Jackson Rodrigues


A Trilha dos Ratos
Antes de terminar a segunda guerra mundial, a Alemanha Nazista percebendo que iria perder a guerra, planejou uma rota de fuga para que os seus oficias de alta patente não fossem condenados. Milhares de nazistas fugiram por essas rotas, com a ajuda da IGREJA CATÓLICA e da CRUZ VERMELHA para a América. Passaportes foram expedidos e muitos criminosos escaparam e viveram prosaicamente em toda a América em troca de dinheiro e tecnologia alemã. Essas trilhas se chamavam-se: RATILINES ou TRILHA DOS RATOS O cineasta MARCELO FELIPE SAMPAIO e o historiador e escritor PEDRO BURINI foram atrás dessa historia, que segundo documentos e relatos passou pela cidade de Serra Negra no interior de São Paulo.
La Plata Yvyguy - Enterros e Guardados
The Legend of the Paraguay War Legend tells that during the Paraguay War (1864-1870), families that lived near the border and soldiers who were leaving for battle used to hide their valuable belongings by burying them in secret spots, in order to safely recover them after the war. In several cases, though, the only people who knew about the secret spots of those personal treasures died before they could go back to recover them. According to inhabitants of that region, the spirits of those tormented men would reveal the location of those "buried and hidden" treasures to chosen people in their dreams, visions or by haunting them. "The Legend of the Paraguay War" approaches local legends in a historic and literary way. Those legends were born from within the biggest conflict in South America, and were developed and influenced by the local imaginary view of the world and which can be considered a relevant part of those people's identity up to this day