The film follows two student cinematographers who, as the war approaches Moscow, refuse to be evacuated and instead volunteer to be front-line cameramen capturing the horrors of war and heroism of the soviet soldiers. At the same time, we witness another storyline taking place in the US. After the premiere screening of the already completed documentary “Moscow Strikes Back”, one of the members of the Academy Awards selection committee is trying to persuade his fellow colleagues to establish a new category of Best Documentary in the upcoming Oscars event.
Art gallery patron
Dean (Demetri Martin) é um desenhista freelancer em crise que, depois da súbita morte de sua mãe, viaja para a costa oeste para tentar impedir que seu pai (Kevin Kline) venda a casa da família. Mas seu foco é totalmente desviado ao se apaixonar por uma bela mulher de Los Angeles (Gillian Jacobs).