The story follows teenage music nerd Landon (played by Roman Banks) as he collaborates with his best friend Paige (played by Sri Ramesh) on a TikTok song inspired by her favorite book series. Landon’s TikTok goes viral, thrusting him into the spotlight — and leaving Paige behind. When a producer offers Landon the opportunity to adapt the book series into a musical, Landon discovers that the glory of doing it all himself isn’t worth the stress and enlists the help of Paige and the TikTok community to turn the show into a huge success. For You Paige was influenced by TikTok culture and features many references to TikTok trends and communities. The development and production processes were documented on TikTok by creator Daniel Mertzluff, along with the show’s cast and crew. The musical premiered live at a theater in New York City on April 14, 2022.
Nicole e seus dois filhos, Max e Ella, no momento que seu novo parceiro, Mike, muda para sua casa. No centro da história tem um livro de contos muito especial, o objeto pertenceu ao pai biológico de Max.
Uma neta traz alegria na manhã de Natal ao remendar a adorada pelúcia do Mickey da sua avó filipina e ao decorar a casa com as lanternas de Natal filipinas, ressuscitando uma tradição da família e memórias de natais passados.