Petr Bagaev


Major Grom Contra o Dr. Peste
Set Decoration
Um assassino mascarado aterroriza a cidade. Agora um detetive rebelde e seu parceiro novato são os únicos que podem resolver o problema.
Two Tickets Home
Set Designer
Liuba Vasnetsova lives in a provincial boarding school, dreams of finishing it sooner rather than later and go to St Petersburg to become a stewardess. The future seems bright: after boarding school she receives the keys to a new apartment, with a new life ahead. But on the day of her graduation she learns that she is not an orphan: her father is alive and not dead, as she was told earlier. The girl is shaken and decides to find him.
About Love
Set Designer
Beautiful Nina lives happily married, as she saw it, with intelligent Alexandr, professor of Sinology. But the debt for the mortgage begins to disturb the relationship of spouses. One day she meets Sergey, the head of the bank where her husband has debt, and so begins their passionate relationships. The story of the relationship with married Sergey hardly promises happiness, but Nina realizes that for the first time she feels true love.
Set Designer
A group of Russian noblemen want to maintain the monarchy and plan to kill Rasputin.