Best friends and neighbors Alice and Celine both live an idyllic traditional lifestyle with manicured lawns, successful husbands and sons of the same age. Life’s perfect harmony is suddenly shattered after a tragic accident. Guilt, suspicion and paranoia combine to unravel their sisterly bond and a psychological battle of wills begins as the maternal instinct reveals its darker side.
Best friends and neighbors Alice and Celine both live an idyllic traditional lifestyle with manicured lawns, successful husbands and sons of the same age. Life’s perfect harmony is suddenly shattered after a tragic accident. Guilt, suspicion and paranoia combine to unravel their sisterly bond and a psychological battle of wills begins as the maternal instinct reveals its darker side.
A história da ascensão e queda da família Von Erich, uma dinastia de lutadores que teve um enorme impacto no desporto desde os anos 60 até aos dias de hoje.
When the host of a failing children’s science show tries to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming an astronaut by building a rocket ship in his garage, a series of bizarre events occur that cause him to question his own reality.
In 1960s Massachusetts, an unhappy prison secretary is beguiled a new co-worker who pulls her into complicity in a crime that surpasses her wildest imaginings.
O ex-oficial de operações militares Connor Connolly tem um dia para pagar US$ 2 milhões em reparações a um líder de gangue local para salvar sua esposa sequestrada. Com a vida dela em jogo, Connor deve recrutar sua antiga equipe, liderada por Brice Mason, para realizar uma série de assaltos perigosos para pagar o dinheiro que ele deve e acertar contas com o chefe de polícia corrupto da cidade. Em uma corrida contra o tempo, a equipe deve confiar em seu treinamento tático e irmandade para salvar a si mesmos e aqueles que mais importam.
The worlds of a young cop with a checkered past, an ex-con turned devout Muslim, and a junkie with affluent roots collide in a plot to justify New York City's counter-terrorism campaign against homegrown extremists.