Joel Perlgut


Dark Whispers - Volume 1
Quando Clara descobre o reverenciado? Livro dos Sussurros Negros? de sua falecida mãe, ela não consegue parar de ler as histórias estranhas dentro de suas páginas místicas. Cada estranho conto revela uma nova faceta da psique humana distorcida … ou a não tão humana, conforme o caso. Do horror da tristeza ao desastre de viver em casa compartilhada, do pavor existencial aos vampiros de golpe direto, há algo para todos os gostos; Contanto que esses gostos sejam distorcidos!
Sad Sachs
Adult children of a Jewish family, dressed up in evening gowns and dinner jackets, are late to a wedding. The order a cab, and in a classical conversation with a driver they discover that he is a neo-Nazi, and such a dim-witted one, that he doesn’t realize who rides in his car and how inappropriate it is to voice his views in their presence. The historical justice would be restored with help of a stiletto shoe, and the optics of a small professional camera gives unexpected dynamics to the witty performances.
Sad Sachs
Adult children of a Jewish family, dressed up in evening gowns and dinner jackets, are late to a wedding. The order a cab, and in a classical conversation with a driver they discover that he is a neo-Nazi, and such a dim-witted one, that he doesn’t realize who rides in his car and how inappropriate it is to voice his views in their presence. The historical justice would be restored with help of a stiletto shoe, and the optics of a small professional camera gives unexpected dynamics to the witty performances.