Jesper Lohmann

Jesper Lohmann


Jesper Lohmann


Knight of Fortune
The loss of a loved one, the grief, a risk of yellowish skin and a coffin that’s unbearably hard for Karl to open. It’s way easier to fix a broken lamp. Karl meets Torben, a partner of destiny.
Tempos de Escuridão
Abril de 1940. Com a ocupação alemã da Dinamarca, Karl Skov, um poderoso e influente industrial local, decide cooperar e lucrar com a guerra, enquanto sua família se encontra em lados opostos do conflito.
The Charmer
Rich man
A young Iranian man is desperately trying to meet women who can secure his stay in Denmark. As time runs out, he falls in love and his past catches up with him. The film deals with themes of race, class, and the struggle for a better life.
Marcha Atlética
Em 1976, Martin, de 14 anos, é forçado a lidar ao mesmo tempo com sua sexualidade confusa e perda da mãe. Baseado no romance de Morten Kirkskov.
Nothing's All Bad
Follows the lives of four longing souls. Ingeborg who feels unattractive and young Jonas who is so attractive that he can literally sell some of what he's got. Anna, a young beautiful woman with a physical disability, and Anders, a tender man with a psychological disability. Four people yearning for love, four people, each hoping for a better tomorrow.
Em Um Mundo Melhor
Em uma nação africana devastada pela Guerra, o médico cirurgião Anton enfrenta um fluxo constante de perda e tragédia. Enquanto isso, na Dinamarca, sua mulher está preocupada com seu filho mais velho, Elias, que é constantemente perseguido por Sofus, o valentão da classe. Quando Christian entra para a turma, ele e Elias se juntam no ódio a Sofus. Rude e cruel desde a morte de sua mãe, Christian passa por uma fase agressiva, enquanto seu pai Claus, devastado, não consegue lidar com seu comportamento. A partir da amizade conturbada dos dois garotos, as duas famílias criam um vínculo.
The Judge
Jens Christian er en strømlinet karrieredreng og nyudnævnt formand for Flygtningenævnet. Arbejdet er livets omdrejningspunkt og alt er godt, indtil en bortadopteret søn melder sin ankomst, og en usædvanlig vanskelig asylsag lander på skrivebordet. Pludselig er det ikke rigtige valg ikke soleklart for Jens Christian, der står splittet mellem forpligtelser og følelser.
The Tenth Muse
Poul Reumert
Set in Copenhagen in 1964, a personal drama evolves as a young film director tries to make a film about aging film star Asta Nielsen.
Sex, drugs and money are the cornerstones in the lives of these rootles young people living in a big city. Leni and Nova are sisters and they both long to find and understand love. But it is not easy when you're impulsive and irrational and don't fit in to the established society. Nova is a bit more boundary pushing than her sister and one day she takes it a step too far.
Move Me
Morten Arnfred's warm comedy Lykkevej (Move Me) begins with Sara (Birthe Neumann) being left by her husband of a quarter century. Sara gets a job and moves into a new home on a street populated by eccentrics. Neighbor Robert (Jesper Lohmann) showers in his backyard, has been in mourning since his wife's death, and annoys his neighbors by keeping junk on his front yard. Sara and Robert tentatively strike up a relationship, while a couple on the street, Sus and Bo (Ditte Grbl and Asger Reher), have their own marriage issues to deal with. Move Me was screened at the Gothenburg Film Festival.
Wallah Be
Aksel is ten years old. He lives with his mother and elder sister on a housing estate in the suburbs. There's a week's holiday from school coming up and Aksel reluctantly must spend the day time at his local after-school club. A stray dog and a song contest organized by the club are the start of a friendship between Aksel and two girls, Annika and Fatima. But things go wrong and Fatima is grounded, leaving Aksel to take matters into his own hands in order to rescue the song contest, the dog, and the school holidays.
Shake It All About
Jacob is a young man used to getting everything he wants. For several years, he has been living in a happy homosexual partnership with Jørgen, and one night Jacob decides to pop the big question to Jørgen. Jørgen happily accepts Jacobs marriage proposal, but then something happens: Jacob falls in love with a girl, and not just any girl. The girl is Caroline, married to Jørgens younger brother Tom.
Uma semana na vida de Frank, um pequeno traficante que está devendo dinheiro para o maior chefão do crime da cidade. Todas as tentativas de obter a grana para pagar a dívida dão errado, empurrando o sujeito para situações cada vez mais extremas.
Den store kul-tur
2. kunstner
The Beast Within
A contemporary offbeat portrayal of a mixed lot of provincial people before during and after a baptism, a funeral and a wedding ceremony. At the centre of theses events is a woman with unfulfilled ambitions, a questioning rebel of a boy and an unconventional minister. Although seen through the eyes of a boy, this is a film for adults, about adults.