Chester Milton


Na década de 1930, três amigos testemunham um assassinato, são acusados ​​e descobrem uma das tramas mais ultrajantes da história americana.
Camera Department Production Assistant
Armado com apenas uma palavra – Tenet – e lutando pela sobrevivência do mundo inteiro, o Protagonista viaja através de um mundo crepuscular de espionagem internacional em uma missão que irá desenrolar em algo para além do tempo real.
Aging Out
The story of a teenager struggling to survive in the foster system.
Aging Out
The story of a teenager struggling to survive in the foster system.
What Was I Before
Director of Photography
A young man experiences his last few minutes of singular consciousness while examining a wild falcon he has studied for months.
What Was I Before
A young man experiences his last few minutes of singular consciousness while examining a wild falcon he has studied for months.
What Was I Before
A young man experiences his last few minutes of singular consciousness while examining a wild falcon he has studied for months.
What Was I Before
A young man experiences his last few minutes of singular consciousness while examining a wild falcon he has studied for months.