Fedor Smirnov


The Charge
A young man who was raised in a children's home wants to go to the Chechen war. He believes in his heart that he belongs there and that in those difficult conditions he will make himself visible. After the training, Alexander enters the elite troops of the special forces and leaves for the harsh ordeals that wait for him in the war. He doesn't change his principles and manifests himself as a hero, who won't be a traitor, even if his life depends on it. The concepts of real friendship, love and honor are eternal values. After overcoming all hardships and learning the pain of loss, he finds his love and a home, where they will wait for him, where he comes home from the war...
Poor Sasha
A young girl wants to rob her mother's bank in order to have her to leave work and come home for a New Year Eve.
7 дней с русской красавицей
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Великое замыкание, или Детонатор
The Leg
The film's protagonist Valera - cheerful guy from Moscow, who at age 19 learned a whole hell of war in Afghanistan, where he lost a leg. Returning from the war, he had no idea what a nightmare for him is just beginning.
Za posledney chertoy
An ex-convict Viktor Dremov, who is also an ex-boxer, tries to mend his ways and start a new life but his former girlfriend is marrying another man (some old antiquarian), while local thugs rob him of his car and press him constantly trying to make him work for them. Being framed and hunted he should kill them all before he becomes a broken or a dead man.
Okhota na Sutenera
Двое приятелей Вова и Боб ограбили квартиру Нины - любовницы директора рынка. Всю вину молодчики свалили на бывшего любовника и сутенера Нины Стаса Шапкина. Шеф не стал впутывать в эту историю милицию, он поручил заняться этим делом своим людям. Бандиты пытают Стаса, требуют отдать пропавшую сумму. В конце концов, бедняге приходится занять деньги у всех своих проституток и отдать вымогателям.
Homo Novus
A divorced young math teacher is tormented by her high school students.
Ladies' Man
A not-so-young man who likes women tries to organize a girl to his son.
The Feasts of Valtasar, or The Night with Stalin
A dance troupe from the autonomous region of Abkhazia in western Georgia perform for Stalin, Lavrentiy Beria, Abkhaz leader Nestor Lakoba, and other high-ranking party officials in the Black Sea coastal town of Gagra.
Do It - One!
Rookie Alexey Gavrilov ends up in a unit where hazing reigns. He resists as much as he can to the three "grandfathers" who, on the eve of demobilization, decide to recoup as much as possible on the "turtles" for past humiliations. He soon finds a like-minded person. Unable to break the will of the obstinate, the "grandfathers" carry out a vile provocation, and then Alexei decides to take a desperate step.