Lee Jong-ho

Nascimento : 1972-10-26,


Nova Ordem Espacial
Sound Recordist
Perseguindo detritos espaciais e sonhos distantes no ano de 2092, quatro desajustados descobrem segredos explosivos durante a tentativa de comércio de um humanoide.‎
The Faceless Boss
Sound Recordist
Kwon Sang-Gon is a gangster who wants to have a cool life. He becomes a gang boss and expects to reap the rewards of the top position. Kwon Sang-Gon soon realizes his life is a living hell, filled with conspiracies and betrayals.
Communication & Lies
Sound Recordist
Ignoring conventions and rules about formats or likeable characters, in his self-assured debut Lee Seungwon tells an uncomfortable story about a man and a woman who both find themselves in an extreme state of mind – a state that we cannot understand and which we would prefer to look away from.
Happy Bus Day
Sound Recordist
For the final birthday party of the eldest son, a family gathers in the house to have a plan with a bus..... Mother asks each of them to stay in his room for 10 minutes. Each person reveals personal wounds and secrets.
Phantom Detective
Sound Recordist
Hong Gil-dong is an infallible private detective with an exceptional memory and quirky personality. While chasing the only target he failed to find, he gets entangled in a much bigger conspiracy than he bargained for.
Sound Recordist
Em 1969, o coronel Kim Jin Pyung lutou bravamente na Guerra do Vietnã. Em um complexo residencial familiar militar, o coronel Kim Jin Pyung se apaixona pela esposa de seu subordinado.
A Werewolf Boy
Sound Recordist
Um telefonema inesperado traz uma senhora idosa para sua casa de campo de infância, e memórias de um menino órfão que ela conheceu anos atrás vêm à tona.
Dancing Zoo
Sound Recordist
Joon Soo, who decided to move to Seoul to fulfill his dream of being a musician, accidentally meets Hee Jeong, who just broke up, while he was singing a breakup song to a monkey in a zoo.
Sound Recordist
Depois de perder o emprego em um depósito de sucata de metal, Kyu-Nam ( Ko Su ) encontra um novo emprego em uma pequena loja de penhores chamada Utopia. Ele é imediatamente atraído para a atmosfera familiar na Utopia, trabalhando com seu novo chefe Jung-Sik ( Byeon Hie-bong ) e filha do chefe Young-Sook ( Jung Eun Chae- ). Infelizmente para Kyu-Nam, seu momento de felicidade só será passageira. Cho-In ( Gang Dong-Won ) viveu uma infância brutal. Ele teve que usar uma prótese de perna desde criança idade, cresceu com um pai abusivo e vivia com uma mãe que em um ponto tentou matar seu próprio filho para fora do desespero. Cho-In também possui um dom sobrenatural. Ele pode controlar a mente das outras pessoas quando elas estão dentro de seu campo de visão. (Fonte: http://subarashiis.tumblr.com/post/117711070530/kmovie-haunters)
Secret Love
Sound Recordist
Two months after their wedding, Yeon-Yi's husband Jin-woo gets into an accident and falls into a coma. During this time, Yeon-Yi's life shatters from the seams. She misses her deadlines for work, while she has only videos of her wedding to comfort her. Then Yeon-Yi waits at the airport for Jin-Woo's brother Jin-Ho, whom she has never met before. She is stunned when she meets him, because Yeon-Yi never knew Jin-Woo and Jin-Ho are identical twin brothers. Although Jin-Ho and Yeon-Yi's relationship is cold at first. they soon become attracted to each other. Their relationship becomes even more volatile, when Jin-woo suddenly awakes from his coma .....
Don't Step Out of the House
Sound Engineer
A poor boy and his sister live in a basement apartment. One day, strangers enter their house and threaten them.
A Bruxa do Sino da Morte
Sound Recordist
Um Jovem bastante perturbado resolve manipular a morte de seus colegas de aula, sem piedade e medo das consequências.