Haroldo Muñoz


A Place Called Dignity
Pablo, a 12-year-old boy, receives a scholarship to attend school in the mysterious and isolated Colonia Dignidad established in Chile by German settlers. It seems to be quite a privilege for a kid like him, and he quickly becomes the favourite of the leader of the colony, Uncle Paul. Over time, Pablo witnesses some kind of strange things which happen there and make him act differently than the other students.
La mirada incendiada
Film inspired by the real story of Rodrigo Rojas de Negri. Killed on July 2, 1986 during the first national protest against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
Vidas recicladas
Second Assistant Director
Working in a recycling factory, a group of people come together and decide to restart their lives finding themselves through love and self-improvement.
Tenho Medo Toureiro
First Assistant Director
Em meio à turbulência política da ditadura de Pinochet no Chile nos anos 80, uma velha e pobre travesti se envolve em uma arriscada operação clandestina após se apaixonar por um guerrilheiro que pede que ela esconda segredos perigosos da resistência em sua casa.
Mi amigo Alexis
When a young soccer fan and his idol forge an unexpected friendship, the connection teaches them both lessons about life and their love of the game.
Sweet Family
Second Assistant Director
A fat woman attempts to lose weight in order to use her mother's wedding dress with the help of her evil sisters and needy fiancé.
Johnny 100 Pesos - 20 Anos e um Dia Depois
First Assistant Director
Emergindo de vinte anos trancado na prisão, Johnny agora deve enfrentar uma sociedade sem coração para garantir que o filho que ele nunca conheceu não siga o mesmo caminho criminoso que ele tomou em sua juventude.
Argentino QL
First Assistant Director
An Argentine artist moves to Chile in search of a more stable life and a possible future for his profession. Thanks to his talent and arrogance will go far, but not for long...
O ABC da Morte
Script Supervisor
Vinte e seis cineastas dão vida a 26 histórias de morte. A cada uma foi atribuída uma letra e com ela devem iniciar a produção de um curta-metragem banhado a sangue. Engraçados e assustadores, eles fazem uma mostra colorida do gênero terror.
The Office Trip
Second Assistant Director
An international company has acquired “Supermarkets Océano”. The long-awaited end-of-the-year tour has been replaced by a day of integration according to "international standards". A group of workers willing to demand their rights will make this Office Trip an unforgettable day.
Roman's Circuit
When a prominent researcher in the field of human memory returns home, he stumbles upon the fact that a man's past, as he remembers and tells it, is often nothing but fiction.
Mandrill is a high-level assassin whose parents many years ago were slaughtered in cold blood by a ruthless drug lord. Now he finds himself finally in a position to get his revenge. But since it falls in love precisely in the pretty daughter of the ruthless killer. Mandrill now faces the most serious decision of his life ...