Christopher Kaps


Asta Nielsen - Europas erste Filmikone
Asta Nielsen: pioneer of cinema and first European film star, tragedienne and comedienne, writer and artist. As a working-class child and single parent, she works her way up from the bottom - and consciously stages herself as the first role model for independent women and queers. We retell the story of this singular phenomenon with her own words and film clips.
Hitler's Battle Against the Press
Já em 1920, os jornalistas do Munchener Post viram o perigo que Hitler representava. De forma inabalável e destemida, eles escreveram sobre o "nacional-socialismo". Hitler se referiu a eles como "Munchener Peste" ou "oficina do diabo", e os ameaçou com grupos de capangas. Hoje, esses corajosos editores e seu jornal foram quase esquecidos. Apenas um livro sobre eles foi publicado - e isso foi no Brasil.
Napoleon’s James Bond
Charles Louis Schulmeister (1770-1853) was a smuggler and a revolutionary, but also a chief of police and Napoleon Bonaparte's favorite spy. A look back on his adventurous life with the purpose of unraveling the many mysteries of his unique path.