A group of professional con artists scam poor, unsuspecting citizens with fraudulent bank loans. The scams go well for a while, but then they begin to distrust each other.
In a tranquil countryside hospital, radiologic technician Yeon-woo suffers from a mental disorder, the result of a childhood trauma in which he witnessed his younger brother die in a car accident. Won-hee, the hospital’s newest nurse, shows an interest in Yeon-woo, but he doesn’t appreciate her advances-he doesn’t even get along with hospital colleagues he’s known for years. Through a few chance encounters, they gradually grow closer and he opens up his heart to her. However, Won-hee has a secret that she hasn’t told Yeon-woo, and it appears that their love will never be.
Blending politics with romance, noted director of “The Housemaid” weaves a story of two activists in hiding in a remote shack. The intimate setting proves to be fertile ground for hidden desires.