Kevin Guns


Amor Em Construção
Assistant Set Decoration
Os arquitetos rivais Jules Briggs e Lance Waddell aceitam o desafio de reformar um mesmo duplex. Conforme tentam se superar, os riscos da reforma aumentam e uma paixão antiga começa a ressurgir.
Emma Fielding Mysteries: More Bitter Than Death
Assistant Set Decoration
While hosting the annual gathering of the Association for the Study of American Archaeology at Kenzer College, Emma Fielding is thrust into the midst of a murder mystery when the President of her organization is poisoned on the eve of announcing her successor. With many of the leading archaeologists present having expressed their entitlement to the presidency prior to the murder, Emma and FBI pal Jim Conner have plenty of likely suspects from which to choose.
Love at First Dance
Assistant Set Decoration
Hope is tasked with teaching Manhattan's former "Most Eligible Bachelor" how to dance for his extravagant, society wedding. But as the dance lessons progress, complications ensue when feelings begin to develop between student and instructor.
Deadly Deed: A Fixer Upper Mystery
Assistant Set Decoration
Shannon Hughes has taken on a charity project renovating a grand old Victorian mansion. When a local banker is found murdered inside, Shannon must dust off the clues and cement the truth before her renovation becomes a demolition.
Emma Fielding Mysteries: Past Malice
Assistant Set Decoration
Archaeologist Emma Fielding is hired to consult on the acquisition of a castle-like estate that local legend states is cursed. But she finds herself in the middle of a murder case after discovering the body of the archaeologist she was hired to shadow in a secret chamber in the bowels of the huge building. Assisted by her friend, FBI special agent Jim Conner, Fielding must sift through clues and a long list of suspects, each of whom has their own reason for wanting the man dead, to determine who is the killer.
Boneco do Mal
Set Dresser
Greta é uma jovem americana que aceita um trabalho como babá em uma pequena vila inglesa. Porém, o garoto de 8 anos de quem ela tem que cuidar é, na verdade, um boneco de quem o casal cuida como se fosse um menino de verdade, como uma forma de lidarem com a morte do filho, ocorrida 20 anos antes. Após violar uma lista de regras do garoto, uma série de eventos inexplicáveis transformam a vida dela em um pesadelo.