Ryan McDonell

Ryan McDonell

Nascimento : 1983-07-13, Berwick, Nova Scotia, Canada


Ryan McDonell


Love in the Forecast
A garota do tempo Leah Waddell está cansada da vida amorosa sombria e de não ser levada a sério como meteorologista. Sem saber o que fazer, decide ficar solteira e se concentrar em sua carreira por um ano. Assim que ela assume esse compromisso, começa a chover homens. Seu novo vizinho, Mark, parece ser capaz de prever o tempo e eles se aproximam.
Natal em Springdale
A turnê promocional de um livro leva a autora para a cidade natal do homem que a inspirou a escrevê-lo, mas que também feriu seus sentimentos.
Garage Sale Mystery: Murder By Text
Famous country singer John Dalton's concert rehearsal is stalled when the entire crew receives a suicide note from Lita, the band’s bassist. After discovering that a Taser was used to immobilize her before her death, Jenn is skeptical that Lita’s death was actually suicide.
Rampage: President Down
FBI Agent Vincent Jones
Depois dos acontecimentos de Rampage e Rampage Capital Punishment, Bill Wiliamson (Brendan Fletcher) volta com o seu objetivo de transformação radical do mundo, nem que para isso muitos tenham que morrer.
The Devout
A story about the power of belief, The Devout follows Darryl Eckford during trying times: his 4-year-old daughter, Abigail, has terminal cancer with weeks to live. Abigail is obsessed with space, and she talks with extraordinary detail of the Apollo 1 space mission. After she admits her former name, Darryl researches the space mission and finds inexplicable coincidences. A devout Christian, Darryl faces a crisis of faith when he begins to believe that his daughter was an astronaut in a former life. This newfound belief instills hope in Darryl, because, if his daughter has lived before, she will live again. He must face his wife, community and his own faith as he seeks out truth, because, if his daughter has lived before, she will live again. Its intriguing story and meticulous direction from Connor Gaston makes The Devout one of the most impressive Canadian independent films of the year.
Baby Bootcamp
Fitness instructor Julia is down on her luck, trying to make her baby boot camp a thriving business. To make ends meet, she becomes a part-time nanny for a single widowed father. Trouble is, she knows nothing about taking care of children.
Rocketship Misfits
Woody Robson
A University astrophysics class takes part in a nationwide competition to design and build a scale model sub-orbital spacecraft.
Edge of the Garden
A man buys a home from the 1960s and slowly begins to understand—and fall in love with—the woman who lived there a half century earlier.
Rampage: Sede de Vingança
FBI Agent
Um homem constrói uma armadura e sai em uma matança desenfreada. O tédio da vida de cidade pequena está comendo Bill Williamson vivo. Sentindo-se constrangido e claustrofóbico em seu cotidiano, Bill entra em um estado de loucura e coloca em prática seu violento plano que pode abalar os alicerces da sociedade, pintando as ruas de sangue.
Vale Tudo: A Liga da Destruição
Kain Frazier
Os Hanson têm a missão de ajudar um desesperado time de hóquei formado por jovens atletas. Enquanto ensinam suas técnicas nada convencionais aos novos "alunos", esses malucos vão causar muito, dentro e fora das quadras.
The Secret Lives of Second Wives
Lynn Hughes finds that marriage the second time around is far from idyllic when the ex wife and her children return to manipulate her husband Jack.
Ameaça sem Controle
While on a flight home from Colombia, the plane that Dr. Carrie Ross and her daughter are on is attacked by bullet ants whose sting is the most painful and deadliest on the planet. Joining forces with air marshal Ethan Hart, Dr. Ross, an entomologist, tries desperately to save the flight from disaster. In the end, their struggle brings them closer together and offers the couple hope for the future.
Dr. Dolittle 3
Maya Dolittle sonha em ser uma adolescente normal, mas herdou de seu pai o dom de falar com os animais. Suas habilidades sempre a deixam em situações embaraçosas, o que faz com que seus amigos a considerem maluca. Em um acampamento de verão Maya tenta esconder de todos seu dom, na tentativa de se enturmar. Porém quando seus amigos entram em perigo ela precisa usar mais uma vez suas habilidades para salvá-los.
Meltdown: Days of Destruction
Despite scientist Nathan's warnings, his boss continues an experiment meant as publicity for his satellite firm: exploding an asteroid. Instead it splits, and the major piece, the size of Iceland, changes course to earth. It is deflected but so close that it shift our course closer to the sun, causing rapid extreme heating, hopefully only mid-term. Nathan warns his sister, TV journalist Carly, and she her lover, police detective Tom. He brings his unruly daughter Kim, her ex-con lover C.J. and her mother, nurse Bonnie, when Nathan offers a flight to a friend's Arctic weather station. Tom takes charge of a dangerous trip to the airport, as everywhere on earth things catch fire and people fight for water, transport and sheer looting.
Oito Dias Para Viver
Will Spring
O filho de Teresa Spring desaparece misteriosamente depois de um acidente de automóvel. Teresa começa então uma corrida contra o tempo para salvar o filho antes que seja tarde demais.
A Very Cool Christmas
16 year-old Lindsay decides to give Santa Claus an extreme makeover.
Snakehead Terror
A small town, desperate to recover from hard economic times, is under threat when voracious Snakehead fish mutate and survive previous lake chemical poisonings. The fish transform from pests to predators when human growth hormones are dumped into the local lake in the hopes of reviving the local fishing industry. Thriving on the hormones, the Snakehead fish grow to monstrous proportions, devouring everything within reach. Capable of moving and eating on land, they are forced to leave the now barren lake in a desperate search for food - animal, vegetable or human.