Second Unit First Assistant Director
Joe acaba de ser humilhado por um bully do escritório na frente de sua filha. Revoltado, decide fazer drásticas mudanças e uma delas é treinar caratê para se vingar de seu rival. Mas esta transformação promete muito mais do que Joe havia planejado.
Assistant Director
Alex and Erica Boyer are a young couple in crisis. Alex, despite his loving wife, beautiful home and high-paying job, feels trapped. When Erica has an accident that leaves her temporarily confined to a wheelchair and requiring the services of a private nurse, the beautiful Lisa enters the Boyers' lives. A complicated situation develops as Alex sees Lisa as the cure for his own problems as well as his wife's.
Assistant Editor
An alien slave crash-lands in New York City while being pursued by two Men in Black bounty hunters. His attempt to find a place for himself on Earth parallels that of the immigrant experience.