Morgane Chaillat


Amour Océan
Casting Assistant
Jeanne, 17, enjoys the last days of summer before getting back to high school. One morning, with her little sister Camille, they decide to run away from the police station where they live with their father to see the ocean one last time. On the beach, Jeanne meets a young surfer. He’s handsome, she’s intrigued. Jeanne feels a strange desire invading her.
Pequena Lição de Amor
Casting Assistant
Julie trabalha como passeadora de cachorros em Paris. Durante uma chuva, se abriga num café e descobre, sobre uma das mesas, uma prova de matemática e uma perturbadora carta de amor de uma aluna ao professor. Pelo teor do texto, a estudante está disposta a tomar medidas extremas. Julie começa sua investigação para prevenir uma catástrofe.
Casting Assistant
No matter the cost, Yacine and his two pals want to see Fast & Furious 8 at the multiplex in the high rise suburb where they live. Unfortunately for them, they can only afford to see the cine-club session. For Yacine, what was meant to be a strategy transforms into an amazing experience.