Quan Yongxian

Quan Yongxian


Writer and screenwriter from Mainland China. Born in January 1966 in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province. From 1984 he has worked as a creative writer for the North Desert Literary and Industrial Troupe and director of the reporter department of the Sanjiang Evening News. In 1995 Quan published the novel "White Sun, Red Sun", which was translated into Korean by the journal "Changbai Mountain" and won the 13th Changbai Mountain Literary Award.


Quan Yongxian


Luta Pela Liberdade
No estado de Manchukuo, nos anos 30, quatro agentes especiais do Partido Comunista, após retornarem à China, embarcam em uma missão secreta. Exausta por um traidor, a equipe se vê rodeada de correção de todos os lados.