Key Animation
Hiwa Natsunagi is a high school student living in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. Worried about what to do with her life after graduation, she spots a poster for Spa Resort Hawaiians the “Hawaii of Tohoku” the place where her sister Mari used to work and applies to their new dancer (hula girl) campaign on a whim.
Despite her lack of experience, Hiwa is accepted for the job, and starts on the path towards becoming a Hula Girl with her classmates, Kanna, Ranko, 'ohana and Shion. However, unable to keep in step with one another due to their differing personalities, their first stage ends in disaster. Called the “most pitiful rookies ever” the girls are disheartened, but they learn to share the good and bad...and strengthen their bond despite the occasional fumble.
With their hearts and minds firmly set, the girls grace the stage once more.
Animation Director
Hiwa Natsunagi is a high school student living in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. Worried about what to do with her life after graduation, she spots a poster for Spa Resort Hawaiians the “Hawaii of Tohoku” the place where her sister Mari used to work and applies to their new dancer (hula girl) campaign on a whim.
Despite her lack of experience, Hiwa is accepted for the job, and starts on the path towards becoming a Hula Girl with her classmates, Kanna, Ranko, 'ohana and Shion. However, unable to keep in step with one another due to their differing personalities, their first stage ends in disaster. Called the “most pitiful rookies ever” the girls are disheartened, but they learn to share the good and bad...and strengthen their bond despite the occasional fumble.
With their hearts and minds firmly set, the girls grace the stage once more.
Key Animation
Tanjiro Kamado, junto com Inosuke Hashibira, um garoto criado por javalis que usa uma cabeça de javali, e Zenitsu Agatsuma, um garoto assustado que revela seu verdadeiro poder quando dorme, embarca no Trem Infinito em uma nova missão com o Hashira de Fogo, Kyojuro Rengoku, para derrotar um demônio que tem atormentado o povo e matado os caçadores de oni que se opõem a ele!
Key Animation
O ano é 2148. Dois anos se passaram desde que o mundo foi defendido pela misteriosa Festum, deixando o mundo em paz. Soushi prometeu a Kazuki que um dia ele iria voltar à Ilha Tatsumiya, mas em vez disso ele ainda se mantém escondido, vivendo sua vida na paz que ele criou. Mas um dia, um misterioso navio chega à Ilha Tatsumiya... Um navio sem ninguém, apenas uma menina dormindo no navio. A paz não vai durar tanto tempo como todo mundo acreditava...