Ana Silvia Garza

Ana Silvia Garza


Ana Silvia Garza


O Exorcismo de Carmen Farías
Mujer en funeral
Carmen, uma corajosa jornalista, descobre logo após a morte de sua mãe que herdou a casa de sua avó. Ela decide se mudar para lá sem saber que o local esconde segredos sombrios.
La gran comedia
Julian Ruiz, a real estate salesman and amateur filmmaker, wrote in the company of Anne, his romantic wife, a script that could mean his professional film debut. Mayte, Secretary of sales of real estate, is in love with Julian and, in turn, Jorge Padilla, the head of both, who is married to Josephine, a consumer who buys everything even without knowing it serves, is attracted by Mayte.
Cualquier cosa
An actor from the provinces, a soap-opera star, reaches the big city with dreams of success. Partly through sincerity and partly prompted by an uneasy conscience, he wants to revolutionize the traditional photo-novel by linking it to social and political reality, to "bring social conscience to the masses" by utilizing this traditionally manipulative and alienating mass medium. The film narrates, in a tragicomic tone, the itinerary followed by Gualberto Rodriguez in his efforts to produce his 'revolutionary' photo-novel: the story of a peasant that migrates to the city, becomes a blue-collar worker, tries to establish a union, and ends up falling in love with the factory owner's daughter. The 'revolutionary' ends up being used, manipulated, and his project fails completely.