Nobu McCarthy

Nobu McCarthy

Nascimento : 1934-11-13, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Morte : 2002-04-06


Nobu McCarthy foi uma atriz canadense japonesa, modelo de moda e diretor de palco.


Nobu McCarthy


Gaijin: Ama-me Como Sou
Shinobu Yamashita
Em 1908 chega ao Brasil Titoe (Kyoko Tsukamoto), japonesa que vem ao país na intenção de conseguir dinheiro com seu trabalho para então retornar ao Japão e poder seguir sua vida no país-natal. Em 1935, já com sua filha Shinobu (Nobu McCarthy) nascida e com dinheiro insuficiente para retornar ao Japão, Titoe decide comprar seu primeiro lote de terras em Londrina. A 2ª Guerra Mundial e suas consequências para o Japão acabam adiando ainda mais os planos de Titoe em retornar ao país, principalmente após Kazumi e Maria (Tamlyn Tomita), seus netos, nascerem.
Last Chance
Miss Bea
Dreams collide in a small cafe in the California desert when a man and a woman must decide whether or not to gamble on an uncertain future.
The Painted Desert
Sari Hatano
In the middle of the desert, a solipsistic Japanese-American woman, along with her elderly and paralysed friend Barbara, runs the Desert Rose Cafe. Things liven up with the arrival of a mafia henchman (whose boss is hiding out at a nearby ranch), a battered Japanse man (who turns out to be a terrific chef, but who also triggers Barbara's memories of internment during WWII), and an attack on the mob boss' camp.
Morando com o Perigo
Mira Watanabe
Casal compra a casa dos sonhos, e aluga parte de sua casa para pagar despesas, a um misterioso inquilino, aparentemente perfeito: rico, charmoso e bem sucedido. Mas coisas estranhas começam a acontecer e, impedidos por lei de despejá-lo, os dois passam a viver sob um clima de tensão constante e o sonho transforma-se em um pesadelo quando o inquilino começa secretamente a destruir a propriedade.
Slaying the Dragon
A highly critical documentary about the history of Asian-American actresses in Hollywood. Features interviews with pioneering Asian-American actresses and clips from classic films such as "The Thief of Bagdad", "The Good Earth", and "The World of Suzie Wong", interspersed with Asian/feminist sociological commentary.
The Wash
Masi Matsumoto
Mako is a neglectful husband. Not the most loving man. His wife gradually encounters a widower who is a kind, gentle figure. She eventually makes the transition to leave her husband and go to this fellow.
Karatê Kid 2: A Hora da Verdade Continua
Ao descobrir que seu pai está à beira da morte, o professor Miyagi volta para Okinawa, no Japão, junto com seu aprendiz, Daniel LaRusso. Na terra natal, o mestre de caratê é surpreendido com a notícia de que Yukie, seu grande e antigo amor, está solteira.
Farewell to Manzanar
Misa / Jeanne Wakatsuki
Fact based drama about one of the internment camps used by the American military during World War II to detain some 100,000 Japanese Americans (most of them U.S. born) following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.
Lost Flight
Zora Lewin
The captain of a downed airliner must help his crew and passengers survive on a deserted jungle island in the midst of a power struggle - an adult version of "Lord of the Flies."
Dois Amores
American-born Anna Vorontosov teaches school in a remote, primitive section of northern New Zealand. Her experimental teaching methods have won her the love and affection of her pupils and their parents and the admiration of the unhappily married school inspector, Abercrombie. Her personal life, however, is less secure; frightened of love and sexually inhibited, she has always been aloof with men. Eager to break down this barrier is Englishman Paul Lathrope, a somewhat irrational and immature fellow teacher who aspires to be a singer. Though Anna is attracted to him, she refuses to submit to his advances.
Wake Me When It's Over
Ume Tanaka
The war may be over, but that doesn't keep the hapless Gus Brubaker from being drafted and posted on a forgotten little Japanese Island...and that's just the beginning of this wacky Air Force adventure!
Comprei Uma Escrava
Kim Sung
California, 1870s. The cowboy Lincoln 'Linc' Bartlett finds out there's a slave auction of Chinese women in San Francisco and he intervenes and purchases the Chinese Kim Sung from the auction with the intent of setting her free. But it doesn't occur to Linc that setting her free isn't enough. Where is she going to go? Kim doesn't speak English and she's just going to be exploited by somebody else. Linc takes Kim home to serve as a housekeeper. Ma Bartlett Linc's mother, is not happy that a Chinese girl is living in her home, and even less happy when Kim and her son fall in love. Their affair also arouses the jealousy of Cheng Lu, a Chinese immigrant.
No Limiar do Inferno
A group of nurses, doctors and nuns are taken hostage in Vietnam and sent up river to a castle hideout so they can cure an ailing war general.
Conflito em Tóquio
B-girl in nightclub
An American serviceman stationed in Tokyo, who's engaged to a local singer, faces both a military court-martial and a trial in the Japanese courts after an accidental shooting in which a teenager is killed.
O Rei dos Mágicos
Kimi Sikita
O Grande Wooley (Lewis) é um mágico desajeitado que, sem emprego e dinheiro, aceita uma oferta do Governo e das Forças Armadas norte-americanas de viajar ao Japão com o objetivo de entreter as tropas de soldados que lá estão para combater na guerra. Sofrendo com as diferenças culturais entre EUA e Japão e arrumando diversas confusões com militares e com outros artistas, Wooley não é levado à sério por ninguém. Até que Matsuo, um tristonho garotinho japonês, se encanta com o mágico e inicia uma bela e pura relação.