Mimi Pham


Cowboy Poets
Since 1985, poets, songwriters and musicians have gathered at the Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Nevada.
Try Harder!
Executive Producer
In a universe where cool kids are nerds, the orchestra is world class and being Asian American is the norm, seniors at Lowell High School compete for the top prize: admission to the college of their dreams.
Executive Producer
A mother wonders, will my children love their perfect machines more than they love me, their imperfect mother? She switches on a smart-crib lulling her crying baby to sleep. This perfect mother is everywhere. She watches over us, takes care of us. We listen to her. We trust her.
Faya Dayi
Executive Producer
As lendas etíopes dizem que o khat, uma folha estimulante, foi encontrado pelos imãs sufistas em busca da eternidade. Histórias de repressão governamental, fantasias místicas e viagens arriscadas além das fronteiras são contadas, mostrando os sonhos de uma juventude que anseia por uma vida melhor.
Executive Producer
Alvin Ailey was a visionary artist who found salvation through dance. Told in his own words and through the creation of a dance inspired by his life, this immersive portrait follows a man who, when confronted by a world that refused to embrace him, determined to build one that would.
Corações Livres
Co-Executive Producer
Na Los Angeles de 1960, as Irmãs do Imaculado Coração de Maria lutam por igualdade, autonomia financeira e liberdade – para isso, elas enfrentam um cardeal que tenta mantê-las naquele que ele acredita ser o lugar delas.
Executive Producer
Using immersive camera work and a heart-pounding soundtrack, Faceless takes us to the frontline of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong to meet four young people who risk their lives and fly in the face of absolute power.
Executive Producer
Following the class of 2020 at Oakland High School in a year marked by seismic change, exploring the emotional world of teenagers coming of age against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world.