Anna Shkil

Anna Shkil

Nascimento : 1991-11-04,


Anna Shkil


Friend for Sale
restaurant visitor
The story of the principled Ivan, who became disillusioned with the relationship after breaking up with his beloved Katya, but suddenly became the main "lot of sales" in the fake marriage agency of his friend, businessman Gosha. Unaware of the role prepared for him, Ivan becomes the target of a hunt for hundreds of unmarried girls who are ready to do anything to get a “macho millionaire” as their husbands, this is how Gosh advertises his friend.
Naughty Grandma 3
1980, the whole country follows the events of the Moscow Olympics. Vova Rubinstein alone, on the sly, disguises himself as Soviet pop stars and tries to get rich by arranging fake concerts. At one of these concerts, he is exposed by the KGB and recruited as an undercover agent. Now, in order not to go to jail, Vova must fulfill a responsible mission - to find a deadly chemical developed in a secret laboratory on the black market. Vova will have to plunge headlong into the abyss of the spy passions of Moscow in the 80s: to find a chemical, to prevent the undermining of the Olympic Bear, to experience Brezhnev's passionate kiss, and to meet the love of his life ... And all this is in the image of the currency prostitute Louise Karpovna Rubinstein.
Don't Heal Me
Ilya works as a trauma surgeon in a hospital. In the transition, he saves the life of a man who is trying to get compensation from a surgeon for broken ribs. This is the lesser of the doctor’s troubles. Saving the life of one of the patients, Ilya has to marry the girl while she is sleeping. With good intentions, the protagonist hides the official’s son in the hospital to knock out the latest equipment, but when the fraud is revealed, Ilya is kicked out and deprived of his license. In the maelstrom of events, Ilya does not lose his humor and self-confidence and challenges all troubles in spite of his enemies.
Caros Camaradas! Trabalhadores em Luta
Lyudmila é uma executiva e devota do Partido Comunista, que lutou na Segunda Guerra Mundial pela ideologia de Stalin. Certa de que seu trabalho criará uma sociedade comunista, a mulher detesta qualquer sentimento antissoviético. Durante uma greve, Lyudmila testemunhou trabalhadores sendo baleados por ordem do governo, que busca encobrir greves trabalhistas em massa. Após o banho de sangue, quando os sobreviventes fogem da praça, Lyudmila percebe que sua filha desapareceu. Uma fenda aberta se abre em sua visão de mundo.
Os Guardiões
Em plena Guerra Fria, uma organização secreta chamada "Patriota" recrutou um grupo de super-heróis russos, modificando o DNA de quatro indivíduos, com o objetivo de defender o país de ameaças sobrenaturais. Arsus, Khan, Ler e Xenia representam os diferentes povos que compõem a União Soviética, e mantêm suas identidades bem guardadas para, também, não expor aqueles que têm a missão de proteger.