourists. As the waiting prolongs, more and more aggressions and long repressed behaviors shed their way to the surface.
Rote Glut
Dr. Gustav Kohmers
Porträt eines Richters
Leo Sontheimer
This film is about the difference between law and justice. A national socialist is accused of having stirred up some people against foreigners. A judge has to decide whether he has done so or if his statement comes under the constitutional given freedom of speech. This is compared with a trial in the third Reich. A young woman is being accused of having a relationship with a jew. The film confronts two views of law: the judgement is only based on the current law or the judgement may be influenced by socio-political events and sense of justice.
Kidnapping – Ein Vater schlägt zurück
Werner Schröder
Das Frankfurter Kreuz
Eine ungehorsame Frau
Marlene is terrible with men. She tries to find a distraction by devoting herself entirely to her new job, where she finds her good-looking boss suddenly showing understanding for her. But that does not resolve the situation at home.
Die letzte Rettung
Verschollen in Thailand
Karl Strauten
Dr. Friedmann
Tanz auf dem Vulkan
Karl Reichmann
Die letzte Entscheidung
Gerhard Ruhland
Das Sahara-Projekt
Graf Leo Waldegg
Männer auf Rädern
Dipl. Psych. Michael P. Degen
Christinas Seitensprung
The Frog Prince
When a young princess, instead of being fully dedicated to her love, persists in running around like a tomboy and roaming the forests with her gang, and a young prince refuses to give up all his vices and mischief, an aquaphobic fairy takes their fate into her hands. The princess then falls in love with the prince, who declares eternal fidelity to her. When he however breaks this promise, the fairy turns him into a frog. With which the loyalty of the princess is being tested as well.
Die Erbschaft
Dr. M
Reimar von Geldern
In the not-too-distant future Berlin is shocked by a series of spectacular suicides; a policeman's investigations lead him to a beautiful, enigmatic woman and the revelation of a sinister plot to manipulate the population through mass hypnosis.
The master of Doomsday
Ingenieur Waldemar Solgrub
Leo Perutz' thriller deals with the persecution of a psychotic murderer in Vienna in 1909 who seems to lead his victims into a brilliantly hidden form of suicide.
Professor Bernhardi
Prof. Bernhardi
Wie du mir..
Rolf Richardson
Die Bombe
Paul Meyerdiercks
Die Kolonie
Karl Brunner
During Pinochet's military dictatorship in Chile, a father strives to free his daughter from the German religious sect, Colonia Dignidad.
Top Kids
Carl Benz
A fun journey through the history of the automobile, this film is about a group of future computer hackers that wire an arcade game to work as a time machine. Among appearances in the movie are Henry Ford, Mercedes Benz, and modern race car driver Niki Lauda, as one of the boys becomes trapped within the newly created game. (IMDb)
The Murder Menu
Steven Jones
Das Wahlergebnis
Dom Juan
Dom Juan
Plötzlich und unerwartet
Glenn Howard
Die ewigen Gefühle
The Oppermanns
Dr. Gustav Oppermann
Mein Bruder und ich
Treffpunkt Airport
Les Affinités électives
Hauptmann Otto
On the outskirts of Weimar, Edouard and Charlotte, an aristocratic couple united after both becoming widows, invite two guests to their home: a childhood friend of Edouard's called the Captain, and despite Charlotte's ominous premonition, Ottilie, Charlotte's beautiful and orphaned niece...
In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer
Edward Teller
Ein Mann von gestern
Mittags auf dem Roten Platz
Além do Bem e do Mal
Karl Andreas
The life and ideas of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. A love triangle unfolds as Nietzsche and his best friend decides to live with a Jewish woman. According to Nietzsche's philosophy, that is beyond all morality. Depicting Nietzsche's opium addiction and madness meritorious.
Pânico em Munique
Mohammed Khadif
A dramatization of the incident in 1972 when Arab terrorists broke into the Olympic compound in Munich and murdered 11 Israeli athletes.
Der Herr der Schöpfung
Wolfgang Arbogast
Maß für Maß
Abbé Griffard
Willi is 18 years old and lives on the street. Without a goal in his life he walks around the city and meets several people, helping but also cheating him. When he meets a girl, Monica, he realizes that there are people out there whose lives are even more desperate than his. So he's trying to help her (and him) by planning a great robbery on a supermarket's money transporter.
Drei mal Hoffnung
Die U-2 Affäre
Francis G. Powers
German TV-movie that includes poems by Nelly Sachs.
Die Rückkehr
Der zehnte Mann
Arthur Brooks
Is Evelyn Foreman schizophrenic, or is she really possessed by a dybbuk?
Die fremde Frau und der Mann unterm Bett
Der junge Mann
Der Richter von Zalamea
Don Alvaro
Das Attentat - L.D. Trotzki
Frank Jacson
Wer rettet unseren Ackerknecht?
Larry Doyle
Ein Anderer für zwei Tage
Geschichte des Rittmeisters Schach von Wuthenow
Prinz Louis Ferdinand
Der Ritter vom Mirakel
Tabula rasa
Werner Sturm
Romeo und Julia
Beatrice und Juana
Jan Wicziewsky