Otis Turner


Won in the Clouds
Nearly 7,000 Curtiss Jennies were built and they had a long and distinguished career in the movies. In this load of garbage, a Swahili village (somewhere in the sierras behind Hollywood) is affected by disease. The nearby diamond mine is using this as an excuse not to ship diamonds back to HQ in South Africa. The mine president has sent a doctor, his beautiful daughter and her duenna to find out what is going on and to cure the natives. They are travelling on foot. To speed things up the president sends his ace flyer up...
The Whirlpool of Destiny
George Bell, a wild young man, lives with his rancher father, Thomas Bell, in Paradise Valley, California. When George sells his father's favorite horse, Mr. Bell turns him out, and George becomes a grain salesman in St. Louis. Meanwhile, Polly Martin lives with her father Bill, an ex-businessman who has sunk to day-labor because of his addiction to alcohol. Bill frequently abuses Polly, and when he falls to his death from a high girder, Polly becomes a nurse in the Salvation Army in St. Louis. George falls in love with Polly after he saves her from the advances of a drunk, but she will not marry him because of his wild past.
The Pool of Flame
J. Warren Kerrigan plays the standard Vance hero, a devil-may-care Irish mercenary named Terrence O'Rourke. While knocking about in India, O'Rourke comes into possession of the Pool of Flame, a valuable ruby stolen from a Hindu temple. Typically, whosoever possesses this gem is marked for death, but O'Rourke hopes to beat the odds by utilizing the Pool of Flame to insure, rather than impede, his good luck.
From Broadway to a Throne
Just before a big bout, Jimmie, a New York prize fighter, gets a lucky medal from his friend Billy. Herman Marlex, a chronic teller of tall tales informs Jimmie that the medal is really a royal one, worn by the infant Prince of Magonia when he was kidnapped years before. Then, on fight night, Jimmie is knocked senseless. On his way home, Magonian emissaries see him wearing the medal, and so haul him back to the "homeland." Despite his insisting that he is merely a boxer, Jimmie is hailed as the returning prince.
The Seekers
The quiet life style of Ruth Heck and her brother Lem, who belong to a religious sect called the Seekers, is disrupted when a judge imprisons Lem for a crime he did not commit.
The Seekers
The quiet life style of Ruth Heck and her brother Lem, who belong to a religious sect called the Seekers, is disrupted when a judge imprisons Lem for a crime he did not commit.
A Son of the Immortals
A general ousts the king of Kosnovia, and makes the king's idle son ruler. Unexpectedly, the new ruler begins instituting democratic reforms, angering the General.
A Youth of Fortune
At the urging of his wealthy grandfather, Willie O'Donovan is sent to boarding school by his preoccupied parents, neither of whom shows much interest in the lad. At school, where he falls in love with Mary, a country girl, Willie hears that his grandfather has died and left him $50,000,000 to be managed by whomever Willie is living with on his eighteenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. O'Donovan, who are in the midst of divorce, both hire private detectives to bring Willie back to them, but after a series of close calls, Willie manages to avoid the detectives and take refuge at the home of Mary's mother.
The Gay Lord Waring
Though a spendthrift and a layabout, Lord Arthur Waring (J. Warren Kerrigan) is universally loved by his tenants. The same cannot be said for Arthur's half-brother Mark (Bertram Grassby), a tyrannical tightwad. Disowned by his family, Arthur finds himself strapped for cash when he promises to finance the operation of Helene von Gerald (Lois Wilson), whom he accidentally crippled in a riding mishap.
A Caminho do Paraíso
Um homem tem que escolher entre viver seu sonho de ter uma carreira de ator ou salvar seu casamento.
The Frame-Up
Richard Sears, "The Power" of the city, arranges for alderman Luke Simms to be elected mayor so that he can control him, but Simms refuses to go against the public interest.
The Frame-Up
Richard Sears, "The Power" of the city, arranges for alderman Luke Simms to be elected mayor so that he can control him, but Simms refuses to go against the public interest.
Business Is Business
Nouveau riche Isidore Lechat, who lives in a castle in the south of France, believes that business is the most important thing, but remains attached to his children. Lechat, who does not let his wife appear at banquets because of her slovenly appearance, begins an affair in Paris with Celeste St. Jean, a friend of his dissolute son Xavier. Lechat offers to pay Xavier's debts if he gets his friend's father, the Minister of War, to lift restrictions on the operation of a mine in French Africa which Lechat optioned.
A Little Brother of the Rich
While working his way through college, Paul Potter acquires a flock of wealthy friends who encourage him to give up his hometown fiancée, Sylvia Castle, for Muriel Evers, a flirtatious married woman. After Sylvia releases Paul, and Muriel's husband divorces her for infidelity, Paul and Muriel marry. Meanwhile, when Sylvia's father dies after being ruined in the stock market, she goes from one job to another in the city until she tries acting in a stock company. There she befriends Henry Leamington, an alcoholic leading man, who, as he tutors her, falls in love and stops drinking because of her. When Paul discovers Muriel's unfaithfulness, he renews his acquaintance with Sylvia, who still loves him.
A Little Brother of the Rich
While working his way through college, Paul Potter acquires a flock of wealthy friends who encourage him to give up his hometown fiancée, Sylvia Castle, for Muriel Evers, a flirtatious married woman. After Sylvia releases Paul, and Muriel's husband divorces her for infidelity, Paul and Muriel marry. Meanwhile, when Sylvia's father dies after being ruined in the stock market, she goes from one job to another in the city until she tries acting in a stock company. There she befriends Henry Leamington, an alcoholic leading man, who, as he tutors her, falls in love and stops drinking because of her. When Paul discovers Muriel's unfaithfulness, he renews his acquaintance with Sylvia, who still loves him.
The Scarlet Sin
Against the wishes of Cecelia, his wife, the Reverend Eric Norton leaves his position in a fashionable New York congregation to preach in a poor mining town.
Behind the Screen
A look behind the scenes at Universal Studios in 1915.
From Italy's Shores
Tony Gardella and his pretty wife, Angelica, sailed from Italy in the steerage of a Mediterranean liner for New York. They had a small sum saved up to give them a start in the new world. The ordeal of Ellis Island over and the trip to Battery Park on board the municipal ferry boat completed, Tony and Angelica found themselves in a little park in the shadows of the downtown scrapers
The Black Box
Science fiction serial, presumed lost.
The Flash
1915 film with Jack Holt
Damon and Pythias
The friendship of Damon, the senator, and Pythias, the soldier, is famous in Ancient Syracuse.
The Opened Shutters
When the story opens Sylvia Lacey has been left an orphan.
The Spy
An American agent exchanges places in prison with a condemned British officer and brother of a woman he greatly admires and goes to the gallows.
Neptune's Daughter
Assistant Director
The daughter of King Neptune takes on human form to avenge the death of her young sister, who was caught in a fishing net. However, she falls in love with the king, the man she holds responsible.
One of the Bravest
A romantic drama about love and jealousy. Two firefighters want the same girl. She almost gets married to Harry, but John sneakily keeps her from doing so, and then marries her himself. After a year, he has started drinking and has lost his job, and his wife has to go to work at the factory. When a fire breaks out there, he rescues her, but loses his own life in the process.
Robinson Crusoe
Draga, the Gypsy
Sheridan's Ride
A re-enactment of Gen. Sheridan's ride from Winchester Cedar Creek to rally retreating Union soldiers and defeat Gen. Early. A love story involving the general is also told.
The Tribal Law
The basis of the story is an old edict, issued as the result of one of the tribal differences, that death shall be meted out to the Hopi woman who marries an Apache.
Hunted Down
John Dayton is shot by George Willis in a saloon quarrel. The deed is seen by Arline Marsdon, who gives Willis money and a marked timetable, whereby he escapes and goes further west. Mrs. Dayton is determined to bring the murderer to justice and engages the services of Craig Burton, a detective.
Before the White Man Came
This story deals with the lives of the Indians who ruled primeval North America for centuries before the white man came. Meene-o-Wa, the fairest maiden of all the tribes of the Utes, was called "The Yellow Rose," because of her beauty. Wathuma, the leopard, loved her, but her heart was not given to him.
Up Against It
Amos Bentley was up against it in more senses than one. Times were so hard with him that he had to part with the furniture of his little apartment in order to pay his debts. However, things were inclined to take a better turn for him. He was invited to be a guest of some friends of his. And between him and the daughter of the family some sort of heart interest was supposed to exist. Disinclined to accept the invitation at first, he yielded to the persuasions of his friend, the brother of the girl, and made his way to the host's house. Unfortunately his nether garment gave way in a somewhat conspicuous place and in his attempts to conceal the tear while the evening party was in progress, poor Amos suffered a great deal of torture. Finally, he was shown into the room of his probable fiancée. And while in the act of searching for a needle and thread, was discovered by her father, who had not yet made the acquaintance of Amos.
A Cave Man Wooing
George, a somewhat "unathletic" young man, falls for Clarice, a healthy, athletically inclined young woman. Unfortunately for George, however, a strapping, musclebound stud is also after Clarice, and she seems to prefer him to George. After reading an article by a female writer saying that women prefer the "caveman" type of man, George decides that if that what it takes to get Clarice, then that is what he will be.
Shamus O'Brien
Based on JS Le Fanu's 1850 poem "Shamus O'Brien." Copies of this short film survive at the Library of Congress and British Film Institute.
Lost in the Jungle
Jan Kruga and his daughter Meta live on a farm in the Transvaal. The nearest neighbor, Sir John Morgan, lives 20 miles away, and it is only on rare intervals that she ever goes even that far away from her isolated home. Toddles, a work elephant on her father's farm, is her only pet and in the first part of our story we see her befriend him from a cruel keeper. Hans, a neighboring Boer farmer calls and asks for Meta's hand in marriage. The girl is ordered by her father to accept Hans' attentions. She has been taught to obey and when Hans gives her a love offering, a huge necklace of beads, she meekly offers her cheek for the betrothal kiss. Sir John's nephew, Hirshal, comes for a visit from England and Sir John brings him for a friendly call on the Krugas. Meta's heart awakens at the sight of the handsome, young Englishman, and she returns Hans's necklace. The father, however, orders her to marry Hans, or never darken his door again.
The Two Orphans
REEL ONE: Diane Eleanor De Vaudrey secretly marries a man beneath her. A child is born, Louise, the blind girl. Diane's father kills her husband and forces her to marry the Count de Linieres, who remains ignorant of Louise's existence. Louise is placed in the keeping of a peasant woman who has a child of her own, Henriette. Eighteen years later, the peasant woman dies and the two orphans start for Paris. The day they arrive in Paris, the Marquis de Preales notices Henriette and decides to kidnap her. Henriette rescues Marianne, an outcast, from suicide. Henriette is abducted by the Marquis. Marianne, in order to escape from Jacques Frochard, surrenders to the Gendarmes. Louise, left alone, starts toward the river and is saved from falling into the water by Pierre Frochard. a brother of Jacques. La Frochard, an old woman beggar, lives with her two sons. Louise now falls into their hands. The Marquis has brought Henriette to a garden fete, given in honor of the Chevalier.
The Wheels of Justice
James Hazen, one-time crook, now wealthy and reformed, is recognized on his wedding day, by a former pal, Florrie Cook, who follows the young couple to Hazen's new home in the country. Hazen has isolated himself here in the hope of finding security in complete loneliness.
Dad's Girls
Dad, a likable old pioneer character, lived among the foot hills of the western mining region, on a ranch with his two daughters, Rose and Madge. As sort of a side issue he had been doing a little prospecting, and about the time the story starts, we see him carrying some of his quartz to Andy Thomas, a young assayer located in a nearby village.
Dad's Girls
Dad, a likable old pioneer character, lived among the foot hills of the western mining region, on a ranch with his two daughters, Rose and Madge. As sort of a side issue he had been doing a little prospecting, and about the time the story starts, we see him carrying some of his quartz to Andy Thomas, a young assayer located in a nearby village.
Life on the Border
Life on the Border is a true story of life in the early days of America. It is the terrible experience of a young pioneer mother left alone for the day in her wilderness home with only a five-year-old child as company. The mother is accidentally imprisoned in a woodshed near the cabin, by her child. The little one tries in vain to lift the heavy latch, and while the mother is thus imprisoned, a bear, being pursued by a band of prowling Indians, arrives upon the scene. Frightened nearly to death, the child hides near a pile of logs. The imprisoned mother, thoroughly frightened, becomes frantic as the pursuing Indians come upon the scene. The Indians explore the grounds and ransack the empty cabin, finding the "fire water" and medicine chest. In their subsequent hilarity they set fire to the cabin and out-buildings, among them the shed in which the terrified mother is imprisoned. The drunken Indians, suddenly remembering the bear, depart in search of the animal.
Captain Kate
Two caravans meet on the desert, one headed by Howell and Clancy, two New York men, who are gathering animals for circus purposes, the other is led by an old animal tamer named Desmond and his beautiful daughter, whom the natives have nicknamed Capt. Kate. After exchanging cards, the caravans go their separate ways. Desmond is stricken and dies, leaving Kate alone. She assumes her father's perilous business, leading her party of native hunters after big game. Later, one of the hunters is stricken and the superstitious followers of Capt. Kate, recognizing the nature of the disease, abandon the hunt and their leader, one servant alone remaining faithful to his mistress. Kate, realizing that she can go no further without assistance, calls a halt and they erect a crude hut in which she is to live, while the servant goes in search of Clancy. Scene of Kate's isolated life and her dangers follow. She is besieged by wild animals, who make her life a long nightmare of peril.
Captain Kate
Two caravans meet on the desert, one headed by Howell and Clancy, two New York men, who are gathering animals for circus purposes, the other is led by an old animal tamer named Desmond and his beautiful daughter, whom the natives have nicknamed Capt. Kate. After exchanging cards, the caravans go their separate ways. Desmond is stricken and dies, leaving Kate alone. She assumes her father's perilous business, leading her party of native hunters after big game. Later, one of the hunters is stricken and the superstitious followers of Capt. Kate, recognizing the nature of the disease, abandon the hunt and their leader, one servant alone remaining faithful to his mistress. Kate, realizing that she can go no further without assistance, calls a halt and they erect a crude hut in which she is to live, while the servant goes in search of Clancy. Scene of Kate's isolated life and her dangers follow. She is besieged by wild animals, who make her life a long nightmare of peril.
The Rose of Old St. Augustine
Captain Lafitte receives word that Alicante, a young Spaniard, is to wed Dolores, the Rose of St. Augustine, whom he has not seen since childhood. He objects to the wedding. Lafitte captures Alicante, dresses in his clothes, and with Dalroy, his lieutenant, dresses as his valet, and Black Hawk, a Seminole Indian of his band, go to St. Augustine and pose as the suitor Alicante. Dolores falls in love with him as Alicante. Dalroy falls madly in love with her, is refused and betrays Lafitte to her father, the commandant. Lafitte is made prisoner and while Dalroy leads her father and soldiers to capture the camp of the Privateers, Black Hawk and Dolores rescue Lafitte from the dungeon.
Back to the Primitive
John Wilton cables his sister Helen in London to leave for South Africa via S.S. China and apprises her of the fact that Lord Thurlow sails on the same ship and is to act as her escort. At the same time telling her he will meet them at Cape Town. After a hurried preparation for the departure the long journey is begun. Lord Thurlow is attentive to his charge that he may fulfill the wishes of his friend and confidant, John Wilton. Will Carson, a fellow passenger aboard, much admires the young and handsome Helen and seeks an introduction through the ship officer. The admiration becomes mutual and they are seen on the promenade deck enjoying fresh sea air. Their action causes much uneasiness on the part of Lord Thurlow, who interferes in the discharge of his duty, and is in turn insulted by Will, much to the disgust of Helen, who regrets the publicity of the incident. The approaching storm rivets the attention of all on board and for a time the unfortunate affair is forgotten.
The Witch of the Everglades
White Cloud, the war chief of the Seminoles of the Everglades, in the beginning of the last century, starts a war on the "whites," for the brutal and unprovoked murder of his brother. The first victim, Seth Thomas, a young settler, is killed, and Dora, his wife, becomes insane as she discovers the death of her husband and the loss of her two-year-old baby, carried away by the squaw of White Cloud. Dora has been left for dead by the Indians. Fifteen years elapse and Dora has been haunted by one idea, to kill every Seminole she could. She is called the "Witch of the Everglades," and is an object of superstitious terror to the Indians.
Justinian and Theodora
Justinian's life is saved and his heart is lost to Theodora. Ursus, the gladiator, vows to devote his life to Theodora's service. The reign of Emperor Justin is a tumultuous one as he proclaims his nephew, Justinian, heir to the throne.
John Dough and the Cherub
Scenario Writer
John Dough gives his assistance in the celebration of the Fourth. No end of trouble results from the invasion of his peaceful rest by the much-despised Miffkits. Then comes the cherub, who introduces Dough to his animal friends, incidentally secures supplies. He then visits the fairies' garden and later interviews the Princess Ozma, who makes a prophecy: "The throne of Lo-Hi shall vacant be until the coming by air or sea of an oven baked man and a Cherub wee." Accordingly John Dough drops into the Land of Oz and meets the Cherub.
John Dough and the Cherub
John Dough gives his assistance in the celebration of the Fourth. No end of trouble results from the invasion of his peaceful rest by the much-despised Miffkits. Then comes the cherub, who introduces Dough to his animal friends, incidentally secures supplies. He then visits the fairies' garden and later interviews the Princess Ozma, who makes a prophecy: "The throne of Lo-Hi shall vacant be until the coming by air or sea of an oven baked man and a Cherub wee." Accordingly John Dough drops into the Land of Oz and meets the Cherub.
Two Boys in Blue
The lure of the white-top and the music of the band is food for the bronco buster and he is happy with plaudits of the gathered throng. The grand entry is on and all is agog with excitement as Tom and Jerry cut their capers. Just then Sheriff Ketchem rudely announces he has an attachment for an unpaid feed bill at Hebron, Ind., and proceeds to "sew" the show up.
Lost in the Soudan
Captain Iris and Lieutenant Payne, brother officers in the British army, are commanded to report for duty in the Soudan. Hasty preparations are made and the two young soldiers, with their escort, begin their weary march across the hot desert sands.
The Range Riders
Each year the unique surroundings and novel characters of this great and typical American custom is becoming more and more obsolete and in a few short years entirely extinct. Can you imagine a more exciting or sensational picture than a great cattle stampede, curbed by fearless cowboys and dauntless riders of the western range horse?
The Land of Oz
Scenario Writer
The Emerald City in all its splendor with all the familiar characters so dear to the hearts of children - Little Dorothy, the scarecrow, the woodman, the cowardly lion, and the wizard continuing on their triumphal entry to the mystic city, adding new characters, new situations, and scintillating comedy. Dorothy, who has so won her way into the good graces of lovers of fairy folk, finds new encounters in the rebellion army of General Jinger [sic] showing myriads of Leith soldiers in glittering apparel forming one surprise after the other, until the whole resolves itself into a spectacle worthy of the best artists in picturedom. Those who have followed the two preceding pictures of this great subject cannot but appreciate "The Land of Oz," the crowning effort of the Oz series.
The Land of Oz
The Emerald City in all its splendor with all the familiar characters so dear to the hearts of children - Little Dorothy, the scarecrow, the woodman, the cowardly lion, and the wizard continuing on their triumphal entry to the mystic city, adding new characters, new situations, and scintillating comedy. Dorothy, who has so won her way into the good graces of lovers of fairy folk, finds new encounters in the rebellion army of General Jinger [sic] showing myriads of Leith soldiers in glittering apparel forming one surprise after the other, until the whole resolves itself into a spectacle worthy of the best artists in picturedom. Those who have followed the two preceding pictures of this great subject cannot but appreciate "The Land of Oz," the crowning effort of the Oz series.
Dorothy and the Scarecrow in Oz
Scenario Writer
Dorothy and the Scarecrow are now in the Emerald City. They have become friendly with the Wizard, and together with the woodman, the cowardly lion, and several new creations equally delightful, they journey through Oz -- the earthquake -- and into the glass city. The Scarecrow is elated to think he is going to get his brains at last and be like other men are; the Tin-Woodman is bent upon getting a heart, and the cowardly lion pleads with the great Oz for courage. All these are granted by his Highness. Dorothy picks the princess. -- The Dangerous Mangaboos. -- Into the black pit, and out again. We then see Jim, the cab horse, and myriads of pleasant surprises that hold and fascinate.
Dorothy and the Scarecrow in Oz
Dorothy and the Scarecrow are now in the Emerald City. They have become friendly with the Wizard, and together with the woodman, the cowardly lion, and several new creations equally delightful, they journey through Oz -- the earthquake -- and into the glass city. The Scarecrow is elated to think he is going to get his brains at last and be like other men are; the Tin-Woodman is bent upon getting a heart, and the cowardly lion pleads with the great Oz for courage. All these are granted by his Highness. Dorothy picks the princess. -- The Dangerous Mangaboos. -- Into the black pit, and out again. We then see Jim, the cab horse, and myriads of pleasant surprises that hold and fascinate.
A Common Enemy
Scenario Writer
A secret message is dispatched by the young daughter of a Southern family to Col. Morgan's camp.
A Common Enemy
A secret message is dispatched by the young daughter of a Southern family to Col. Morgan's camp.
O Mágico de Oz
Scenario Writer
A pequena Dorothy morava com os tios Henry e Em em uma pequena fazenda do Kansas. Seu único amigo era o cãozinho Totó que, durante uma tempestade, desaparece. Procurando-o desesperadamente, a menina entra no abrigo contra tornados e esconde-se na pequena casa que, levada pelos ares, termina por arremessá-la numa distante e desconhecida terra. No meio da tempestade, Dorothy encontra seu animalzinho. Quando finalmente pousam, descobre que a casa caíra sobre uma perigosa bruxa, matando-a. Surgem alguns homenzinhos - os Munchkins - que eram dominados por aquela malvada senhora. Dorothy é aclamada como heroína, por ter matado a Bruxa Malvada do Leste.
O Mágico de Oz
A pequena Dorothy morava com os tios Henry e Em em uma pequena fazenda do Kansas. Seu único amigo era o cãozinho Totó que, durante uma tempestade, desaparece. Procurando-o desesperadamente, a menina entra no abrigo contra tornados e esconde-se na pequena casa que, levada pelos ares, termina por arremessá-la numa distante e desconhecida terra. No meio da tempestade, Dorothy encontra seu animalzinho. Quando finalmente pousam, descobre que a casa caíra sobre uma perigosa bruxa, matando-a. Surgem alguns homenzinhos - os Munchkins - que eram dominados por aquela malvada senhora. Dorothy é aclamada como heroína, por ter matado a Bruxa Malvada do Leste.
The Courtship of Miles Standish
Scenario Writer
A short silent film based on the poem "The Courtship of Miles Standish" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Courtship of Miles Standish
A short silent film based on the poem "The Courtship of Miles Standish" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Cowboy Millionaire
Bud Noble, a handsome specimen of manhood, is foreman on the Circle "D" ranch outside of Circle City, Idaho, and our opening scene pictures Bud as the cowboy roping and tying a steer. With its bucking bronchos, pitching mustangs, bucking steers, and the biggest novelty ever, the acme of all thrillers, "see Bud bulldog a steer." Only three men have successfully accomplished this feat and lived to tell about it. Then Bud receives a shock. The local operator appears with a telegram. "Your Uncle John dead. You are sole heir to his estate valued at several millions. Come to Chicago at once." The astounded cowboys tumble over with sheer amazement. Bud buys and the scene closes with a characteristic rush for the bar.
Stirring Days in Old Virginia
This picture story is a series of stirring war scenes occurring in 1865, at the homestead of Captain Warren, Confederate officer, near St. Petersburg, Va., at that time headquarters of General Logan.
The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays
L. Frank Baum would appear in a white suit and present his live actors, slide shows and films as a live travelogue presentation of his popular fantasies. Highlights include Dorothy being swept to Oz in various ways, such as with back-projection tornadoes and storms in a chicken coop. Lack of financial backing forced the show to fold after appearing in only two cities, despite being a critical and commercial success.
The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays
L. Frank Baum would appear in a white suit and present his live actors, slide shows and films as a live travelogue presentation of his popular fantasies. Highlights include Dorothy being swept to Oz in various ways, such as with back-projection tornadoes and storms in a chicken coop. Lack of financial backing forced the show to fold after appearing in only two cities, despite being a critical and commercial success.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Director of Photography
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde