Darío Ferradas
Máximo Ferradas, empresário e filho mais novo de uma poderosa família de pescadores, pede a Francisco, seu pai, a sua parte da herança e assim, ele inicia uma longa jornada que o levará a terras distantes, tentando construir seu próprio “império”.
Osvaldo is going through a unique moment in his life. Selling a home forever alters family ties.
Ramón Molina
A história é centrada no drama humano de três jovens de uma pequena cidade de Traslasierra, Córdoba, que desde lugares ideológicos muito diferentes são transformados para sempre pelas Malvinas Argentinas (Ilhas Fakland).
Teniente Daniel
The film tells the life of Tito Pereyra since his childhood in a town of Tucuman (with an absent father) until the 1980 s in Buenos Aires, when democracy was restored. During that period he makes decisions that will change his life forever.It shows a human being with both bright and dark aspects, whose contrasts seem to determine his destiny.
Leandro and Silvina, a young and successful middle-class couple, are experiencing the happiest time of their lives. But the sudden appearance of Leandro's daughter from another relationship, destabilizes the couple revealing hitherto unknown differences.
Ana and Federico have only been married for a few years and everything is going well until the sudden arrival of Úrsula in their lives to change them forever.