Chi Shui Tim


Detective vs. Sleuths
When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun, once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as "The Sleuth". Now, Jun and a detective from the task force are on a race against time to beat the brutal killer at its own game.
Breakout Brothers 3
Former warden Tang is imprisoned for accepting bribes, while Jun who failed to escape from prison returns to prison to continue serving his sentence. Jun sees that Tang is familiar with the prison and lures him into cooperating in the breakout plan. The two hit it off, and even tried to create trouble and blame it on Big Roller. Jun soon discovers that Tang has other tricks, forcing him to team up again with Big Roller, Mak and new warden Ma to crack Tang`s conspiracy.
Just out of jail, Fai finds a spot on a street corner where other homeless people welcome him. But he doesn’t get much time to settle in. The police soon chase them away, and their possessions disappear into a garbage truck. Young social worker Ms Ho thinks it’s time to fight this in court. In the meantime, Fai and his friends have other concerns.
Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong
The story tells the story of a collusion between Hong Kong police and criminals in 1973, under the instigation of the British, they embezzled huge profits and poisoned the citizens. The Governor of Hong Kong established the Independent Commission Against Corruption
All's Well, Ends Well 2020
The Yau's brothers are a trio of scammers who make punishing baddies their mission. A misunderstanding leads them to fellow con artists the Lui's sisters, and they join hands to scam a notorious mob boss. Through a myriad of ingenious tricks and disguises, they bring the mobster to justice as romance blossoms swiftly—all's well that ends well.
Guilt by Design
The film centers around a juror on a high-profile case who is blackmailed into fixing the verdict after his daughter is kidnapped.
Line Walker 2: Espião Invisível
Depois de descobrir evidências de que há corrupção na força policial, três policiais em Hong Kong tentam descobrir em quem confiar.
Tempestade branca 2: Senhores do tráfico
Um empresário rico tenta derrubar um chefão das drogas com quem costumava trabalhar, enquanto um policial tenta encontrar justiça sem infringir a lei.
Equipe Anticorrupção
Um agente da divisão anticorrupção da polícia de Hong Kong se infiltra como prisioneiro na cadeia para investigar uma rede de subornos. Logo, descobre um complô que envolve as mais altas autoridades políticas.
L Storm
O investigador da Comissão Independente Contra a Corrupção (ICAC), William Luk (Louis Koo) e o oficial da Unidade de Inteligência Financeira (JFIU) Lau Po-keung (Julian Cheung) investigam respectivamente um caso de corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro, mas não conseguem encontrar pistas. Uma reclamação dificultará ainda mais a investigação do caso.
Sequestro no Mar Vermelho
Special Effects
Durante uma operação de rotina no Mar Vermelho, a P.L.A. Navy (Peoples Liberation Army) Chinesa é avisada de que um navio foi sequestrado por piratas locais, onde turistas e marinheiros chineses foram feitos reféns. Enquanto as frotas principais e fortemente armadas não cheguem, um grupo de marinheiros menos preparados precisa tomar o controle da situação e iniciar o resgate dos passageiros, no entanto, a operação improvisada não sai como o esperado e uma terrível batalha sangrenta é iniciada em alto mar e em terra.
Colour of the Game
Da Hua, Ah Chun and a few others find themselves involved in wild and dangerous adventures when they get caught in a showdown between the China Mainland Police and Hong Kong bandits.
Onda de Choque
O filme conta a história de Cheung Choi San (Andy Lau),agente do esquadrão antibomba e chefe inspetor do (EOD). Cheung Choi-san (Andy Lau) é um inspetor sênior do Escritório de Eliminação de Armamento Explosivo. Sete anos atrás, ele se disfarçou e tornou-se o protegido de Hung Kai-pang, um criminoso especializado em bombas. Cheung desintegrou com sucesso a quadrilha criminosa de Hung, mas durante a operação, o criminoso consegue escapar enquanto seu irmão mais novo e os seus aliados foram capturados. Para se vingar da traição de Cheung, Hung volta então sete anos depois e prepara uma instalação de uma série de bombas em Hong Kong, criando um pânico público. Cheung então parte para a ação para desdobrar um plano final de vingança.
Special Female Force
An elite team of six female rookie police recruits fails to graduate as they resist to retreat in the final test when the situation gets out of hand. But their eminence provides them with another opportunity – “The Rafflesia”, a special female force that was disbanded 25 years ago when the mission failed, which is now looking for new blood to resume operation. Their first mission is to capture the notorious triad leader “President”, who caused the disbandment of “The Rafflesia” 25 years ago. He takes hostage of medical scientist Yoshida for his knowledge in virus to threaten different countries and ultimately plot a physical robbery. Eager to become real police officers, the girls accept the offer despite the level of danger involves.
Operação Secreta
Vários policiais ficaram disfarçados. Devido a alguns problemas, todas as identidades disfarçadas foram apagadas da base de dados policial.
Guerra Fria
Na sequência do filme de ação de Hong Kong 2012, os rivais chefes de polícia M.B. Lee e Sean Lau devem trabalhar juntos para salvar a esposa e filha de Sean que foram sequestradas.
Wanted criminal "Helios" and his assistant stole a quantity of uranium and plan to produce weapons of mass destruction. They are planning to trade with a terrorist organization in Hong Kong. Chief Inspector Lee Yinming and Inspector Fan Kaming lead the Counter Terrorism Response Unit of the Hong Kong Police Force. Along with a Chinese senior official, a physics professor, and two South Korean weapon experts, they hope to defuse a crisis sufficient to destroy the world.
Z Storm
Uma investigação policial descobre um complicado esquema fraudulento envolvendo os cidadãos e o governo de Hong Kong. Às vezes, a corrupção não poupa ninguém.
That Demon Within
Um policial salva um homem agonizante, mas é perseguido por alucinações violentas e mortais ao descobrir que salvou um assassino cruel destinado a matar novamente.
Tempestade de Fogo
Hong Kong. Quando Cao Nan e seu grupo de ladrões roubam um carro blindado em plena luz do dia, eles não hesitam em assassinar pessoas inocentes em fuga. Lui Ming Chit, um inspetor policial veterano, é forçado a usar táticas sinistras para capturá-los.
Doomsday Party
Hong Kong, Oct 2013. Following a long period of social unrest over bank failures, property speculation and government mismanagement, crowds gather to demonstrate in front of the Legislative Council building. Panic ensues as a bomb is reported inside the LegCo building, planted by someone calling himself "Skywalker". Meanwhile, a branch of Hong Kong & China Banking Corporation is held up by two young people in masks - chemistry student Lang (Kelvin Kwan) and social drop-out Fish (Fish Liew). Among the people in the bank are disillusioned former teacher Yue Chung-tak (Teddy Robin), councilman Ho Chung-lai (K.K. Cheung), his mistress Rebecca (Maggie Chan), the bank's investment saleswoman Luk Wan-yee (Kay Tse), her philandering boyfriend Victor Lo (Wilfred Lau), and Wan-yee's onetime boyfriend, police detective Kin-ho (Paul Wong). All have their own reasons for being in the bank that day.
Senso de Justiça
A brilliant detective is forced into early retirement after losing eyesight. Making ends meet by solving cold cases for reward money, he teams up with a rookie lady inspector to solve a case from her personal past.
Guerra às Drogas
Na cidade de Jinshan (China), o frio traficante Timmy Choi (Louis Koo) é preso quando sua operação de refino de cocaína é desbaratada. Pressionado pelo capitão de polícia (Sun Honglei), Timmy pode se livrar da pena de morte se ajudar a derrubar todo o resto do tráfico local
Guerra Fria
Uma quadrilha dá seu golpe mais ousado ao sequestrar cinco homens do corpo de elite da polícia de Hong Kong. Nas negociações com as autoridades (Charlie Yeung, Perigo em Bangkok), os sequestradores revelam estar muito bem informados. E eles têm um plano ambicioso e letal.
Sean é um novato em uma unidade secreta da polícia; os Stealth Riders, os melhores motorista da polícia, preparados para neutralizar o mundo das corridas ilegais, ou para prender criminosos fugitivos. Um dia Sean cruza no caminho de Jensen, uma lenda no mundo criminal como motorista de fugas, que nunca chegou a ser preso. Assim a polícia começa uma difícil perseguição que acaba com Jensen, pela primeira vez, atrás das grades. Jensen escapa e desafia o policial em uma corrida mortal nas movimentadas ruas de Hong Kong.
Vírus Letal
Na trama, Jay Chou ( Kato de “O Besouro Verde” ) interpreta o irmão do astro chinês Nicholas Tse (“O Tempo e a Maré”). Eles estão em lados opostos num enredo que envolve a liberação de um vírus geneticamente modificado no mundo. Filme de ação do diretor Dante Lam (“Fire of Conscience”), um dos novos mestres do cinema policial de Hong Kong…
A filha de um magnata é encontrada morta por overdose de cocaína após ser sequestrada. Nada poderá impedi-lo de vingar-se dos envolvidos.
Vampire Warriors
Ar spends her days walking around hunting down bad vampires, while Max and her good vampire friends hang around town aimlessly, complaining about how bored they are. That all changes with the arrival of Mung (Yuen Wah), a vampire who kills other vampires to make himself more powerful (don't they always?). When Ar realizes that Mung's dragging her sister (Law regular Pinky Cheung) with him, she joins forces with the vegetarian vampires to fight their common enemy.
O Dedo Duro
Um policial terá que confiar em um ladrão de carros que deverá se infiltrar em uma quadrilha cruel se quiser salvar sua irmã da prostituição.
Fire of Conscience
A police detective must solve a brutal murder to prove his partner's innocence and unearth the truth behind Hong Kong's police force. The investigation brings him to an unlikely collaboration with an inspector from the Narcotics Bureau, whose motives may not be what they seem.
Echoes of the Rainbow
Told through the eyes of sticky-fingered eight-year-old boy Big Ears, Echoes of the Rainbow takes place in a close-knit grassroots community in 1960s Hong Kong. Big Ears' mother and father run the neighborhood shoe store, and his older brother Desmond is every family's dream son - an outstanding athlete with grades worthy of Hong Kong's best school.
The Sniper
A police sniper teams up with a hot-headed rookie to take down his former friend and teammate, who is exacting revenge on the police force.
Caçada Perversa
Enquanto persegue um criminoso, um detetive mata involuntariamente uma menina. Agora, a vida da irmã gêmea da garota está em perigo e o criminoso continua solto. O detetive precisa intervir se quiser redimir seus erros.
Run Papa Run
A lawyer falls in love with a gang boss, gets knocked up and drags him to the altar. One evening, cradling the crying infant, he metamorphoses into a doting daddy, and henceforth devotes his life to keeping her from finding out his true identity. His light and joy grows into a teenager, and alas, falls for the son of a cop, while rival gangs move in on his turf.
Movimento Fatal
Um poderoso gangster de Hong Kong começa a perder seu poder durante uma guerra por território, quando as dívidas de um conselheiro e a truculência de um capanga entram no caminho.
The Moss
A Hong Kong cop is struggling for his survival in the underground world, a place filled with criminals and low life people like moss in rotting hell.
Sedução, Conspiração
Special Effects
Thriller de espionagem passado durante a Segunda Guerra, em Xangai, que conta a história de uma jovem chamada Wang Jiazhi (Wei Tang), envolvida num perigoso jogo emocional e de intriga com o político Mr. Yee (Tony Leung Chiu Wai).
Gong Tau
CID detective Rockman was sent to Thailand to investigate a case involving the Hong Kong and Thai underground syndicate. During his visit he met a sexy table dancer called Elli, they had a brief but hot steamy affair. Unexpectedly Rockman was ordered to return to Hong Kong. Before leaving he promised Elli he would return. But he never did. Heart broken Elli felt she was deceived. Rockman never expect his affair would bring the worst luck for him and family. Three years later in Hong Kong, when Rockman was busily investigating a murder case one stormy night, a senior policeman was murdered by a most wanted fugitive Lam Chiu. On the other hand, Rockman's wife broke down after their son died mysteriously. All the major newspapers headlined the two cases, saying the murder and the baby's death are related. Frustrated Rockman worked closely with Brother Sum well seasoned detective...
Dor e Ódio
Depois de encontrar sua namorada Gravida após da mesma cometer suicídio, Bong deixa a policia para se tornar um Detetive particular, além de também se entregar ao álcool. Seu antigo Chefe, Hei entra num novo caso, onde seu sogro e o ajudante do mesmo são assassinados. Porém após encerra-lo com a insatisfação de sua esposa Susan, a mesma pede a Bong para investigar o caso por fora, ao mesmo tempo que ela percebe que está sendo perseguida por um misterioso homem. Sem saber a relação do Homem com os assassinatos, Bong com a ajuda de Hei passa a procurar o real motivo do assassinato e a identidade do misterioso homem, ao mesmo tempo que Bong cai cada vez mãe na bebedeira.
Wo Hu
The Hong Kong Police placed 1000 undercover officers in the various Triad groups in their efforts to bring down the criminal organization in Hong Kong. After one undercover officer's identity is discovered and he is killed, the pressure is put on one gang, suspicious of each other and everyone around them. Betrayal, deceit and murder bring this group of 'brothers' into a collision with the law, and each other.
Midnight Running
Kaoru has Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP), and is not allowed to be exposed to sunlight. She sleeps during the day and is active at night. She busks every night in front of a station playing guitar. Outside her bedroom window, she spots a high school boy with a surfboard. She watches him and his friends visit the ocean every morning, before going to sleep. One day, she introduces herself to him without letting him know about her illness. He is Kji Fujishiro (Takashi Tsukamoto) When her cousin drags her home, they sit by her window while they watch Kji meet his friends. Kaoru explains everything, and her cousin notes that she probably goes to the same school as him, and offers to spy on him for her.
Heat Team
Eason Chan is K.C, Chan and Y.T. Lee is Aaron Kwok, both are very smart cop, who both were assign to interpol. The only thing that make them different is woman. K.C Chan is known for courting with a lot of woman and Y.T. Lee get nervous around woman. The case for this movie is about a international thief who come to Hong Kong to steal, a diamond necklace worth over 10 million US. Anyway, Yumiko Cheng who is engage with a fertilizer mogul, soon for in love with KC Chan.
Colour of the Truth
A man becomes a cop in order to take down the police superintendent who may have killed his father, and that of a vengeful Triad boss.
Good Times, Bed Times
This is the story of Carrie (Sammi Cheng), who plays a tabloid reporter who is doing a story on pin up police officer Paul Ko (Louis Koo). The word around is that he is impotent and Carrie is looking for the truth. Of course, from there you are looking to see if they will hook up. Also here are Raymond (Lau Ching Wan) as Carrie's ex, a judge and a very young looking Charlene Choi, who plays Tabbie, who wants to live with Raymond. In a small but fun interlude, the always great Sandra Ng plays Bobo.
No Problem 2
Kimura wins a trip to Hong Kong, but once he arrives, he is mistaken as a hitman and is assigned to kill Yumiko, the female successor to the Ota Group conglomerate. When Kimura falls for his target instead, he must learn kung-fu from a local (Yuen) to fight off the yakuza assassin "Invincible" assigned to finish the job.
Color of Pain
A professional hitman receives brain trauma that leaves him with a week to live. With absolutely nothing to lose, he goes on an insane crime spree that will garner the attention of both the police and all the city's criminals.
The New Option
Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of criminals commit a chain of big-time robberies, the Flying Tigers are called into action once again.
You Shoot, I Shoot
A hired killer pairs up with an amateur filmmaker to provide clients with satisfying footage of enemies getting whacked in this black comedy. Business is down, so hit man Bart is thrilled when Mrs. Ma hires him to kill her enemies and film the murders. But Bart's first video killing stinks, so he hires filmmaker Chuen. Although business subsequently picks up, their notoriety creates complications.
Profissionais do Crime
Tok e O são dois matadores profissionais frios e calculistas com diferentes ideais e estilos. Um deles é obcecado por uma garota e fará de tudo para tê-la ao seu lado. O outro quer apenas o título de matador nº1 . Tok e O se encontram num duelo onde apenas um sairá com vida. Profissionais do Crime é um filme com cenas de escapadas sensacionais, tiroteios espetaculares, suspense e emoção a cada segundo. Prenda a respiração ao cruzar com Tok e O. Sua vida corre perigo.
Cop on a Mission
Mike, a cop who is becoming increasingly frustrated with his tiresome job with little benefits, whilst the criminals live a life of luxury. He is offered a undercover job to infiltrate a Triad gang led by Boss Tin. Mike slowly becomes engrossed in this world and in Tin's wife.
He is My Enemy, Partner and Father-In-Law
He Is My Enemy, Partner and Father-In-Law is a Hong Kong Action Comedy starring Danny Lee and Nick Cheung.
Jogo da Vingança
Police inspector and excellent hostage negotiator Ho Sheung-Sang finds himself in over his head when he is pulled into a 72 hour game by a cancer suffering criminal out for vengeance on Hong Kong's organized crime syndicates.
My Loving Trouble 7
Patrick Tam plays James, a director of TV commercials who becomes infatuated with Julia, a mysterious woman he happens to notice walking across the street one day (and since Julia is played by Shu Qi, who can blame him?). She is actually a high-tech industrial spy, and plans to quit the service after completing one more mission, with the help of her new partner Candy (Tien Hsin). When the women realize that they have been set up, James tries to help them and the initially hostile Julia begins warming up to him.
Beast Cops
Ruthlessly realistic, and vivid and unremitting in its uncompromising brutality and honesty, Beast Cops is a visceral and hard-hitting exploration of the dichotomous existence of two cops charged with upholding the law, while balancing on a moral knife-edge. Compelling and controversial, with a breakout performance of startling intensity from leading man Anthony Wong, this raw and enticing action-thriller has mesmerized audiences worldwide with its disturbing examination of the subjective and marginal morality, which inhabits the uncertain and ambiguous world of law enforcement.
A Ilha da Ganância
Um inspetor do governo (Andy Lau) tenta derrubar uma figura do submundo taiwanês (Tony Leung) que está buscando um assento político.
97 Aces Go Places
Eternal 25 year-old Alan Tam is a wimpy triad boss who must avenge his dad because he had a heart attack after losing at cards to a pretty cat burglar. For help, he enlists Drunk Shooter, HK’s ace gunman, who’s also an incredible souse. Problem: Christy ripped off wacky triad boss Francis Ng, so he wants her, too. Even worse, Alan just doesn't want to kill Christy because she’s too damn beautiful. Hijinks ensue.
Special Effects
Johnnie To's character-centered drama follows a Hong Kong firefighting crew as they take on harrowing rescue missions and navigate personal dilemmas.