De Long

De Long


De Long


Monster Attack 3
Su Jinfeng, a local citizen, contracted a deserted island in the sea from his village. He has been planting coconut trees and picking coconut fruits on the island for several years. On this day, Su Jinfeng suddenly encountered a dinosaur while working in the coconut grove. He was frightened and fled for his life. Afterwards, Su Jinfeng was puzzled and brooding about the encounter with dinosaurs, and immediately informed a media of the information, hoping to attract attention and solve the mystery of dinosaurs. Media editor Lin Peilun was overjoyed when she heard the news. As a media person, she knew that if the situation was true, the prehistoric civilization of dinosaurs would be an unprecedented major discovery for the contemporary age. She may even be the first to report the incident..
Chinese Battalion Commander
First Platoon Commander
King of Snake 2021
Gu Xingzhu
Deadly Altitude
Chen Er
Heavy Armor
Fei Yin
The criminal group headed by Fei Ying kidnapped Liang Jinmin after learning that he could make robots and asked master to build a robot with combat capabilities to assist them in committing robbery crimes.
Tomb Empty Coffin
Ci Yuan
In the early years of Tiansheng in the Northern Song Dynasty, the two brothers of the Qi family who were specializing in repairing graves dug up a solitary grave in the middle of the night, causing the corpse to change. It spread quickly among the people, and everyone in Gong'an County was in danger for a while. Is it true that the deceased resurrected and killed, or is it true that some people use the name of ghosts and gods to cover up their crimes? Supervisor Bao Zheng was secretly ordered by the emperor to investigate the case. The destination was the place where Bao Zheng once studied medicine.
Fire Cloud Evil God: Mask of Chaos
Elder A
Desert Island Survival 2: Behind the Murder
Fei Yin
Legião de Heróis
Zhu The Third
Durante a era dos Senhores da Guerra na China, uma aldeia localizada na área rural chamada Pucheng fica em uma situação perigosa. Quando seu governo aloca toda sua força militar para a linha de frente, o comandante cruel Cao das tropas inimigas chega a aldeia e mata os inocentes que estavam desesperados para lutar pela justiça e proteger sua terra natal.
Mulheres Sedutoras
Diner Chief
Uma mulher trabalha em sua técnicas de sedução para conquistar seu amor platônico, que começou a namorar. Logo, as duas mulheres começam a competir pela atenção dele.
Guarda Costas e Assassinos
Guarda Costas e Assassinos conta a história de um grupo de revolucionários tentando proteger Sun Yat-sen(1866-1925), líder da Revolução de 1911 contra a corrupta Dinastia Qing, de assassinos em 1905, Hong Kong.
Bullet and Brain
Amidst the gunfights and bloodshed in a city of sin, there lived two legendary figures, known only as Bullet and Brain. Bullet, as the name suggests, is the sharpest shooter the city has ever seen and can take someone out with a pistol in less than a tenth of a second. Brain, on the other hand, is a calculated genius with excellent problem-solving skills, not to mention some cool gadgetry. These two men are called into action again when an old score involving a little girl needs to be settled.