

Ateng Pendekar Aneh
At the Kuntul Putih School of martial arts, the teacher Sekarwangi receives a telegram that his ex-student, Anom Subali, is robbing people. So Ateng and Iskak, students of Sekarwangi who have just graduated, are told to go and defeat Anom’s group. Ateng is given a magical weapon (a cloth belt) while Iskak is also given a weapon (a flute). So Ateng and Iskak face many battles against Anom’s men. A love story is also woven in as a subplot. The comedy is mixed with action as it uses a martial arts story as a background.
Si Gomar
After a pirate attack, a family is separated. Soebardja is with his father while Mariani stays with the mother. Due to their long separation and different foster parents, Mariani and Soebardja almost get married to each other. But Ismail, their cousin, is the one who prevents the mistake from happening.
Srigala Item
Mardjoeki goes missing after his wealth is taken by his brother, Djoekri. His son, Mochtar, is left behind and is treated like a slave by Djoekri. Later, The Black Jackal, a man in a mask, thwarts Djeokri's cruelty. In a chase scene between Djoekri and The Black Jackal, it turns out that Mardjoeki is still alive, and he is the man behind the mask all this time.
Sea Lion
Robin is exiled from society after he is accused of murdering a man named Ibrahim in a fight. Twenty years later Ibrahim's son, Mahmud, begins a search for his father's killer. He soon reaches the island of Sampojo, where he finds Robin. The exile has taken up piracy and now uses the name "Singa Laoet" (The Sea Lion). After one of Robin's men, Hasan, kidnaps a girl whom he loves, Mahmud tracks the kidnapper down and fights him to the death. It is later revealed that Hasan, not Robin, was the one who killed Ibrahim
Aceh's Knife
Bintara is a pirate captain who sails the Malaka strait. He robs ships and murders their crews. Two children survive one of the attacks. They are Rusna and Daud. 15 years later the two become teenagers and live in the woods. There they meet the courageous Panglima Ali. At that time, Bintara is still conducting his evil deeds. But his life is ended by Panglima Ali’s blade.
Travelling through his coconut plantation, Suhiyat, the prodigal son of a wealthy man, runs into Suyati who is being harassed by Rainan. When he helps Surati, he also inflames the jealousy of Rasmina, the widow, who is attracted to him, even though she is courted by Karta. Heartbroken, she gets Rainan to abduct Surati. But she escapes inside the woods and manages to befriend the animals. These animals are the ones who save her when Rainan's men raid the woods to take her back. Finally Suhiyat rescues Suyati. Rasmina regrets her evil deeds and returns to her former husband, Karta.
Roesia si Pengkor
Haji Saleh is going on a pilgrimage to the sacred mountain. Meanwhile, his wife and daughter, Suti, stay behind in Tangerang. As the beauty of the village, Suti attracts a lot of young men. But Saari is the one who she is interested in. Yet, Saari faces competition from Usin. In the end, Saari emerges victorious. Later, it is revealed that the one who has been keeping Suti out of danger is none other than Pengkor, who is her own father Haji Saleh.