David Winters

David Winters

Nascimento : 1939-04-05, London, England, UK

Morte : 2019-04-23


David Winters (April 5, 1939 - April 23, 2019) was an English-born American dancer, choreographer, producer, director, screenwriter, and actor. Winters participated in, directed and produced over 400 television series, television specials, and motion pictures. Of these, he has directed, produced and distributed over 50 films. Description above from the Wikipedia article David Winters (choreographer), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


David Winters


Dancin' - It's On!
Two dancers fall in love at a Florida hotel before competing in a dance competition.
Dancin' - It's On!
Hal Sanders
Two dancers fall in love at a Florida hotel before competing in a dance competition.
O Caldeirão do Diabo
O Caldeirão do Diabo, uma cidade onde a depravação e a violência forjaram uma sociedade na qual somente os letais e insensíveis podem sobreviver, dois jovens que possuem o intelecto e a ferocidade para florescer, criam um nome para si mesmos como os mais eficientes e incontroláveis assassinos. Lado a lado, esses dois irmãos são os assassinos mais mortais, temidos. Mas quando uma mulher de rara beleza entra misteriosamente na vida do irmão, ela as cega com suas doces promessas e os coloca um contra o outro, resultando em uma batalha épica que ameaça levar o Caldeirão do Diabo à destruição.
10 Horas até o Paraíso
Apesar dos seus 38 anos e de ser um cara enorme, o fisiculturista Dennis nunca teve uma namorada. Mora com a mãe, extremamente possessiva em relação a ele. Cansado dessa situação, Dennis se inspira em seu tio Bent que, ao primeiro olhar, jamais se casaria. Bent foi à Tailândia e trouxe de lá sua esposa. Dennis diz à mãe que vai à Alemanha para um campeonato e ruma para lá. Indiferente aos apelos do turismo sexual local, busca alguém que seja realmente importante em sua vida. Terá, porém, que se preparar para o conflito com sua genitora e lutar contra as castrações psicológicas.
The White Monkey Warrior
A magical book is being sought by a group of bad guys who aim to misuse its power. Yod is assigned to protect the magical book without realizing that a Hanuman tattoo that he got since he was young is the most powerful weapon to defeat the bad guys.
Guardião Real
Em 1547, Fernando De Gama, um jovem soldado de Portugal, segue para o Oriente em busca de fortuna e do homem que matou sua família. Uma tempestade quase acaba com seus planos e ele é levado até a Tailândia, por árabes, para ser vendido como escravo. O destino de Fernando é ser guardião do Rei de Siam que acaba morto depois de uma covarde conspiração. Agora, para salvar sua própria pele, Fernando terá que descobrir quem são os mentores da traição contra o rei, além de vingar a morte da própria família.
Welcome 2 Ibiza
A young woman from America inherits a beach bar in Ibiza, Spain, and soon experiences all kind of wild and crazy adventures.
Welcome 2 Ibiza
Uncle Sam
A young woman from America inherits a beach bar in Ibiza, Spain, and soon experiences all kind of wild and crazy adventures.
Welcome 2 Ibiza
A young woman from America inherits a beach bar in Ibiza, Spain, and soon experiences all kind of wild and crazy adventures.
A Safra do Diabo
Executive Producer
O jovem e esforçado artista Daniel King, é convidado por sua amiga de infância Natasha, para voltar ao vilarejo de praia, onde ambos cresceram. Daniel aceita e leva junto sua noiva Laura. O casal logo começa a notar que coisas estranhas acontecem na casa. Existe algum segredo terrível e quase esquecido ligado ao passado de Daniel. Ele fica cada vez mais perturbado e não consegue se lembrar de nada. Mas quando Daniel ouve contar uma velha lenda sobre um demônio que habita no mar atormentando aqueles que são culpados, voltam memórias escondidas há tempos e tudo começa a se encaixar.
Rhythm & Blues
Executive Producer
John, lonely and living in London, unexpectedly meets outlandish druggie skinhead Byron, and suddenly, John's life turns to wacky. When Byron takes him to Boys Galore, a gay escort agency, John is introduced to wealthy American Bad Daddy, who hires John on the spot. But the hovering presence of a strange and sinister Ripper, another rent boy, threatens derail the evening of fun in this gay thriller comedy.
Fight and Revenge
While on a military mission, sergeant John Trenton is captured behind enemy lines and tortured in a prison camp.
Body Count
A cold-blooded assassin is out for revenge against an elite corps of Special Crimes Agents headed by Eddie Cook and Vinnie Rizzo. When Cold blooded hit man Makoto escapes from prison, he and his sexy and lethal partner set out to execute the agents who sent them away. As the Special Crimes Agents are systematically gunned down, Cook and Rizzo find themselves in a deadly race to find the assassins and stop the bloodbath.
The Dangerous
Brother and sister Ninja warriors get revenge for their sister's death by killing the drug dealers in New Orleans. The police enlist the help of a biker warrior to solve the crime. The head drug dealer stirs the pot even further by hiring Cajun warriors to kill those he believes are responsible for the deaths of his dealers.
The Dangerous
Brother and sister Ninja warriors get revenge for their sister's death by killing the drug dealers in New Orleans. The police enlist the help of a biker warrior to solve the crime. The head drug dealer stirs the pot even further by hiring Cajun warriors to kill those he believes are responsible for the deaths of his dealers.
Thriller Zone
There are three unrelated, unconnected segments in this horror anthology. In the first segment, "The Last Hand," a man is shot, while another man has a heart attack. The latter man (Morty) survives, and goes to his regular poker game, but the man who was shot shows up looking well, if sinister. Morty had a hand in his death, it seems, and Morty grows increasingly agitated, and starts hallucinating. In the second segment,"The Final Hour," a convicted murderer in the year 2213 is being transported to a trial for his appeal and forms a relationship with the ship's pilot. The last segment, "Fanatical Extreme," is a condensed version of the feature film The Last Horror Film (1982), in which taxi driver Joe Spinell tries to realize his fantasy of making a horror movie with his favorite star, but he's not exactly welcome.
Desejo Fatal
O prefeito de uma pequena cidade contrata um caçador de recompensas para encontrar o assassino de sua filha.
Night Trap
Executive Producer
A New Orleans cop tries to track down and stop a vicious and demonic killer whom has sold his soul to the devil for invulnerability and immortality.
Double Threat
Executive Producer
A former movie star, Monica Scott, returns to the big screen along with younger boyfriend, Eric Cline, after a long absence. Monica is very jealous of the attention Eric gives to her body double - Lisa. The plot becomes difficult to follow as it changes between real life and the movie they are making. The jealousy inevitably leads to murder attempts and denials
Armed for Action
Executive Producer
A cop tracks down the mobster who escaped his custody while being escorted cross-country to stand trial.
Center of the Web
Executive Producer
An actor is wrongly taken as a professional killer by a band planning to murder the Governor. Then he is hired by the Security Dept. to try to unmask and to catch the leaders.
Blood on the Badge
Executive Producer
A cop goes to a small Texas town to find out who murdered his former partner there.
Presumed Guilty
Executive Producer
Jessie Weston is an ex-con recently released from prison after serving two years for auto theft. He is welcomed back into his small California down by his best friend Dillion and his older brother, Paul. But Jessie is not warmly received by his old girlfriend Mary, whom is the daughter of the arrogant and corrupt sheriff, who was the reason why he locked Jessie up in the first place. When Dillion is murdered by two thugs looking him up for late payments, the sheriff and his MORE murderously corrupt deputy frame Jessie for it in order to organize a vigilante group to hunt him down. Jessie must go on the run, with Mary tagging along, to try to prove his innocence and kill all the bad guys out to kill him.
Raw Nerve
Executive Producer
A race car driver has visions of the victims of a serial killer before their demise and tries to get a skeptic police detective and an ambitious reporter to help him find the killer.
Olhos de fogo
Executive Producer
Um agente do governo atribui um cientista para ajudar um de seus agentes rastrear um desertor russo que é um cyborg. Enquanto isso, uma organização conhecida como The Order superior está tramando para dominar o mundo, usando os poderes do cyborg.
The Last Ride
Executive Producer
Micheal Smith is released from prison after serving four long years for a crime that he claims he did not commit. Within a few hours of his release, a man offers Michael a ride in his truck. From that moment on, the madness begins and the past slaps him in the face. The driver makes an attempt on Michael's life but he manages to escape, this time. The madman relentlessly pursues his, killing everyone in his path, and forcing Michael to play his deadly games.
Maximum Breakout
Executive Producer
Vacationing lovers Travis and Bobbi encounter an unexpected nightmare on a lonely country road. Two strangers kidnap Bobbi, and brutally beat Travis. Six months later, though Bobbi's family is wealthy, there's no ransom demand, and the police, even Travis's boss, Detective Wyatt, have all but given up. Only Travis, encouraged by Bobbi's best friend Debbie, keeps searching for Bobbi. Travis teams up with Debbie's brother Reb, who assembles a team to rescue Bobbi. Other than Travis and Reb, the team consists of the Professor, a computer nerd who likes to blow things up, Loch, a gun-crazy nut case, and a stuntman named Suicide. Together, they track Bobbi to an isolated ranch where blond, blue-eyed women are forced to bear children who are sold to desperate couples by a man named Frank and his boss, an icy woman with a Southern accent. Now Travis and the team must plan a way to infiltrate the ranch and rescue Bobbi and the other women.
Dark Rider
Executive Producer
A sheriff in a small Nevada town goes up against a gang that's using his town to illegally dump toxic waste.
Executive Producer
When his brother is framed for murder, a detective quits the force and breaks all the rules in pursuit of the real killers. Teaming with a beautiful lawyer, they uncover city-wide corruption and betrayal in the process.
A Batalha Final
Executive Producer
União Soviética é atacada por bombas nucleares do americanos que esperam um revide. Porém, os lideres mundiais, decidem que o poder do mundo será disputado por apenas dois homens, um de cada país.
That's Action
Actor Robert Culp introduces trailers for and scenes from movies from Action International Pictures.
Invasion Force
Executive Producer
A film crew shooting a movie finds itself battling against terrorists trying to take over a city.
Policial do Futuro
Executive Producer
O filho de John Tucker viaja no tempo 30 anos para salvar seu pai de ser morto por bandidos que ele está perseguindo em 1990.
Fatal Skies
Executive Producer
Skydivers drop in on a suspicious quarry.
Pelotão Vampiro
Executive Producer
Alemanha, Segunda Guerra Mundial: David Holland, um jovem soldado americano é salvo por um estranho misterioso. Vietnam, 1968: Vinte e cinco anos depois, Holland, agora correspondente de um jornal americano, estranhamente reencontra o mesmo soldado que o salvou, fisicamente inalterado. Nicarágua, 1991: Cobrindo um conflito, Holland descobre numa foto da guerra civil americana, que quatro soldados ainda estão combatendo em guerras pelo mundo afora. Sua descoberta o coloca em estado de choque. O pelotão é na verdade formado por um grupo de vampiros imortais que se aproveitam dos conflitos pra saciar sua sede de sangue.
Inferno Branco
Executive Producer
Depois de um assalto a banco seguido de massacre, dois violentos criminosos invadem uma estação de esqui e chegam a um chalé afastado onde dois casais de adolescentes passam o final de semana - um deles é campeão de snowboard. Quando os bandidos se revelam psicopatas e ameaçam matar os jovens, eles precisam se unir e lutar para sobreviver.
Lock 'n' Load
Executive Producer
A Vietnam vet has nightmares about murder and zombies, and then discovers that he and other vets have been programmed to commit crimes and then kill themselves afterwards so they can't be traced. He investigates to try to find out who is responsible.
Deadly Dancer
Executive Producer
A police detective, investigating a string of murders of strippers at a Los Angeles night club, must race against the clock to clear his name when he's wrongfully accused of being the killer.
Born Killer
Executive Producer
Two deranged and homicidal escaped convicts terrorize a group of teenagers engaged in a paint-ball war.
The Bounty Hunter
Executive Producer
An ex-cop turned bounty hunter shows up in a small town looking for a man who's jumped bail. However, the real reason he's there is to avenge his old friend, an Indian who lived in the area and was murdered by the local sheriff, who is trying to get the Indians to sell their land cheaply so an oil company can move in and take over the land, which they believe sits on top of large reserves of oil.
Esquadrão do Futuro
Executive Producer
Em um futuro próximo, a criminalidade nos EUA alcança níveis intoleráveis, levando o governo a privatizar a segurança pública. Empresas de vigilância como a C.O.P.S. prosperam e colocam na folha de pagamento qualquer cidadão que esteja disposto a se arriscar como caça-prêmios. Neste cenário, Jonh Tucker é o melhor caçador de recompensas de Chicago. Hábil e corajoso, Tucker é auxiliado por um gênio tecnológico que criou para ele uma luva mecânica avançada que lhe concede força ampliada e dispara laser. Marion Simms, uma repórter famosa, denuncia na TV que Jason Adams, diretor-presidente da C.O.P.S. estaria ligado ao crime organizado. Então, Adams forja acusações falsas contra Marion e coloca a cabeça da jornalista a prêmio. Tucker é o primeiro a alcançar a moça, mas se recusa a matá-la a sangue frio. Contrariado, Adams coloca a C.O.P.S. atrás de Tucker. Leal apenas aos seus princípios, Tucker enfrentará um verdadeiro exército de assassinos.
Rapid Fire
Executive Producer
Mike Thompson is a former U.S. government agent whom is called on by his no-nonsense ex-employer Hanson to stop a terrorist named Mustapha who breaks out of a maximum security military prison aboard a battleship with the help from his aide Eddy Williams a former agent-turned-mercenary armed with an unstoppable rapid-firing, multi-use machine gun whom the U.S. government wants back at any cost. Mike is forced to rely on his former partner-in-crime Pappy, and a CIA agent named Corle, to help him try to track down Eddy hoping to lead him to Mustapha before they can plan their next terrorist strike.
Time Burst: The Final Alliance
Executive Producer
Several different factions compete in the search for ancient Japanese tablets that have the secret of immortality.
The Shooters
Executive Producer
A group of misfit U.S. Army soldiers are chosen to represent their base at the annual war games competition where they are not expected to win.
Phoenix - A Guerreira do Século XXI
Executive Producer
Vítimas da ação de uma guerra química, os homens do planeta são exterminados. Assim, o mundo pós-apocalíptico é povoado por mulheres guerreiras, lideradas por uma fanática religiosa conhecida como Reverend Mother. Quando uma das cobaias usadas para experiências de fertilidade engravida de um menino, a ditadora envia suas guerreiras para matá-la e acabar com um possível retorno masculino ao planeta. Mas uma nômade chamada Phoenix resolve proteger a garota e o futuro da humanidade.
Golpe Sangrento
Race-car driver Blaine Striker grows concerned about his younger brother, a student at a medical school on the Caribbean island of St. Heron. General Turner has led a violent coup on this island and may be planning to blow up the school in order to blame the destruction on counterrevolutionaries. Striker infiltrates St. Heron, is captured, stripped to his tighty-whiteys, and electrotortured. He escapes, joins forces with the counterrevolutionaries, and foils a plot to assemble Russian missiles on the island.
Golpe Sangrento
Race-car driver Blaine Striker grows concerned about his younger brother, a student at a medical school on the Caribbean island of St. Heron. General Turner has led a violent coup on this island and may be planning to blow up the school in order to blame the destruction on counterrevolutionaries. Striker infiltrates St. Heron, is captured, stripped to his tighty-whiteys, and electrotortured. He escapes, joins forces with the counterrevolutionaries, and foils a plot to assemble Russian missiles on the island.
Night Wars
Executive Producer
Two Vietnam Veterans have realistic nightmares about the war. So real are these nightmares that they start getting injured in them, and bringing things back that they had in the dream. They then buy weapons and go in to try and get one of their friends out that originally died in a POW camp during the Vietnam war. This is made harder by a traitor from the US Military Corps.
Rebelião Espacial
A pilot is the only hope to stop the mutiny of a spacecraft by its security crew, who plot to sell the crew of the ship into slavery.
Rebelião Espacial
A pilot is the only hope to stop the mutiny of a spacecraft by its security crew, who plot to sell the crew of the ship into slavery.
Rebelião Espacial
A pilot is the only hope to stop the mutiny of a spacecraft by its security crew, who plot to sell the crew of the ship into slavery.
Code Name: Vengeance
Soldier of fortune, Monroe Bieler, is sent to dole out some American-style justice when the wife and child of an African president are kidnapped by terrorists.
Code Name: Vengeance
Soldier of fortune, Monroe Bieler, is sent to dole out some American-style justice when the wife and child of an African president are kidnapped by terrorists.
Exterminador de Mercenários
Executive Producer
Nesta estranha mistura do clássico "The Most Dangerous Game" com todos os clones de "Rambo" lançados nos anos 80, um grupo de mercenários treina em sua base secreta, numa selva a alguns quilômetros de Los Angeles, perseguindo e matando civis seqüestrados nas ruas da cidade - supostamente para que os soldaods aprendam táticas de combate e assassinato. Mas os mercenários logo terão um osso duro pela frente: o próximo "civil" que eles seqüestram para servir de isca é ninguém menos que Mike Danton (Ted Prior), uma verdadeira máquina de matar, que foi treinado pelo próprio comandante dos mercenários no Vietnã, e que tem habilidades praticamente sobrenaturais de combate e sobrevivência - basta dizer que ele consegue ficar completamente invisível na selva apenas amarrando dois galhos de árvore nos ombros, ou ainda atravessar o tórax de um sujeito com um mísero e frágil graveto!
Exercício Mortal
Executive Producer
Maníaco mata os jovens frequentadores de uma academia de ginástica.
Inferno no campo de batalha
Executive Producer
Vietnã: Os Seargents Casey e Lance, que foram testados em batalha, têm que acompanhar um jovem tenente e um grupo de soldados adolescentes recém-chegados em uma viagem de treinamento na selva. Mas a viagem se torna séria quando eles são descobertos por batedores russos e têm metade de uma companhia que segue em seus calcanhares.
Em Ritmo de Skate
Na Califórnia, onde será realizado um campeonato de skate chamado de 'O Massacre', Corey Webster conhece Chrissy em uma festa e fica com ela. Mas a moça é irmã do líder da turma adversária e a luta entre os dois é inevitável e vai ser sobre skates, com cacetes de borracha e numa estrada deserta
Mission Kill
An ex-Green Beret visits one of his army buddies, and finds himself involved in his friend's scheme to smuggle arms into a turbulent South American country.
Mission Kill
An ex-Green Beret visits one of his army buddies, and finds himself involved in his friend's scheme to smuggle arms into a turbulent South American country.
Mission Kill
An ex-Green Beret visits one of his army buddies, and finds himself involved in his friend's scheme to smuggle arms into a turbulent South American country.
Quando Hollywood Dança
'West Side Story' dancer
A documentary film about dancing on the screen, from it's orgins after the invention of the movie camera, over the movie musical from the late 20s, 30s, 40s 50s and 60s up to the break dance and the music videos from the 80s.
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Version of the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen with the American mime team Shields and Yarnell.
The Last Horror Film
A New York taxi driver stalks a beautiful actress attending the Cannes Film Festival, which coincides with a series of violent killings of the lady's friends.
The Last Horror Film
A New York taxi driver stalks a beautiful actress attending the Cannes Film Festival, which coincides with a series of violent killings of the lady's friends.
The Last Horror Film
Stanley Kline
A New York taxi driver stalks a beautiful actress attending the Cannes Film Festival, which coincides with a series of violent killings of the lady's friends.
The Last Horror Film
A New York taxi driver stalks a beautiful actress attending the Cannes Film Festival, which coincides with a series of violent killings of the lady's friends.
Centred around a former tennis champ who swings with the girls and volleying straight sets with the rich and famous while set on owning his own tennis court.
Young Lady Chatterley
Cynthia inherits a large estate and moves in. She reads her aunt's diary and finds out how she was taught in the ways of love by her gardener in 1901 at the age of 21. She decides to continue the fruitful relationship and gets it on with the handsome young gardener herself.
Alice Cooper - Welcome to My Nightmare
Everyone has nightmares! But only Alice Cooper would defy rock 'n' roll convention and present those image in his legendary show show "Welcome to my Nightmare." the first full-blown rock-theater extravaganza ever, this is the concert that amazed audiences and critics everywhere. Alice stares in this visual feast, which was to set the standard for all rock tours to follow with its elaborate and innovative staging in 1975
Alice Cooper - Welcome to My Nightmare
Everyone has nightmares! But only Alice Cooper would defy rock 'n' roll convention and present those image in his legendary show show "Welcome to my Nightmare." the first full-blown rock-theater extravaganza ever, this is the concert that amazed audiences and critics everywhere. Alice stares in this visual feast, which was to set the standard for all rock tours to follow with its elaborate and innovative staging in 1975
Linda Lovelace for President
An intentionally campy film designed to capitalize on Linda Lovelace's sudden fame following "Deep Throat", this film centers around Linda's fictional grass roots campaign to run for president. Touring the country with a rag-tag team of strange and wacky people, hilarity supposedly ensues at every stop.
Saga of Sonora
A musical TV special with Vince Edwards as a hero who must stop gold-greedy villains, Jill St. John and Zero Mostel, and prove his love to his girl, Lesley Ann Warren.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Musical version of the story in which Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Musical version of the story in which Dr. Henry Jekyll experiments with scientific means of revealing the hidden, dark side of man and releases a murderer from within himself.
Old Faithful
A forest ranger is asked by his boss to attract a record-breaking crowd to Yellowstone National Park. Various celebrities are enlisted to help.
The Special London Bridge Special
In 1972, the Arizona State Park bought the London Bridge. Tom Jones (as himself) is magically transported to the bridge's new location where he, befuddled, sings with other celebrities, has adventures and gets kidnapped by “the villain”.
The Special London Bridge Special
In 1972, the Arizona State Park bought the London Bridge. Tom Jones (as himself) is magically transported to the bridge's new location where he, befuddled, sings with other celebrities, has adventures and gets kidnapped by “the villain”.
Raquel! was an April 26, 1970 CBS television special starring Raquel Welch, Tom Jones, Bob Hope and John Wayne executive produced, directed and choreographed by David Winters produced by Winters' company Winters-Rosen for CBS-TV, originally co-sponsored by Coca-Cola and Motorola. On the day of the premiere, the show received a 51% share on the National ARB Ratings and an impressive Overnight New York Nielsen Rating of 58% share.
Ann-Margret: From Hollywood with Love
Ann-Margret starts her journey to Hollywood from the countryside, traversing the Freeway until she gets to Hollywood.
Ann-Margret: From Hollywood with Love
Ann-Margret starts her journey to Hollywood from the countryside, traversing the Freeway until she gets to Hollywood.
Ann-Margret: From Hollywood with Love
Ann-Margret starts her journey to Hollywood from the countryside, traversing the Freeway until she gets to Hollywood.
Monte Carlo: C'est La Rose
Monte Carlo: C'est La Rose is a 1968 American television special hosted by Princess Grace Kelly guiding the public through a tour of Monte Carlo. She encounters other celebrities such as Françoise Hardy, Terry-Thomas, Gilbert Bécaud, David Winters and his troupe the David Winters Dancers, who all perform musical numbers. We also meet her husband Rainier III, Prince of Monaco.
Movin' with Nancy
Billed as the "full-hour musical spectacular that won Nancy Sinatra the coveted Hollywood Star of Tomorrow award," this 1967 NBC-TV special, sponsored by Royal Crown Cola, is hosted by Nancy and features Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Lee Hazlewood and Frank Sinatra (billed as 'A Very Close Relative'). Brother Frank, Jr. makes a cameo appearance (and doesn't sing a note). Conspicuously absent from the program is Nancy's biggest hit: "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'".
Meu Tesouro É Você
Ano de 1967. Elvis mergulha em busca de riqueza em Meu Tesouro é você. Em seu último dia na Marinha, ele descobre um barco afundado. Em seu primeiro dia como civil, ele começa sua nova profissão: caçador de tesouros por conta própria.
Cavaleiro Romântico
Um coubói fracassado vai trabalhar num rancho que na verdade é um spa. Como o rancho só é frequantado por mulheres, Lonnie acaba se envolvendo em muitas encrencas.
Bus Riley's Back in Town
Bus Riley returns to his small town after time in the army. On his return, his ex-girlfriend wants to resume their relationship. The only problem is she has married in the mean time. Searching for fulfilment in his life, Bus decides to get a job with his gay friend who is a mortician. When the mortician makes a pass at him, Bus quickly gets out.
The T.A.M.I. Show
Hailed by one music reviewer as "the grooviest, wildest, slickest hit ever to pound the screen," "The T.A.M.I. Show" is an unrelenting rock spectacular starring some of the greatest pop performers of the 60s. These top recording idols - representing the musical moods of London, Liverpool, Hollywood and Detroit - packed the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium with 2,600 screaming fans and virtually brought down the house. This is the cinematic record of that electrifying event.
Ele, Ela e o Pijama
A Martian teenager sent to prepare for an invasion falls in love with an Earth girl.
Anjo do Diabo
Straitlaced senatorial hopeful David Stratton has no idea what he's in for when he arrives home from a trip to find sexy teen Jody curled up asleep in his daughter's bed. Soon, delinquent Jody is holding David -- and his plush suburban home -- hostage while she hides out from the cops and throws wild parties with her beatnik pals. David, terrified of scandal, agrees to drive Jody and her friends to Mexico, a decision he regrets when the ride gets out of control.
Não Me Mandem Flores
Em uma de suas muitas visitas ao médico, o hipocondríaco George Kimball (Rock Hudson) confunde como sendo seu um diagnóstico de outro paciente que está para morrer. E acredita que só tem mais duas semanas de vida. Querendo cuidar da sua esposa Judy (Doris Day), ele não conta nada para ela e tenta encontrar um novo marido para garantir seu futuro. Quando ele finalmente decide contar tudo, ela descobre que ele não está morrendo e acredita que é apenas uma desculpa esfarrapada para esconder um caso.
The New Interns
Young doctors mix romance with their careers in a big-city hospital.
Amor à Toda Velocidade
Em Las Vegas, um piloto de corrida (Elvis Presley) quer participar do 1º Grande Prêmio da cidade, mas perde o dinheiro que usaria para comprar um motor. Ele então passa a trabalhar como garçom e se envolve com uma professora de natação (Ann-Margret), que sente-se incomodada pela obsessão que ele tem por corridas, pois teme que algo lhe aconteça. Ela fica então dividida quando é cortejada por um nobre italiano (Cesare Danova), que adora carros, mas diz que largaria tudo se encontrasse a mulher ideal.
Amor, Sublime Amor
No lado oeste de Nova York, à sombra dos arranha-céus, ficam os guetos de imigrantes e classes menos favorecidas. Duas gangues, os Sharks, de porto-riquenhos, e os Jets, de brancos de origem anglo-saxônica, disputam a área, seguindo um código próprio de guerra e honra. Tony (Richard Beymer), antigo líder dos Jets, se apaixona por Maria (Natalie Wood), irmã do líder dos Sharks, e tem seu amor correspondido. A paixão dos dois fere princípios em ambos os lados, acirrando ainda mais a disputa.
The Last Angry Man
Lee Roy (uncredited)
Dr. Sam Abelman is a Jewish doctor contentedly spending his autumn years serving his own Brooklyn neighborhood. But when his nephew, would-be journalist Myron, writes an article about him, it draws the attention of a producer, Woodrow Thrasher, who believes Dr. Abelman a good candidate for a TV show. The doctor, however, is suspicious of the whole enterprise, thinking both Myron and Thrasher are simply out to make a fast buck.
Rock Rock Rock!
A teenage girl, Dori Graham, can't convince her dad to buy her a strapless gown so she decides to get the money together herself in time for the prom.
Crime in the Streets
Frankie Dane is the leader of a teenage gang, the Hornets. The gang makes trouble for people in the neighborhood, but Frankie carries a darker nature, one so filled with anger that murder is not beyond him. Ben Wagner, a social worker, tries to help the boys see the possibilities of a better life, but the task seems futile. When a neighborhood man turns one of the gang into the police, Frankie decides to kill him. Ben learns of the plot from Frankie's kid brother and hopes to stop it before Frankie ruins his life forever.
The Man Who Had Influence
Tom Boyne
Business mogul's son David Grant uses his father's power to extricate himself from problems - until implication in a woman's death tests David's willingness to avoid responsibility.