This thoughtful French film tells of the events leading to a young man's attempt at suicide. As Raymond (Richard Bohringer) sits on a ledge of his apartment building, and people try to talk him back inside, he remembers the events of his day and his life before this moment. Things seemed to be going along well enough until something triggered his revulsion at the pettiness and falseness that is the everyday currency of life.
Woman in the Metro (uncredited)
Paul é jovem, acaba de sair do serviço militar francês e está desiludido com a vida. Enquanto sua namorada constrói uma carreira como cantora pop, Paul fica mais isolado de seus amigos e de sua vida social. O filme mostra também, de um modo singelo, a revolta dos jovens com a guerra do vietnã.
Arthur's Aunt
Dois rapazes tentam convencer uma garota a furtar quantia em dinheiro guardada no quarto de seu patrão, enquanto um deles vive com ela um pequeno romance.
At the Belgian border, a group of young people engaged in various contraband traffic bother the customs officers.