Animated film portraying the four families of the orchestra, each with their own unique sound worlds and musical motifs: the slinky, sophisticated noir-jazz of the woodwinds; the lush romanticism of the strings; the aggressive techno-fanfares of the brass; and the percussion section “drum circle” in all its versatility. Look for live music events that accompany the film.
Animated film portraying the four families of the orchestra, each with their own unique sound worlds and musical motifs: the slinky, sophisticated noir-jazz of the woodwinds; the lush romanticism of the strings; the aggressive techno-fanfares of the brass; and the percussion section “drum circle” in all its versatility. Look for live music events that accompany the film.
Original Music Composer
A floresta Aokigahara, conhecida também como "Sea of Trees", localizada aos pés do Monte Fuji, é famosa por ter um alto índice de suicídios. Dois homens, o americano Arthur Brennan (Matthew McConaughey) e o japonês Takumi Nakamura (Ken Watanabe), vão até lá com este pensamento, mas acabam iniciando uma jornada de reflexão e sobrevivência mata adentro.