Rachel Coates

Rachel Coates


Rachel Coates
Rachel Coates


As If It's True
Gemma Watson is a social media influencer/content creator who’s burning out from trying to maintain the interest of her followers. She meets James, a struggling musician suffering from depression. They enter into a relationship with the mutual intent to capitalize on the other. Gemma uses James for content by presenting him as a perfect aspirational romantic partner, while James leeches off Gemma’s wealth and connections to further his own music career. But, as time passes, their intentions don't pan out as they expect and a blur forms between real love and exploitation.
Us X Her
O casamento instável de um jovem casal torna-se ainda mais caótico quando outra mulher entra em cena. Mas o que acontece quando as duas mulheres se apaixonam?
A pair of best friends head out to quench their romantic thirsts while on vacation, but end up targeting the same man!
When a documentary crew covers the Philippine Giant Monster Defense Institute's MIGHTY ROBO V Program, they learn that maybe the wrong people were hired for the job.