Archival Footage Research
"Marx can wait" was something Camillo Bellocchio said to his twin Marco the last time they met before the former died at a young age in the heated days of 1968. This documentary is dedicated to his memory.
Archival Footage Research
Goffredo Fofi does not want to be considered an intellectual but he has spent his life founding magazines, writing books, reviewing movies. The film portrays his tireless political and cultural work, his encounters with famous figures, the extra-parliamentary groups, ideological excesses, discovering new authors and directors. Social work as a political resource. The profile of a heretical intellectual and an extraordinary cultural organizer reveals a very critical view of Italian society, its power mechanisms, and the injustice that leaves a mark on it.
A siciliana Letizia Battaglia começou uma batalha ao longo da vida com a máfia quando apontou pela primeira vez sua câmera para uma vítima brutalmente morta. Documentando o domínio bárbaro da Cosa Nostra, ela deu testemunho inabalável de seus crimes. Suas fotografias, arte e bravura ajudaram a dar um fim a um chocante reinado de matança.