Red Ridge chronicles the scandalous true events currently taking place in small towns along the Texas/Mexico border. Innocent young women are being kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery and prostitution. Like the independent films Monster and Boys Don't Cry, Red Ridge exposes the darkest side of man's inhumanity to man with shocking clarity and spine chilling horror.
Albert Grimes
Primavera de 1836. Mesmo com poucas chances de vitória, cerca de 200 homens de várias raças se unem na defesa de um pequeno forte no Texas. Durante 13 dias eles enfrentam as tropas do general mexicano Santa Anna (Emilio Echevarria).
Police Officer Billy Rains (Mike Norris) and his partner Darren Steel (David Rael) are finishing their last shift together, after which Rains intends to leave for retirement in Mexico. Everything changes, however, when the pair respond to a simple call that turns deadly, leading them on a high-speed chase throughout the city and killing Rains. Paired with a new partner, Smith (Fred Williamson), Steel goes on a quest to bring justice to his murdered partner and the city.
A história da vida de Brandon Teena, uma mulher que escolhe se passar por homem. Ela começa um caso de amor com uma mãe solteira da zona rural de Nebraska e sofre trágicas consequências como resultado da descoberta de sua transexualidade.
Video Stalker
A psycho serial killer who videotapes each of his bloody conquests is on the loose, and it's up to alcoholic motorcycle cop Dak and his new tough-as-nails partner, Kristen, to bring him to justice. But as the body count increases, so does the danger.
A promiscuous radio sex therapist is dragged into blackmail by a young hustler.
A photographer returns from an assignment in Mexico, only to find that she unwittingly smuggled cocaine into the country. Her model friend, who she suspects as being behind the drugs, is soon found murdered. It's now up to the photographer and the ex-cop in her employ to discover who killed the model before she herself falls victim.
Drug Dealer
Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer) foi dado como desaparecido em combate por mais de duas décadas, após ter sido abandonado, cego e moribundo no Vietnam. Quando finalmente regressa a casa, decide procurar e perdoar o seu ex-companheiro de exército, Frank Devereaux (Terrance O'Quinn).Este encontra-se sob o domínio de um corrupto diretor de um casino, que o obriga a manipular drogas. Mas Devereaux tenta fugir, colocando a sua ex-mulher e o seu filho em perigo. Apanhado no meio do caos e perseguido pelos criminosos Nick aproveita a sua capacidade sensorial superior para escapar de uma batalha cheia de acção.